This fine, sunny, morning didn’t go quite according to plan. When settling an electricity bill on line, I discovered a banking problem which took about an hour to reach a real person on the telephone who informed me that it could be resolved by another department which was only available on weekdays. Watch further space.
My first task had been to recreate the watering can station. Regular readers will be aware that this is situated outside the stable door looking towards the Head Gardener’s favourite view. What has perhaps not been apparent is that the makeshift platform has been constructed of now crumbling IKEA wardrobe sections balanced on two lidless dustbins. It metaphorically fell upon me to retrieve a plastic fold-up table from behind a more substantial wooden one laden with plant pots behind the garden shed. When I rescued the originally flat-packed furniture a leg literally fell on me. I then had the job of reassembling it, clearing away the delapidated materials, and, with help from Mrs Knight, setting it in place. Jackie then washed and scrubbed it and

arranged her cans.
Wikipedia tells us that In 1998,[2] the Modern Library ranked Point Counter Point 44th on its list of the 100 best English-language novels of the 20th century.[3]
‘The novel’s title is a reference to the flow of arguments in a debate,[3] and a series of these exchanges tell the story.[4] Instead of a single central plot, there are a number of interlinked story lines and recurring themes (as in musical “counterpoint“).[5] As a roman à clef,[6] many of the characters are based on real people, most of whom Huxley knew personally, such as D. H. Lawrence, Katherine Mansfield, Sir Oswald Mosley, Nancy Cunard, and John Middleton Murry, and Huxley is depicted as the novel’s novelist, Philip Quarles.[7]‘
After lunch I finished reading my 1958 Folio Society edition of this work, originally published thirty years earlier. The book is illustrated with imaginatively composed exquisite line drawings by Leonard Rosoman which capture the mood of the cast and their period.

The jacket incorporates one of the

full page illustrations
Prolific writer Huxley was acknowledged as a pre-eminent intellectual of his time. Indeed, this beautifully written book is an example of his fascination with the tensions between passion and reason particularly in matters of love, politics, and religion. The characterisation is complex and well constructed in fluid language. Intellectual he may have been, but he also understood the passions of the human body and soul. Evidence of the author’s learning unobtrusively enhances the text.

