Hunt For A Owl


Mat, Tess, and Poppy spent the morning with us before resuming their journey to the Far West that is Cornwall and Land’s End.

We spent much of the time in the garden.

Matthew and Poppy 1

Matthew initially tried to inculcate his daughter into hostility to being photographed,

Matthew and Poppy 2

however, he soon relented,

Matthew and Poppy 3

and she realised he was only joking.

Jackie and Poppy 2

Clutching her transitional peg

Jackie and Poppy 1

she shared the fun with her Grannie.

Poppy 1Poppy 2

The owls in the garden having caught her attention, she scoured every corner for one,

Poppy 3

Poppy 4

being quite exuberant at her successes.

Mat, Tess, and Poppy

The shingle inset in the patio was a good toy, too.

There was one joke I didn’t quite get. You see I am of the wrong generation to understand why Mat and Tess fell about laughing at the hunt for ‘A Owl’.


Jackie explained to me that was required was familiarity with the 2010/2013 TV comedy programme, PhoneShop.

This evening Jackie reprised our meal of yesterday, except that what I had called gammon steak was in fact baked ham. It was just as excellent. Jackie drank Bavaria and I drank Kumala Zenith 2014.