A Good Laugh

This afternoon I printed a photograph from https://derrickjknight.com/2019/04/17/the-first-foal/ for which I had been asked. The rider’s daughter had identified her from the blog post and it was very pleasing to receive the request.

Later we drove into the forest via


Outside Pilley Community Shop

a loose string of ponies, totally unaware of Social Distancing, formed a disorderly queue outside the Pilley Community Shop, which wasn’t even open. Most drivers were content to wait patiently or to weave their way through the obstacles. One, surely inviting a kicking, shoved the animals with his small van and took the direct route. A man and a woman, from different directions, advanced on foot, clapping. This clearly amused one grey which, at the risk of losing its false teeth, emitted a good laugh in appreciation of the applause. As always, click on any image to access the gallery, each member of which may be bigified.

This evening we dined on baked gammon; penne cheese; a perfectly presented peppers, mushrooms, onions and leeks melange; somewhat elderly broccoli, and tender youthful runner beans with which Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I drank Carles Priorat 2016


  1. Terrifically moody Undershore photo there Derrick, I really like that! And the laughing grey with the false teeth – what a sight! I had some elderly broccoli myself last night. Perhaps its becoming a thing……….

  2. I find your header picture puzzling – is that blue disc caught between the black legs of the laughing horse, or are my eyes deceiving me?

    1. If you look at the photo right after the laughing grey photo…that blue and white disc is connected to the pavement to the right of the horse/behind the horse…but I’m not sure what the disc is for.

  3. Beautiful day! Beautiful photos! Beautiful food! πŸ™‚

    I think the excellent equine are thinking, “Why do all of these Human-Beans and vehicles have to interfere with our day!” πŸ™‚ The laughing grey is a hoot and isn’t letting anything be a bother! Choosing to be a happy horse…a peppy pony! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜›

    I hope the youthful beans made the elderly broccoli feel a bit frisky! πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜€

    Hey! Maybe you, Jackie, and I could start a business…Jackie will be the Chef, you will be the Food Photographer, and I can be the Food Taster! We could be featured in the best Food Magazines and earn some money! πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜€

    (((HUGS))) πŸ™‚

      1. My pleasure, Derrick, and I am blushing all over the internet (if I could blush, that is, which I can’t). From you, of all people, I expect honest critique, rather than titles I do not deserve.

  4. LOL! love these. WOW! I couldn’t imagine anywhere I’ve been that I would see a scene like this. Mind you, I have been in a car that had to drive through a flock of sheep in my younger days.

    “bigified” πŸ™‚ mmm I like it.

  5. Great way to end my day – beautiful “equestrians” (is there such a word?) and a yummy looking dinner. My compliments to the chef! <3

  6. The fact that most drivers were patient with the free-roaming ponies says a lot of good things about your community. Looking at your lovely dinner table made me wonder if you ever grow vegetables.

  7. I had always thought gammon was a type of poultry. Finally looked it up to discover it is ham…It is not a term used in the states so all these years of reading British novels, I thought it was some sort of wild bird.

  8. The ponies seem to have taken over the land before the Pilley Community Shop. Those kicks are known to produce about 2000 pounds of pressure per square inch! What is that national lottery display?

  9. All those horses blocking the road made me smile. To all those people who find this annoying, you have no idea how lucky you are to live among such natural beauty. I’m glad you appreciate them, Derrick. Your photos are always a treat.

  10. The Undershore photo is so interesting. I was amused thinking about the queued up ponies waiting for the shop to open–it’s good they didn’t get too rowdy. That laughing horse–what a sight!

  11. I know I sound like a broken record, but you totally live a blessed life, Derrick! Makes me happy to see it every time! Thanks for making me smile. πŸ™‚

  12. Making staccato sounds at animals which outweigh you by a significant number of kilos doesn’t sound like the smartest thing to do, to say nothing of walking behind said animals.! πŸ™‚

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