On a warm, overcast, morning I repeated yesterday’s promenade matinale. The staccato stabbing of a staple gun applied by a young man working on the ‘massive’ project of Hallmark builders in the grounds of The Spinney, followed me down the lane.
Having been prompted by two WordPress friends, who thought yesterday’s blossom may be apple, I probed further into the hedgerow and came to the conclusion that they were right. There appear to be two espaliered trees. Perhaps there was once an orchard here.
For a while during the 1990s I returned to using negative, as opposed to positive, film. These negatives became jumbled and possibly lost during the move from Lindum House. I therefore used a print from one of my vast collection of photo albums for the VE Day 50th anniversary picture published yesterday. During that May of 1995 we enjoyed particularly fine weather. Today I scanned a batch of prints of photographs taken that month. Our Newark garden was a typical Victorian one, and therefore boasted an orchard.
I wonder whether the flower beds still contain
lupins, and aquilegias.
Does the stone path laid by Matthew about five years earlier, using material found in the garden, still survive alongside the kitchen wall?. Here Jessica, Michael and Emily stroll along it.
Michael and Heidi’s daughter Emily was my first grandchild. This was the occasion of one of the family’s regular holidays at Lindum House. Oliver and Alice had yet to arrive.
You may be forgiven for thinking that it is my hair that Emily tousles in this shot,
but the locks belonged to her frighteningly realistic doll, which she must have left on the asphalt path when she went wandering.
The swing seat in the top left of this final shot of Emily on the lawn was suspended by Melvin Garret from a lofty branch of the acacia beneath which I was seated in yesterday’s picture. Grandchildren and neighbours’ offspring enjoyed it for fifteen years or so.
This evening we dined on roast chicken breasts marinaded in piri-piri sauce; roasted leeks, mushrooms, and peppers; and boiled potatoes. I drank Campo Vieja rioja 2013, while Jackie drank sparkling water.
Those are gorgeous shots of your little Emily Derrick – especially the second to last.
Thank you Pauline
I like Emily’s red boots. All the pictures are beautiful… Really love your apple blossoms
Thank you Cynthia
Love Emily’s dungarees!
Thank you Jenny
What a darling – I covet those boots! Don’t show me any more apple blossoms or I will want to go and get one for my garden – that means making room where there’s none!
Thank you Mary
Oh my Derrick such a lovely little girl, Emily is adorable – loved seeing your post today! Your photographs are beautiful ~
Thank you Mary
I love the picture where Emily is striding down the gravel path between some grasses. How can you not be adventurous in red boots? Is she still adventurous, or is that not a dominant facet of her now? Glad you identified the apple tree–and more than one. Perhaps you can try them in the fall, if they bear.
Thank you Lisa. Emily, now almost 22, will complete an Art History degree course this year. I guess she’ll do some travelling if she keeps it up. A report on the apples will come in due course
Life rambles laughing down a path in little red rubber rain boots and returns in older elegant steps to be greeted other children scampering midst the flowers in anticipation of a great adventure. Elder shadows sit beneath tree boughs playing a game of cards made of memories.
Great post. 🙂
Thank you elmediat. With that special comment you have enhanced it
Reminds me of the famous poem by Robert Frost….
I don’t know the poem, but as I am about to read my selection I expect I will recognise it. Thank you Rameshwari – your blog looks interesting too. I am now following
@derrickjkinight thank you!
These photos should be titled ‘Life is Good’ – because it would seem it is. 🙂
Thank you Kate
I am so glad I followed the link to Emily’s garden tour in her red rubber boots. Do people call them another name?
Derrick, great photographs! Such a special collection which shows warmth and genuine affection among all of the family, including you as a loving grandfather. 🙂
Many thanks, Robin. We call them Wellington boots.
……and Emily’s Wellington boots are red……………..
gorgeous XD
Many thanks, Brian
Love it. What a sweet little one!
Thank you very much, Dwight
You are most welcome, Derrick.