Gangsta Granny

Concerned followers have been asking where’s Nugget?

He has been keeping out of the rain, but during the fine early morning today he emerged as Jackie filled his food tray.

Here is her picture of “Where’s Nugget?” (68)

Louisa, Errol, Jessica, and Imogen, staying for the weekend, arrived in time for lunch. This afternoon Danni, Andy, Ella, Elizabeth, and Jacqueline joined us and organised chaos ensued.

Imogen had a school project to undertake. This involved creating a potato dressed as a favourite book character. General debate arrived at Gangsta Granny. A number of those present contributed suggestions and Jackie provided pieces of jewellery to be dripping out of the swag bag. Jessica, incidentally informed me that swag now means cool.

Here is Granny in her various stages of development,

Finally Imogen added a bejewelled handbag, a black skirt, and a handwritten label.

Jessica meanwhile worked on a poster about World War Two.

Somehow I seem to have posted this prematurely. We are about to dine on Jackie’s piquant cauliflower cheese; smoked haddock, fishcakes, mashed potato, carrots and runner beans. I expect there will be some imbibing.