Guns ‘N’ Roses

From our bedroom window we are still greeted in the morning by a scented pink climbing rose, sweet little solanum, and ripe crab apples so far eschewed by blackbirds; and from our en suite bathroom Paul’s Scarlet still soaring above the wisteria.

While I up there taking these images

I made several garden view photographs, all featuring the Gazebo.

At ground level, we have golden mushrooms on the stumpery;

a number of thick-pile carpet roses;

and, in the rose garden, Crown Princess Margareta, Shropshire Lad, Absolutely Fabulous, and Mama Mia, all blooming well with burgeoning promise of more to come.

This afternoon I continued reading “The Guns of August”, the first volume of Barbara W. Tuchman’s history of the First World War, which I began yesterday.

This evening we dined on tender roast lamb; Coleman’s mint sauce; creamy mashed potatoes; crisp Yorkshire pudding; firm, tasty, carrots and Brussels sprouts, with meaty gravy. Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I finished the Faugeres.


  1. Absolutely gorgeous, Derrick, those roses are so beautiful and still in bloom.
    Supper sounds delicious. Ours was bonfire food, pie and peas, jackets and hot dogs and brandy punch.

      1. I knew it had to happen sometime. Oh crikey, there’ll no doubt be leftovers, so you will mention “L” again. Sigh.
        What wonderful news to wake up to this morning! It’s been a long week of waiting.

  2. Your garden looks just as wonderful in its fall finery as it has through the spring and summer! Thanks, as always, for sharing such wonderful photos of it!

  3. What a lovely sight you’re greeted with from your windows.
    I wondered where you were going with your title today. 😀 I know of the book, but I’m not certain if I ever read it–perhaps excerpts.

  4. Wonderful roses as always, Derrick. My Grandfather served as a volunteer ambulance driver (ala Hemingway) attached to the French Army during the Great War. After Tuchman’s book came out (1961 I believe) Granddaddy Rex read it and shared it with me. That volume added my life long love of history.

  5. If you invited Axl and the band over, you could ask them to play “November Rain,” and then feed them some of Jackie’s delights — you might get a full free concert out of them in exchange!

  6. Peering at those persistent roses from a high perspective, I kept looking for the signs of a gun. The mystery was to resolve towards the end with the revelation of your engagement with “The Guns of August”. The stumpery is flourishing like a spot in JRR Tolkien’s story.

  7. Oh, what beautiful views from above and from in the midst! Thank you for taking the photos and sharing them with us! 🙂
    I wonder if the roses think themselves royalty….if not, they should…they are so regal, dignified, and well dressed. 🙂
    Your title baffled me, intrigued me, until I read along…That sounds like an important book. I shall google it to learn more.
    (((HUGS))) 🙂
    PS….we made Chicken Fajitas for dinner. 🙂

  8. I was wondering about the guns, till I found out at the end what you are currently reading. First I thought you “shot roses” with your camera. 🙂
    Excellent photos, by the way!

  9. And you still have roses! They are beautiful, Derrick and Jackie.
    We had frost this morning, but a sunny day so far. It’s going to be cold according to the forecast, down in the 40s.

  10. Oh, I always love those 2nd story window shots, Derrick. They give me a view of the scope of things.
    Your garden is still beautiful even as ours have long faded,.
    As soon as I read your title, I pictured Axl Rose doing his swervy sidestep dance.

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