Equine Hannibal Lecter

After a shopping trip to Ferndene Farm Shop we drove into the forest.

On one side of Braggers Lane I photographed

woodland, with its bracken turning golden brown;

on the other a group of male field horses, some heavy, most wearing fly protection masks and

some muzzled like Hannibal Lecter.

The occasional skirmish suggested the reason for the muzzles.

Later this afternoon I posted https://derrickjknight.com/2021/09/17/a-knights-tale-34-wimbledon-college/

This evening Jacqueline joined us for dinner which consisted of Jackie’s spicy pasta arrabbiata with a moist mélange of peppers, onions, and green beans. The Culinary Queen drank Hoegaarden while my sister and I drank more of the Comté de Tolosan.


  1. I was wondering how Hannibal Lector was going to enter the picture. Is the horse muzzled to prevent eating or biting other horses? I LOVE the second woodland photo. It’s perfectly composed, and autumn’s muted colors are just right. I could envisage an en plein air painter rendering the scene in oils.

    1. Thank you so much Liz. I thought it could be either. My sister who has kept horses all her life says that it could be to slow down eating or to prevent biting – or even both.

  2. The very fine pony in your header shot reminds me of one which I think you posted yesterday – both pictures sported ponies which have markings very reminiscent of those on some cows!
    Your three bracken pictures are lovely – the way they are framed with dark, but the focus is the soft, lush growth and bright, almost ethereal way. Images to hold onto, in the mind’s eye.

  3. HAHAHA! Your title gave me a fright! 😮
    Such beautiful horses! Glad someone is taking good care of them! No need for bothering by flies or biting each other if one can help it.
    You know I love your forest photos! And I enjoy seeing the sun and shadows create beautiful art! 🙂
    (((HUGS))) 🙂
    ““I do wish we could chat longer, but I’m having an old friend for dinner.” – Hannibal Lecter

  4. A lovely forest escapade, Derrick. Thank you for sharing. Like many, I was intrigued and a bit frightened by the title. So nice that you had another meal with your sister. Family times are the best. Hugs to you all.

  5. The woodland wears an expectant look —perhaps they keep waiting for their daily chronicler. Your favourite roaming subjects have been captured in their various moods on beautiful grasslands. The mask evokes mixed feelings (I was never a fan of Hannibal Lectar).

  6. Yikes! They are beautiful horses. Maybe the muzzled ones will learn their lessons.I love the combination of gorlden and green bracken.

  7. Some horses are prone to weight gain and the excess weight and/or rich grass can be a health risk, some owners use grazing muzzles, but they shouldn’t be used for the whole day. The alternative would be to keep the horse inside a stable and control the diet that way. Others put the horses onto poorer grass, especially if they are prone to Laminitis.

    Then again, you could be right about the biting. We once took in a friend’s horse, a massive mare called Beverley, while she was at the other side of the fence, she and ours got on well, hanging over the fence as if chatting like neighbours, but when we put her in the same field, our two appeared to gang up on her, I’ve never seen as much kicking as we did then.

  8. I couldn’t imagine what you meant by the title, but I see your point now!
    I’m glad your family is close enough to visit.

  9. Your drives through the forest with those beautiful ponies are always captivating. And Jackie’s meal sounded delish. I’m glad you are able to share some time with your sis. <3

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