Here is my third photograph in the seven day Filling Facebook with Nature project. I posted it after lunch. It first appeared in Walls, my post of 21st September 2014.
On another wet day, I scanned some more black and white negatives from October 1983. These covered a trip to Covent Garden, and another to Bulcote in Nottinghamshire. Since only the first set is complete, I will just feature them today. The others will follow when I have covered the rest of that collection.
While the Punch and Judy man was setting up there was not much interest shown in the top-hatted gent in the striped box. Maybe the man in the foreground was letting him know where Punch was hiding.
Once he got going, however, the audience was engrossed. Perhaps not the woman in the foreground.
The renovation and resurgence of this popular tourist venue was in its early stages in those days. Thus all the shops, restaurants and other outlets were quite new then.
It was also possible to sit at Ponti’s enjoying a cigarette or two.
No. This gentleman was not alone.
Really, he wasn’t.
There was just another call on his companion’s attention.
I am always careful about drawing conclusions about strangers, but I think we can safely assume that this was a close little family.
For our dinner this evening, Jackie combined her delicious beef stew with sausage casserole surplus. Potatoes, onions, and mushrooms were added, and a glorious meal was the result. Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I finished the Fleurie.
Great stories with the pictures. And, yay to Jackie for being such a thrifty cook!
Many thanks, Laurie
I’m not on Facebook anymore so I’m glad you are sharing that photo here. 🙂
Thanks, Mary
I love these black and white photos and your stories!
Thanks very much, Lynn
I love the older black and white and they tell us stories!
Another delightful post. 🙂
Thank you, Merril
Always love your black & whites. This post is so interesting in what it captures from those days! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Thanks very much, Geetha
Welcome Derrick 🙂
The only time I’ve ever seen a pantomime was in Venice! It was Jack and the Beanstock, organised by some Brit ex-pats. The Italians in the audience were bemused. 🙂
Thank you, Yvonne. That does surprise me
I love these candid shots, Derrick…and the children’s curious faces…great captures!
Many thanks, Jill
I never liked Punch and Judy shows – the man in the top hat looks like he doesn’t like them much either 🙂
True, Pauline. Thanks
Oh look at Punch sitting on the top of the stage. I love the way the guy is looking out and those pictures of the family are very sweet.
Thank you, Lisa. As you can see from the last picture, the family were pleased to be photographed.
Yes, they were posing at the last! Great series.
Isn’t it lovely to see these old B & W images where people actually talk to each other (instead of glued to their iPhones or texting).
Nice shot starting this post off 🙂
(Sometimes I feel like gathering up everyone’s mobile phones and throwing them in the nearest rubbish bin).
Quite so, Vicki. Thanks
I don’t know if you ever smoked Derrick, but giving up was certainly the hardest thing I ever did.
Congrats, John. I smoked a pipe on and off from age 25 to 72, but never cigarettes. I became quite practiced at giving up 🙂
Great set of photos, Derrick. It really bothers me when I see a small child with parents who both smoke, though. I think of all that passive smoking the child must be subjected to.
I agree, Sylvia. Back then, we were so unaware (and when I began the series I didn’t even know there was a child en scene)
I like the black and whites. I think they add a different perspective to a photo.
Many thanks, Lonely. They do. I printed my own with chemicals at that time.
B&W photographs always provides a whole different feel to street scenes – yours tell of a fun time, lots of activity and the best was the couple at the end (very cool and iconic with the smoke drifting through shimmers of light).
Many thanks, Mary. I went for the smoke, but I was so chuffed when they turned and smiled
You have a great knack for candid shots – this was one of them!
If the man in the top hat looked a bit scruffier, he could come right out of a Charles Dicken’s novel. At least that’s the way they show them in the movies.
True, Weekly. Thanks
I always enjoyed Punch and Judy presentatipns, (Renaissance fairs here) as well as the Topo Gigio French mouse, Derrick. In our country, I liked (adored) Shari Lewis with her sweet Lambchops sock puppet who could suck in her hand to make it look like Lambchops was eating his words! 🙂
Thank you, Robin. I remember Lambchop