Swapped Parents

Danni returned to her own home this afternoon.

This means that she will not be joining her mother weaving yarns this evening, as she has done the last two.

During a conversation with my niece this morning, we referred to the weekend she and Louisa had swapped parents.
This afternoon I watched rugby internationals between Scotland and Fiji, and between Wales and Australia; this evening highlights between England and New Zealand. For dinner Jackie produced a buffet of cold meats, cheeses, and salads.


  1. I was amused by the misalignment of parentage – but then of course it wasn’t my children being assigned another mother…….. 🙂 Also your visit to the Hardy house was interesting to read about. Hope the rugby went well for you.

  2. I remember the swapped parents weekend, just one very funny memory along with many others at Lindum House.

  3. The swapping parents memory is sweet! I enjoyed reading it! Ha! Kids do think of the fun-nest things to do! 🙂
    Weaving yarns is fun, too…be it in creating an afghan (etc) or in telling a story! 😉 😀
    I hope Danni had a safe trip home.
    (((HUGS))) to all! 🙂

  4. Thanks for the Fiji reminder Derrick. Go Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
    We are so remote form rugby here in the US … but not from politics and the future of the world. 💛

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