
With help from the internet, Becky has recently been teaching herself to knit.

She has discovered cable stitching. Yesterday evening she was very cagey about what she was working on, but did manage to send Ian a video when she had finished, long after Jackie and I had retired to bed.

This is what she produced and we found on our morning bucket of coffee today. She chose the colour as one to blend with any spillage. Note that the upper rim of the casing slopes downward to fit beneath the handle.

This afternoon, having deposited their belongings at Elizabeth’s where they will be spending the next few nights, Sam, Holly, Malachi, and Orlaith visited for the rest of the day.

The years rolled away as we reconnected after the Covid restrictions, and the cousins met Dillon and Ellie, who was very comfortable, especially with Holly.

Malachi soon joined Jackie on her computer, just as he had done some years ago. Then, quicker than Ella into the toy box, he made straight for the library where he selected Robert Graves’s “The Greek Myths”.

Orlaith, observed by Ellie, then took over the computer.

After an excellent takeaway meal from Red Chilli

we all relaxed, some playing a computer game on the television screen, before Sam, Holly, and their family returned to my sister’s for the night.