I had been fortunate yesterday to photograph the spray of leaves still occupying this corner of the Phantom Path. This is because the Head Gardener has now cut down the foliage, consisting of crocosmias and day lilies, and replenished the soil, ready for next year’s burgeoning.
One day lily, somewhat careworn, still blooms opposite, in the Palm Bed.
As I took these two photographs, I spotted Jackie in her element, working on the Cryptomeria Bed.
My scanner has been ailing recently. It has now reached the stage where any items placed flat on the platform come out very smudged, if at all, yet it still works well with colour slides. I therefore ordered a new one, which we collected from Century 21 Business Products, Ltd. this afternoon. I’m always scared of new stuff of this nature, especially when it comes with three installation discs, I don’t know what I’m doing, and have no grandchild on hand. Perhaps I’ll have a look at it tomorrow. Or when I next need to scan a single sheet of paper.
On our way home warning signs through South Gorley reminded us that this is the season of pannage, when pigs are set free to forage for mast. The usual lone Gloucester Old Spot sow wandered silently along the through road; a cacophony of grunts and snorts from a couple of sows and a passel of piglets reverberated along Newtown Lane. The piglets especially rushed around at an alarming rate for someone not too steady on his pins into which they threatened to cannonade.
This evening the three of us dined on the Culinary Queen’s delicious, slightly spicy, beef in red wine with roast potatoes, crunchy carrots, and fresh runner beans from the garden. Elizabeth and I drank more of La Vieille Ferme. Jackie had drunk her Hoegaarden with our drinks in the Rose Garden
Great post. Hope the scanner works out. The sign, Caution Pigs Roaming Free, seems to sum up the political & social environment in this Dark Age of Trump.
Love your wry sense of humour.
Quite so, Joseph. Thanks very much
I know what you mean about new things, Derrick. I love the photo of Jackie peeking through the flowers. This might be the last you hear from me for a while as the winds are really getting strong. Not sure how much longer we’ll have power. Loved the pigs!
Good luck, Jill! I hope it doesn’t get too bad.
Be safe Jill xoxo
Thinking of you Jill. Hunker down and be safe!
Stay safe, Jill. Hope it passes soon. xx
Thanks very much, Jill. I do hope you will be safe and comparatively unscathed
I like the sign, Derrick. I wish I could borrow it to display at the polls, come November.
My pleasure, Derrick
I share your fear of technology without a ten year old on hand to sort it out. I finished the fence painting today without any juvenile help!
Wonderful photo of Jackie peeking through the flowers. That sign about the pigs was accurate–they certainly are roaming!
Good luck with the scanner.
Thanks very much, Merril
Those piglets must be a riot to watch!
They are – so quick. Thanks a lot, GP
I was once run at by a large sow – going full speed. Luckily it was back in the day when I was even faster……
You got some great shots at them busy foraging. Lovely photo of Jackie in her element!
Many thanks, Pauline. Your being chased by a sow conjures a wonderful image
These pigs are really cute! I thought once of having one as a pet.
Thanks very much, Gary. You can’t eat a pet
Great photo of Jackie. She glows! On the other hand, big pigs scare me.
Thanks very much, Leslie. The pigs will be back in their pens soon
Sorry to hear about your scanner. Yes, when tech stuff is baffling me, or giving me fits, I have to call on one of my kids to help!

Wow on all the pigs roaming free! They do have sweet faces!
Your dinner sounds lovely! I am fixing beef, peppers, onions, mushrooms, green beans and salad tonight!
Best photo of this bunch…the photo of Jackie! Her smile makes me smile!
HUGS to you, Jackie, and Elizabeth!
Very many thanks, Carolyn. X
Beware the caution pigs Derrick. Best luck with the scanner.
Thanks a lot, Frank
Bacon rolls in the morning? Lovely shot of Jackie. I’m shockingly inept with anything technical – but have found if you plug it in and turn it on, it’s probably difficult to break unintentionally. The only exception was the sca…………………………………………………………………………………
Fabulous oinkers and Jackie’s glorious smile
Thanks very much, Val
Lovely photo of Jackie.
I can’t imagine running into free-roaming pigs, only iguanas. 
Can the pigs be aggressive to humans? If I ever make it to England, I shall invite myself to dinner.
Tese pigs seem harmless enough. You’d be very welcome, Steve. Thanks a lot
The focus in the first image is on the flowers rather than the leaves on the path and which is nice anyway. Jackie looks great framed in the greenery. You may call me a ‘speciest’, but I am biased against pigs. They have this utterly selfish and arrogant air about them…
Thanks very much, Uma. I’m not really well acquainted with pigs, but those out in the forest are just out for themselves – that’s true
Nice shots Derrick! Are those pigs dangerous or do they just roam wild and are not a threat to humans?
<3 xoxo
They are no threat, Natalie. They are back in their pens after a couple of weeks or so. Thanks very much
Oh good. They didn’t look threatening!

Pigs roaming free,that was me, today. I threw caution to the wind, and shut my computer down and run a recovery/ restore program on my computer, at the risk of losing some files and all my apps, well pigs might fly, … I’m back on line, and it “seems” to be going Ok,……. we’ll see how it goes after tonight’s sleep. I hope you are enjoying your wine as much as I am tonight.. Cheers to you Derrick.
Well done, Ivor. Many thanks
Charming, adorable pigs. Nice photos.
Thanks very much, Cathi
Jackie looks so sweet and lovely in that photo! wow those pigs just wander around?
Thanks very much, Lynn. They do indeed – until all the acorns are gone
Hey!! I have nominated you for Liebster Award. Link below.
Thanks very much, OneLife. I am honoured, but am afraid I don’t have the time to fulfil the requirements – I spend several hours on my own daily one and reading and commenting on those I follow.
No issues Derrick. Glad you acknowledged
The question no-one seems to have asked is, why do they have all those nose-rings?
Have a look at the comments exchange between Jodie and me on this one, Widders: Thanks very much
Thought it might be something like that.
Only yesterday did we learn that they are not allowed out unless they have the rings – this is to stop them from tearing up the forest floor.
Poor wee beasties.
Once again your post has sent me to the dictionary to look up “pannage” (fascinating) and mast. For the latter, I did not find anything related to pigs only the usual stuff about poles and ships.
Jackie looks like Eve before the fall. I’m slowly cleaning up my wee garden, too, but summer clings on even though the geese have started fleeing. But I’m not complaining about the heat. It will be frigid soon enough.
Mast, as you have probably realised, is the term for acorns and other nuts falling at this time. In fact the custom serves an essential purpose in the New Forest, because acorns are poisonous to ponies. Many thanks, Susanne
I didn’t know that, but did figure it was some kind of forest forage. Thanks for letting me know, Derrick.
Photo of Jackie is your best ever. Or her best rver, as she provides the glamour.
Pig sign is also excellent.
Many thanks, Quercus