This morning I pasted the South End section into the garden album and printed the Patio set of photographs.
This afternoon I had another needle stuck into my arm. So did Jackie. These were our flu vaccinations at the GP surgery. So efficient was the service that appointments were one minute apart. At reception we were given a red sign reading FLU. As we approached the woman at the far end of the waiting area who told us to roll up our sleeves, I felt like a mediaeval leper wearing his ‘unclean’ label.
Ushered in on the conveyor belt, Jackie and I were allowed into the torture chamber together, and pricked in quick succession. It was all very jolly.
It was now barely twenty minutes to the early sunset. Jackie drove us along the clifftop to Barton on Sea, where I disembarked and wandered about photographing the weak pastel salmon shades of the sea and skies. The wind was still, and the temperature mild, enough for me to be wearing an unbuttoned jacket.
These first two views tell the story of the gradually collapsing coastline. The recent falls in the foreground display the stones still to fall, and the terraces down to the coast, bearing plenty of greenery, show the different levels that have collapsed earlier. As always, clicking on these images will show more detail. The Isle of Wight is on the first horizon. The other looks across its eponymous bay towards Christchurch.
The next two pictures have similar orientations.
This tree has bent to stronger winds than those of today.
The concrete path on the land of the Hoburne Naish static caravan site in the foreground of this picture, comes to an abrupt end where it collapsed into the sea.
Down below, a trio of walkers strode along the water’s edge.
After this, we drove on to Highcliffe with a bag of work for Highcliffe Watchmakers. Two items, being clocks, were ruled out immediately. The very obliging craftsman didn’t ‘do clocks’, but he knew man who did. His diagnosis on my Tissot watch was that the winder needed a tweak. This did the trick. He then replaced the strap, and inserted a new battery into Jackie’s watch. All he charged was the cost prices of the strap and the battery. Nothing for telling me there was nothing wrong with my watch.
We went on to Sainsbury’s outside Christchurch where we bought some baby clothes.
Our dinner this evening consisted of Jackie’s delicious lamb jalfrezi, onion bhajis, and naan. I drank Old Crafty Hen.
Your mention of dinner always makes me want to eat the wrong things at breakfast: it’s only 6:20 a.m. here. My local watchmaker (actually he doesn’t ‘make’ them) charged me $15 for putting a battery into a digital clock.
Love the clouds. Love the wind swept tree. Love the collapsing coastline. Love everything that makes humans seem small and insignificant; as they are.
Many thanks, Mary. Your comment reminded me that I had omitted a picture of insignificant looking humans walking along the beach. I have now inserted it.
Morning, Derrick,
I always find everything you write about to be so interesting. I am continually wondering if those donkeys and ponies are free to wander and how that works out. I had to go over to Hoburne Naish caravan’s site and see what was going on there. BLOWN AWAY by the high cost of new models using USA dollars but they do look smart. When I was a child, someone in our neighborhood had what we called an authentic gypsy wagon. He would hitch his horse up to the wagon and all the kids could ride if he was driving by. I thought of it when you used the word caravan. Anyway, the ponies, the coast, and the caravan park, made me remember those long ago summer days. I always enjoy your writing.
Very many thanks, Ginene. The animals have the right of way, and there are speed limits, but they do get killed. All real estate over here would blow you away.
Your photos have caused me to remember walking along the Dover cliffs and seeing the soft chalk crumbling beneath my feet, the danger signs placed at regular distances and knowing the cliffs were slowly crumbling away and falling into the Channel ……..I wondered aloud how much longer England might exist physically for and was answered with loud guffaws. 🙂
Many thanks, Pauline. Our coastline is eroding all the time
And I was wondering if the recent falls have been worse, or more pronounced, than the continuing eroding of all coastlines and is there anything being done to push back the sea or does Neptune just stand helpless.
I don’t think there is any real change in the pattern, John. Neptune is certainly not helpless 🙂
Beautiful skies and sea, Derrick. Glad you and the Head Gardener got your flu shots. They’re supposed to be formulated for the right virus types this year!
Thanks, Lisa. What with the flu and the photos, it was a day for shots
Takes me back to my days working in a jewellers – plenty of stories to tell about what can go wrong replacing a battery! 😉
I’ll bet, Quercus. Thanks.
You’ve just jogged my memory that I must seek out the flu vaccine as soon as I get to Venice next Tuesday. Your “Schengen” viruses are mighty potent!
Like Ginene, I always find your posts very interesting, and beautifully illustrated as a bonus!
Many thanks, Yvonne. Good luck with the jab
Your photos are stunning, Derrick. Happy to hear you and Jackie got your flu shots. 🙂
Many thanks, Jill
BEAUTIFUL. you can follow my site
Thank you, pabhelranabd
Thank you for this jolly good post, Derrick.
Thank you, Ann
The flu is just starting to make the rounds in this area.
I like that you commented, not that flu is about. I hope you don’t get it, GP
I try not to, but when I get the shot – I DEFINITELY get the flu. Since I stopped the shots – no flu in about 9-10 years.
(Hope I didn’t just jinx myself!!?!!)
I hope so, too
The coast has been collapsing since I can remember. my brother and I always hoped for fossils when we were kids. Never found any.
Thanks, Geoff
Our Oregon coast is doing the same and yet developers still want to build expensive weekend and summer homes on it. Seems foolish, especailly since e get landslides often in winter–a major earth quake is predicted. Denial is a powerful thing. Nice posts on your watches and watch repairs, too.
Thank you, Cynthia
Lovely photos.
Thank you both
I love your telling about your dinner. It’s like saying: life goes on and it is pleasurable.
Thank you, Micheline