Christmas Fairies


This morning we awoke to a garden dripping with decorations supplied by the Christmas fairies, some of whom still flitted among the trees:

This afternoon we are off to Lyndhurst for the last of the Christmas shopping, then on to West End to visit Mum then share a meal with Elizabeth at Jewels Indian restaurant. I don’t expect to have enough oomph left on our return to post any more to day, so will report on anything of moment tomorrow.


  1. Derrick, such a sweet way to describe your watery garden. It really is magical and a beautiful fairy garden!
    Shopping wears me out, too. The meal with Elizabeth and visit with your Mum added to the shopping would help make the idea of lounging at the end of the day perfect sounding!
    Merry Christmas to you, Jackie and family! <3

  2. The fairies are beautifully captured Derrick πŸ’› we had freezing rain last weekend, where the water drops freeze on contact with any surface. It is mesmerizing on branches and fruits.. yet treacherous on the roads.

      1. Everything melted in 3-4 hours. Thanks for asking Derrick! There was one year back in the 90’s where everything was iced over from Christmas until March. Luckily the roads were kept clear, but it must have been tough for the animals.

  3. I feel cleansed after viewing your fairyland photos. The last one is particularly dreamy, like I’ve taken off may glasses just before bedtime and lie looking out the window, woolgathering among the raindrops and fairies.

  4. May the Christmas Fairies bring you and those you hold close to your heart, peace love, and joy in the coming days ahead. πŸ™‚
    Beautiful sequence. πŸ™‚

  5. Merry Christmas, Derrick! Hoping the holidays are full of love and laughter for you and your family. My daughter is home from Brooklyn with her cat, who is not overly fond of travel, our house, or our animals – So the love AND the laughter is in full swing here, along with a sprinkling of chaos.

    1. Many thanks, Jodie. And the same to you. Ours starts later today. Fortunately Scooby, Becky’s dog is rather old now, so won’t be scampering everywhere and looking hopeful whenever food appears

  6. In fact you have the knack of projecting the ordinary things into beautiful ones through your artistry and deep passion. Really a natural one.

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