What’s Eating The Bulbs?

This morning, I dug out 14 brick lengths of bramble and ivy roots from the back drive’s Northern border. We have had less rain the last couple of days, therefore I thought I would return to the task. Actually the soil remains rather heavy and cloying, so it was tough on the back, and I welcomed the drizzle that gave me an excuse to stop. On the Southern side, Jackie is probably going to be disappointed in her dream of a fine display of daffodils in the spring, because the bulbs she planted are being eaten. We haven’t seen any squirrels, but we do have mice, which, last night, Giles suggested might be the culprits.Iris

It is probably slugs scissoring patterns into the iris petals.Mushrooms

One of the dead stumps has produced its own golden mushroom cluster.

This afternoon I scanned and identified a set of black and white negatives from the summer of 1982. A considerable amount of retouching was required. I will tell the story and feature a selection of the photographs tomorrow. That’s because we are due more heavy rain which probably won’t be conducive to a new set of images. After all, there are only so many ways one can depict raindrops falling into puddles.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s superb chilli con carne (recipe), savoury rice, and green beans, followed bu steamed ginger sponge and custard. She drank Hoegaarden and I began a new bottle of Castillo San Lorenzo rioja reserva 2009.


  1. Morning, Derrick, I don’t know anything about English gardening but I suspect the daffodils have grubs and a skunk is after the grubs. I think daffodil bulbs are toxic to animals. Anyway, that is my guess. I know daffodil bulbs are toxic to animals because people plant them in Northern Wisconsin where I lived for 20 years because the deer dig up and eat tulip bulbs. No point in planting tulips!

  2. I read on a blog that daffodils repel moles so I planted 100 of them. I didn’t know they were toxic to animals- good news! England does not have skunks?! Voles and moles go crazy for grubs

  3. Further internet research suggests that mice and voles use the tunnels made by moles to access the bulbs/grubs. Since we have all three we don’t stand a chance. One recommendation suggests coating the bulbs with paprika – not sure we can coats hundreds of them 🙂

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