Oddie Aloft

This morning Aaron continued painting the landing doors.

Film wallet 12.2003

Way back in the dark ages, before Lightroom and such, some of us still used film photography. Processing was offered in far more outlets than can be found today. Our films were delivered to the chemist for collection the following week. Prints came in small wallets complete with a section for the negatives. Two of these that I found in my rediscovered negatives box also contained dated contact prints for ease of recognition.

Today, I scanned a few that tell a story from December 2003.

Jack Russell terriers are known for burrowing down rabbit holes, not climbing trees after squirrels.

Oddie 12.03 1

Matthew’s Oddie was, on this occasion, the exception. By the time he began to scale the acacia in Lindum House garden, his prey was long gone;

Oddie 12.03 2

Oddie 12.03 3

but he carried on regardless.

Oddie, Matthew, and Paddy 12.03

Matthew and Paddy, our collie/labrador cross in the shrubbery, looked on with some consternation.

Oddie and Matthew 12.03

Even my trigger-finger was shaky. At this point Mat rushed indoors.

Oddie 12.03 4

His dog, looking a bit doubtful himself, continued to scrabble silently up the bark

Oddie 12.03 5

until the inevitable happened.

He fell,

and plummeted




outstretched blanket that

Matthew had retrieved in the nick of time.

This afternoon I watched the Six Nations rugby internationals between Ireland and France, and between Wales and Scotland.

Liver, onions, bacon,and mushrooms 1

For our dinner this evening Jackie produced liver, bacon, onions and mushrooms in a easy gravy; crisp Brussels sprouts; and mashed potato and swede.

Liver and bacon meal

It tasted as good as it looks.

Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Saint-Emilion.


  1. Eddie must have been a real character. Growing up we had a springer spaniel that would climb trees to check out birds nests. I recall Dad had to be very alert every Spring!
    Those liver and onions look good. Takes me back!

  2. I have never in my life seen such a thing. That’s what I call determination. So glad someone was around to catch him as he fell.

  3. Eddie is indeed an Oddie, in this example but such a nice looking dog, Derrick! I like every time you post, including delicious food to savor and wish I had been a guest. Smiles, Robin

  4. What an adventurous pup that is ! There is often talk of cat-rescues in trees…not usually dogs. ☺We usually get liver with onions or bacon here…great idea to combine them, plus the added benefit of mushrooms. Looks wonderful. ☺

  5. You sure have a way with a story! Matthew is a hero, and that Oddie is quite the dog. I agree with Cynthia … he could be in a children’s book!

  6. When you’re climbing, all you can think of is ‘up’. We wear harnesses when we climb but how nice it is to be caught in a blanket when you fall 🙂 Nice dinner!

  7. What a great series of photos of Wonderdog ~ just perfect. The dinner looked great and I hope the rugby results worked out well for you ~ cheers to a great weekend!

  8. wow, i have never seen a dog climb like that, and thank goodness he was caught when he fell, silly dog!! your dinners always look so yummy, make my mouth water! Think I’ll go make some dinner now myself! peace and light to you… Michelle 🙂

  9. Great story, and an enterprising dog! Haven’t had liver and bacon for years because nobody else in the house likes it. Yours looks so good I may have to think about getting a new family… 😉

  10. Yum. Have you ever thought it would be nice to see a picture of food, snap your fingers, and voila, it would be there before you to enjoy? Definitely would want to eat that meal.

  11. Quite a determined dog! Your photos, as usual, are excellent, but I also loved your Concrete poetry form as you described how Oddie fell. Very fun, Derrick. 🙂

  12. I’ve heard of dogs that climb trees in the southern regions of the U.S.A. but never that high! Derrick, everyday your blog is so interesting. I think your blog is so very interesting because you and Jackie are interesting…no grass grows under your feet! Your eyes are open to things others may see but let skim past their eyes. You remind me that I need to really LOOK.

  13. What an amazing story! I’ve never heard of a dog climbing a tree for any reason. This would make a terrific children’s story to go along with the photos. 🙂 I’m glad the ending was a good one.

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