Vichyssoise Pour Les Poneys

Although it was to brighten up in the evening, the skies were overcast when we went for a drive in the forest this afternoon.

We stopped at East Boldre to watch this chestnut pony slaking its thirst, as we thought, at one of the pools formed over waterlogged vegetation. This was taking some time. Slowly it dawned on me that the animal was in fact dining on its favourite vegetation. Occasionally coming up for air, liquid streamed from its muzzle as it chomped on the green stuff. This, it seemed, was vichyssoise for the ponies.

Opposite the corner of the East Boldre road and St Leonards Road stands what looks like a refurbished historic thatched house. In fact, Tom Whiteley Bespoke Homes has spent just a few months building this from scratch. We thought the brick extension, contemporary with the rest of the job, was a stroke of genius.

The corner opposite this house also bears an extensive covering of water. Another bay enjoyed its own helping of the soup.

Elizabeth joined us for dinner which consisted of Jackie’s delicious sausage casserole; creamy mashed potatoes; crunchy carrots and cauliflower; and tender green beans. Before that we enjoyed her vegetable soup with croutons. Elizabeth drank Beck’s Blue; Jackie drank Hoegaarden; and I drank Juicy Assemblage 2017.


  1. Those horses look as though they are really enjoying their meal! Wonderful photos, as ever! Your meal sounds delicious – I am awaiting my evening meal, a beef casserole prepared by my kind and clever husband, and am very hungry!

  2. What a great post. I don’t know which I enjoyed more, the pony or the bespoke house…..yes I do, I enjoyed the pony more because there were more pictures of it.

    1. Much appreciated, Tootlepedal. I did wonder if I had overdone it, but I wanted to show the gradual realisation of what was going on. I will look out for more of Tom Whiteley’s houses.

  3. Wonderful photo essay on the ponies and their vichyssoise! πŸ™‚
    The thatched houses always surprise me. I don’t think we have anything like that here.

    1. Thanks very much, Uma. The house makes us want to go inside it. Tom Whiteley is a thatcher who has begun to build houses. He is buying up small plots to embellish

  4. Sorry I have been away from blogging for a bit, Derrick and Jackie. I am glad you are both well, and I always love to see the ponies. That must be some tasty pond soup the pony is eating. πŸ™‚

  5. Lovely captures of a fine-dining pony!
    I’m so glad both you and he had a healthy veggie meal! πŸ˜‰
    It’s cute the way the pony is side-eyeing you…but his meal is just too good to let you spoil it! One eye on you, but still enjoying his dinner! HA! πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜€
    That thatched roof house is beautiful! I’d love to have a peek around inside.
    HUGS!!! πŸ™‚

  6. Love the pony ‘action’ shots! The ponies are a lot more considerate of the photographer than my birds – they twitch, a LOT! πŸ™

    That is a seriously good thatch I might add. πŸ™‚

  7. It is always so lovely to visit your blog Derrick and after a blogging break of a few days, seeing these ponies in their natural state eating what is good for them and they are obviously cared for and tagged. Is good to see..
    Lovely to see thatched houses too.. another skill that is a dying art..
    Take care.. πŸ™‚

  8. Happy pointes equals a happy me, down here I don’t see too many horses, which is sad but I would hunk in this heat they’d suffer if they were roaming free like they do there. Thanks for the morning smile Derrick😊🐎

  9. the sausage casserole sounds good – and the horse shots are beautiful
    had to look up vichyssoise :
    a soup made with potatoes, leeks, and cream and typically served chilled.
    sounds good

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