Quote #2, “Together We Can Help”

Ivor’s passion shines through this post. May the world’s leaders listen. Children are being abused in different ways all over the globe. There is no excuse for it, and still less when national administrations are the perpetrators


  1. Nice one Derrick. This is the first time I recall a re-post from you.

    It’s probably time for Mordred to compile a subversive crossword. A man of your talent can surely make much from a name like Trump. 🙂

    1. Thanks very much, Quercus. The first time, I think – Ivor, I thought was worth it. Perhaps odd, but I don’t like the idea of boosting my own stats with other people’s work 🙂 As for Mr Trump – I don’t give a fart.

      1. Agreed – I’m ambivalent about re-posting. I have a story about it which I may write.

        That name is a gift to those of us who have retained their schoolboy humour. 🙂

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