We spent much of this hot summer’s day in the garden.

Jackie found a shady spot to continue her work on the heucheras. Each plant was stripped of any sign of fungus on the leaves; samples for cuttings were taken from the stems and the

roots were replanted in their place in the Rose Garden. While doing all this Jackie set the hoses sprinkling, and irrigated more later by hand.
I watered numerous hanging baskets and other containers; and cleared up a few clippings for composting.

Clematis Madame Julia Correvon in the Oval Bed can be seen beyond the white everlasting sweet peas climbing the arch spanning the path from the concrete patio where I sat waiting for

a somewhat careworn, hardworking, Nugget who took a brief breather on a brick, before continuing to collect food for his family.

“Where’s Nugget?” (89)

Meanwhile a small shadow-casting grasshopper scaled the mountain that was a rolled up parasol canopy.
This evening we dined on Mr Chan’s excellent Hordle Chinese Take Away fare with which Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I drank Carinena Monte Plogar Tempranillo Garnacha, Syrah 2018.
Another lovely day. Enjoy your evening my friends.
Thank you very much from us both, GP.
I hope you and Nugget get a break from the heat. Nice photos of Nugget, and a wonderful shot of the cricket.
Thank you very much, Merril.
Lovely beauty.
Thank you very much, Mrs. W.
Your welcome.
Well, I may be biased, but I think Jackie is the prettiest flower in the garden today! Cute hat Jackie!
Thank you so much, Jill.
Nugget looks a bit hot and bothered 🥵
He certainly did. Thanks very much, Sheree.
Mr Nugget is in the very center of the photo, and he does look somewhat unkempt.
Thanks very much, Dolly. Well spotted.
You are very welcome, Derrick.
bloody hot, eh? We’re melting here…
I’ll bet. I remember it always seemed worse in London. Thanks a lot, Geoff.
I love seeing Nugget. He’s so lovely.
Who knew that stripping fungus could be so enjoyable!
Not me 🙂 Apparently you are meant to carry out that exercise anyway even without fungus, but Jackie hadn’t done it before. She now has cuttings galore. Thanks very much, Liz.
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Nugget was well camouflaged, but I found him. I wonder what he thinks about the garden. He might believe that all your work is solely for his benefit.
Thanks very much, Leslie. Well spotted. I expect he does.
I hope that the heat doesn’t get too oppressive.
More expected today. Thanks a lot, Tootlepedal.
I do you like the simple photo of the cricket amongst all the cacophony of colour in the garden
Thanks a lot, John.
With all that work in the garden, takeout was an excellent idea.
It was 🙂 Thanks very much, Laurie.
Glad to see Jackie found some nice shade to work in. I see Nugget! We are having a hot day here, 87 degrees under a mostly clear sky. Rick baked bread this afternoon, which heated up the kitchen a bit, but his bread is quite tasty and well worth it.
Thanks very much, Lavinia. That is hot. I once ran a marathon in 88F. Home made bread is wonderful. Well spotted.
Send me some of that some warmth.
I woke to a chilly morning and discovered that is only 4 degrees celcious (41 F) matching the coldest on record since 2005. Well at least it’s warmer than where we lived before moving here. it’s only 2 there…same as 7 years ago. we must be in a cycle within a cycle.
I decided I will return to your sunny post once I have eaten a late breakfast.
Have a good evening.
Thanks very much, Chrissy. That is cold.
It reached 20C by noon so I think it could have been the clear sky over night.
That pic of Nugget. He’s a little warm, too!
Thanks very much, Luanne.
What a productive day. Nugget looks a bit hot and bothered.
Thanks very much, Peggy.
Always hardworking, including Nugget 😉
But such a gorgeous garden always needs work! 🌸🌸
Nugget is blending perfectly but sometimes he takes some breaks too and admires the gorgeous flowers 🌸 😊
Thank you very much, Ribana. Well spotted.
Jackie looks lovely in her sun hat. Nugget does look very hot and tired, poor little bird! I think it must have been much warmer where you are than here where there was a lovely cooling breeze blowing for much of the day. Beautiful insect photo!
Thanks you very much, Clare.
The Head Gardener apparently loves her vocation and is rather cheerful for it. Nugget (bang in the middle of the frame of the Quiz and trying pass of as a bud) does look careworn.
Thanks very much, Uma. Well spotted – especially the bud camouflage.
I appears that Nugget was having a bit of a shower. Great photo.
Thanks very much, Judy
kudos for soldiering on in the heat. VIRTUAL hugs being sent your way… xxo
Thanks very much, Dymoon X
Poor little Nugget looks like he has been under attack. I feel like getting a toothbrush and smoothing his feathers. In all the wonderful accoutrements in your garden, I have missed remembering if you have a bird bath. Perhaps on days such as this he would enjoy a little dip. Our local seagulls believe our reflection pond deck area was installed for their bath time. It’s quite relaxing to watch them.
We have two small pond areas which birds like. One has a stone in it which helps them to drink and have a bath. Thanks very much, Gwen.
I wonder if Nugget likes the sprinklers. It’s been close to 90 F here. Our backyard cardinals like to hang around the rain-filled plastic pool I used for bathing the dogs. I must get a proper bird bath. I love Jackie’s enthusiasm. 🙂
Thank you very much, JoAnna. Nugget does like the sprinkler. That is too hot.
I love grasshoppers.They are always so lively and apparently happy. I once saw a locust in the Scillies. Wonderful creature, it looked almost mechanical with all its different coloured plates. There have been eleven records in England so far with the most recent a locust in Devon in 2018.
Fascinating, John. I’ve never seen one. Thanks very much.
Dat roodborstje onder een dun straaltje water en ik ben verkocht … O, God! Ooooooooo … * Amsterdam, 24 juni 2020, 9.20 uur … * Hollandse tijd … * http://www.friedabblog.wordpress.com *
Thank you v very much, Frieda
A very satisfying day no doubt!
Yep. Thanks a lot, Andrew
I hope you all stay safe in the heat! Drink lots of water! Keep wearing your hats! Find the shade! 🙂
Jackie, the joy that you bring to your gardening work, brings joy to us! Thank you! 🙂
Love the photos of Nugget! I wish he could somehow know how important he as become to so many of us! 🙂
It’s good to see the grasshoppers, bees, birds, etc., out and about here, too. 🙂
(((HUGS))) 🙂
Thank you very much from us both, Carolyn. We have each just drunk half a pint of water. It would be good to be able to convey that to Nugget. X
On the subject of hats we discovered recently that Jackie’s black hair retains the heat while my white head reflects it. She needed a hat and I didn’t 🙂
You have successfully captured two marvelous portraits: Jackie and Nugget! Both are most photogenic.
Thank you very much, Maj
Quite cool here until later in the day, today (Wednesday) is an absolute scortcher.
Same here. Thanks a lot, Sue
PS Nugget does look worse for wear!
Indeed – and it’s hotter today. Thanks very much, Sue
It seems you both had a very busy day despite it being so hot Derrick, nice one.
Thanks very much, Agnes.
Poor Nugget, he’s certainly looking frazzled today.
Thanks a lot, Widders.
I spotted Nugget bang in the middle. Jackie is looking lovely and relaxed
Thank you so much, Geetha. Well spotted.
Welcome Derrick