
Rain battered our windows and a fierce wind, courtesy of storm Francis, howled and whistled throughout the night. We drove into Milford on Sea for a 9.30 a.m. appointment for the last of my earwax extraction, and afterwards Jackie parked in an empty coastal carpark while I battled with the warm gusts, trying to ignore the precipitation obscuring specs and lens.

A group of hardy individuals walked along the spit, the slope of which wasn’t quite as steep as the wind forced me to make it seem.

I hopefully waved the camera in the direction of the turbulent waves churning creamy Costa coffee crashing into the sturdy breakwaters and slip-sliding over resistant rocks.

From the comfort of her driving seat the Assistant Photographer recorded the proceedings.

As I was about to return to the car I noticed a windswept young lady leaning into the storm, her hair writhing like Medusa’s. She was joined by her male companion possibly more eager than I to photograph the moment.

I have chosen not to brighten any of these images in order faithfully to represent what we actually saw at 10 a.m. on an August morning. In fact the rain eased up and the sun appeared by midday although the wind continued even more ferocious throughout the rest of the day, apparently more than 80 m.p.h. through The Needles directly in line with us.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s lemon chicken and savoury vegetable rice topped with an omelette. The Culinary Queen drank Hoegaarden and I drank Charlotte Fabre’s Tesco’s Finest Cateauneuf-du-Pape 2015.


  1. The sea is both beautiful and terrifying when she goes wild! All is calm and dry here as we wait out the end of summer, and beginning of the autumn rains.

      1. I would have stayed in the car with the Assistant Photographer; it looked very wild and wooly out there! Our forecast for today features wind gusts up to 100km/hr., I shan’t be out there.

  2. Your photographs make me feel cold – especially as we have a strong, icy wind buffeting outside and a ten degree drop in temperature tomorrow. Somehow winter here reserves its real bite for the end.

  3. Great photography, Derrick! I’ve seen through other people I follow in the UK, that you’ve been hit hard with storms recently. Hold on tight! ??

  4. The wind whipping through my study this afternoon, scattering papers across the room, had nothing on your gale-force winds! I’ll bet you were glad to get back to the shelter of your house.

  5. I love those stormy images and so wish I could have witnessed first hand.
    Wet and windy here but thankfully not quite as bad as yours.

  6. Do you have some sort of magical protection for your camera? A teeny-tiny raincoat, perhaps? I love the rain and a good storm, but I sure wouldn’t take my camera out in it!

  7. You have managed to bring a slice of Francis to your blog. Jackie has again caught her favourite subject busy catching his own favourite subject. The lady with Medusa like hair appears busy turning the orange apparatus into stone, or vice verse, and the man shooting her from behind is witnessing it all through the eyes of his camera, which is a wise move considering the situation. Your rendition of the proceedings is the funniest of it all!

  8. It looks like the gloomy Gothic romance is growing dramatic, as this set of illustrations indicates, as captured by a courageous photographer, captured, in turn, by his assistant.

  9. Hello again Derrick… I’ve written a poem today called “Storms and Old Bogeymen”, and with your permission I’d like to use one of your photos. there’s two that I like, ‘Woman on Promenade’ and ‘Sea and Rocks’… I’m yet to chose the one I might use….

  10. Great descriptive text Derrick. Rather unfortunately I am in a holiday cottage in North Yorkshire with three grandchildren where the weather is exactly the same.

  11. My daughter and son-in-law were camping on cliffs close to the Needles this week. Needless to say they were defeated by storm Francis and have at least returned home safely. It was certainly ferocious.

  12. Your photos capture Mother Nature’s mood! And just looking at your photos I can feel her emotions! I hope you have some calmer weather days soon!

    All your photos are amazing today, but gotta’ say…I like The AP’s photos of The GP the bestest!
    Great photos, Jackie!
    HUGS!!! 🙂 🙂
    PS…Jackie, your lemon chicken inspired me…so I’ll fix that or some sesame chicken this week! 🙂

  13. Ugh, that’s a far more turbulent sea than the one we just saw. Hope your ear is fully functional now, Derrick! That would make a huge difference in life, I would think!

  14. Yikes, Derrick! Rather you than me (I’d have been blown over. That said, I can fall over anywhere and on a still day, so that’s not saying a lot).

  15. amazing shots capturing the angry sea and unforgiving winds! Louisiana and Texas are battered with 110 mph winds this morning.
    take care.

  16. The sea looks amazing, and the lighting without brightening keeps it grey and moody. Actually enjoy this sort of weather – it just feels a bit early!

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