Such A Creative Daughter (Before WordPress 6)

This is a slightly supplemented copy of my Facebook page of 1st May 2012:

“It’s wonderful to have such a creative daughter!

Becky's facepaint collage

(The above relates to an e-mailed collage Becky sent me earlier. The caption is ‘Quads – separated at birth’ prompted by little Jessica’s face-painting of me)

Today’s perambulation took me along the North side of Morden (not National Trust) Park, which is extended by a sadly derelict former London Education Authority playing fields in which young Asian men were occupying disused tennis courts playing cricket. Then along Lower Morden Lane to the Merton and Sutton Joint cemetery to visit Vivien’s grave, the headstone of which Jackie and I are planning to clean up. It is a strangely sobering situation to see what the elements have done to a stone which has been in place for nearly 50 years………..
then back along the boringly relentless 2 mile long avenue of Blay-built houses that is Hillcross Avenue – a journey relieved by thoughts of ‘la recherche du temps perdu’.

In the evening Jackie and I ate at our favourite Sri Lankan restaurant – the Watch Me in Morden Road.”


    1. ๐Ÿ™‚ Many thanks, Laurie. My other daughter, Louisa, asked on Facebook why I hadn’t made this my header picture. My reply was that I had tried and failed.

  1. That is a witty and clever selection made by Becky – I’m betting you got a few hearty laughs over them too. Fifty years is a long time – it’s so odd having memories that stretch past that amount of years isn’t it. I still recall looking up at someone who was having her 21st birthday and being in awe of how old she was….. ๐Ÿ™‚

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