Michael, driving me through the night, was probably skirting Paris when the digits of the clock turned to 00.01 today. We were aware of the metropolis as the dark midnight sky brightened with the multicoloured lights generated by urban living. A surprising number of other vehicles were on the road, most, as we continued further south, heading north towards the capital.
My son had not enjoyed dubious sandwiches he had bought at Calais, so we made a number of stops in search of more sustenance. These were unfruitful, as every outlet was closed. Fortunately there were a number of all-night public conveniences, albeit of variable cleanliness.
The indigo sky was largely cloudless and sprinkled with numerous stars. It was not until about six in the morning that light, then eventually a strong sun, began to emerge behind my left shoulder. Parts of the landscape seemed to be scattered with creamy white pools amid the undulating hills. Nearer to hand, swirling mists, which is what these were, rose from moist fields and drifted upwards to dissolve into the air. The low sun cast long shadows across the pink-tinted countryside.
I regretted that we had ‘no time to stand and stare’ nor, more importantly perhaps, to photograph such evocative scenes.
What happened on arrival must await my next post.
Having borrowed yesterday’s title from one American writer, I turned to another, Jack Kerouac, for today’s.
The is like a noir thriller in real-time. Only Chandler (who I love) would never have described the dawn so beautifully. I’m split between wanting the best for you and the story to develop.
I too feel split between wanting the best for you and Michael, and the story to develop further.
Many thanks to you both. Will catch up soon – episodes in the pipeline
Who says a picture paints a thousand words? That night that turned into day is encapsulated in your writing. No photo can do that. “So long lives this, and this gives life to thee”
Very many thanks, Mary. So pleased you appreciated that
You didn’t get a photo, but your words painted a beautiful picture in our imaginations.
Thank you very much, JoAnna
You are most welcome.
Thanks very much, Donna
Great writing, made even more poignant by your loss. Thank you for sharing with us.
Very many thanks, Quercus
Your writing is so vivid, descriptive, and rich it reads like a movie in my mind! I feel like I am right there! 🙂
A beautiful write, but even more beautiful is thinking about the time you spend with your son Michael.
I wish I could hug you and Jackie in person and then do some practical things to help you today. But since I am so far away, I will continue to pray and, of course, send you (((HUGS)))
PS…Mr. Kerouac has always been a favorite of mine.
Very many thanks, Carolyn X
Thanks very much, Clare