Occasionally I have come across a copy of a book which bears uncut corners making pages inaccessible without a blade – in this a case a Stanley. As I performed the necessary surgical procedure I reflected that I must have been the first, after all these years, to have finished reading this copy. There was no appendix.
Elizabeth visited later this afternoon and was able to join us for a second sitting of yesterday’s spicy lamb Jalfrezi and pilau rice with the addition of plain parathas.. My sister drank Hop House lager; my wife drank Hoegaarden; and I drank Valle Central Reserva Privada Syrah 2019.
I just have to ask, why do you need so many watering cans? Do you fill them all at once and then wheelbarrow them out to the various pots that need watering? I’ve always wondered how you can keep so many lovely pots alive – perhaps I am about to discover your trick.
SO interesting to hear about the book pages needing to be surgically parted. I have never seen that. And – yes – after all that time, the book has finally been read! Very cool.
Thanks very much, Jodie. There are so many hanging baskets and pots. In the height of the summer they have to be watered twice a day. Jackie sits and fills them all up then we each take them round by hand. I take two at a time to the far end of the garden. Jackie often spends an hour or more a day. I do rather less.
Ah, This is much better than my method. I take my (one) can and pull the hose as far as I can get and keep refilling it and walking back and forth. THings do not get watered enough due to my impatience with my system.
After the mishaps earlier in the day, I’m glad the rest of it went OK. I guess you were the only person to finish reading the book!
🙂 Thank you very much, Merril
Thank you for the book review. I will keep an eye out in the upcoming annual book fair.
Thanks very much, Sylvie
So many cans … I won’t ask 😉 Quite the characters drawn in the book!
Thanks very much, Val.
That’s a lot of watering cans! In Maine we are in such a drought that I haven’t dared water the gardens in quite a while. Our water comes from a well. So far it has never gone dry, but I worry.
I hear you. Laurie. There are times I need to water and don’t because I am afraid the well will run dry.
Yup. That’s where we are right now.
Ah. Thanks very much, Laurie
We’re in a drought in NH as well. People’s wells have been running dry. So far, ours is okay.
Let us hope you have some decent rain soon.
We’ve gotten a little in the past few days, but not enough.
Ours, too! And rain is coming. Yay!!!
Good to hear, Laurie
We’ve gotten a little rain in the past few days. We’re hoping for more!
Raining today, which is great. Very, very windy, which is not so great. Hope we keep our power.
We had some rain yesterday as well.
I have always appreciated Huxley. Those illustrations are very nice.
Thanks very much, Maj.
It is interesting that the novel was adapted into a BBC miniseries. I’ve never read Huxley, but will put him on my list.
Thanks a lot, Lavinia. I haven’t seen the TV version, but I can see how it would work.
I wonder if these cans, when everyone has gone to bed and the night is silent, argue with each other. Point counterpoint. Who makes the flowers grow the best with the water from their cans? Just teasing. I am really impressed with your book review and with your ability to read this book with what seems to be tiny print that my poor eyes would not be able to handle now.
I love the idea of the cans arguing with each other at night, Pam! All nudging and jostling each other. 🙂
😃 And what a racket they make!
Another great book from your collection
Thanks very much, Sheree
Thanks for the terrific book review. I’ve never read the book, but now it’s definitely on my list. Thanks for sharing, Derrick. And yeah, the array of watering cans is pretty impressive.
Thanks very much, Paul
Thank you for the book review. I will keep it in mind.
Thanks very much, Bridget
How cool to get a book with uncut pages! Wow
And what year was this published? You said the wiki article was 1998 – and I assume the book is much older
Also – how many watering cans?? I counted almost 20
Originally 1928 – The Folio Society edition 1958. The Head Gardener says 17 cans. Thanks very much Yvette.
Ok – 17 it is!
And funny to hear about ikea stuff breaking down – it seems like some of their way older stuff lasted better
These boards have served several purposes in all weathers for the last 7 years 🙂
You and Jackie certainly keep the water can makers in business!
Thanks very much, Jill.
And Norm thought I had a lot of watering cans! I only have 6 and 2 of those only holds 500mls.
I love old books. Sounds like an interesting read. Uncut corners? WOW. I’m glad the author doesn’t know.
🙂 Thanks very much, Chrissy.
I enjoyed pages 416 and 417, of your book Derrick, and now I’m wondering how many pages are there ?
422 🙂 Thanks a lot, Ivor
That is a dazzling display of watering cans. I am glad that they now have a stable stand.
Nice one Tootlepedal. Thanks very much.
I am curious on two counts. What is the story behind the toe of the shoe nudging the face of the sleeping? dead? man. And, why so many watering cans? Is it so you can fill them all up at once and just come back for another one without having to stop mid-watering to fill the cans? Why not just use a hose? Sorry. I have to ask these niggling little questions or they keep me awake at nigh.
I can’t have you so troubled in the night, Judy. The man is dead. I can’t say any more because it will give the game away. We do use hoses for the beds. The cans are for pots and hanging baskets. We fill them all up before a session so we are able to water several at a time. Thanks a lot and sleep well, Judy
Hope your banking issue is soon cleared up. Have a wonderful week.
Just gearing up to ringing them again. Thanks very much, Mrs W.
I wish you luck.
I think it is OK now
That is good.
that’s a lot of watering cans, Derrick. your beautiful garden is truly a labor of love! uncut pages is amazing! congrats for the first to read the book and what a great review! 🙂
Thank you so much, Lola
Wow! So many water cans….but no wonder with such a gorgeous garden 😉🌸
Thanks very much, Ribana
The business of explaining your predicament to call centre operatives has become fraught with disasters and frustrations. It was only yesterday I had to battle with such sentient entities with regards to a seeming defective oven sold to me by a popular electronic company. I wish you luck with the bank.
Volumes with artwork are becoming a rarity. Point Counter Point has come alive with the Folio Society Edition accompanied by high quality line art. You have whetted the appetite of your readers with your crisp introduction.
Thank you so much, Uma. And good luck with your oven
I just wonder whether any of the areas of the garden could be watered using an old length of plastic guttering. It might reach fifteen or even twenty feet and couldn’t really damage the plants that were underneath it.
For the sake of conformity that red can will have to go Derrick.
Just a little splash of colour, Andrew. Thanks very much.
Hope the banking issue is cleared up very soon!
I always enjoy your book reviews….and I like that you show us the illustrations. These are amazing…good details and great expressions.
With many watering cans it does make the work a bit lighter.
Glad you were able to spend time with Elizabeth! 🙂
HUGS!!! 🙂
Thanks very much, Carolyn. Just about to ring the bank. 🙂 X
That’s a good idea with the watering pots.
The book sounds interesting. I’ll have to put it on my list for after this blog ends.
Gosh – what an array of watering cans! I imagined that a hosepipe would be easier until I remembered how reeling back such a long length of hose pipe is arm achingly tedious.
That’s a lot of watering cans! You have wonderful illustrated copies of books.
Thank you very much, LL/PS. I’m pleased you like them
I hope your bank issues get sorted … I always heave a sigh if I have to deal with call centres. I have to be in a comfy chair with a mug of tea, an art pad and a biscuit to face it 🙂 I love your watering station … and enjoyed looking over the folio pictures during my tea break. Happy Monday Derrick and Jackie 🙂
Thank you very much from us both, Beck
Customer service is worse than ever. Good luck.
Thanks a lot, Sherry
The only thing that rivals uncut pages for pleasure is an onionskin for the cover, or onionskin pages with illustrations.
I especially enjoyed this: “Evidence of the author’s learning unobtrusively enhances the text.” There’s nothing worse than a writer whose primary purpose is to impress, rather than to inform or entertain.
I’m pleased you noticed that, Linda.
A lot of cans 🙂 And they look good. There are so many books to read 🙂 Thank you for sharing.
Thank you very much, Lakshmi
Did we ever agree on a collective noun for watering cans?
An irrigation? Thanks a lot, Susan
I think you’ve got a flood. 🙂
Point Counter Point sounds quite good.
It certainly Sid, Liz. Thanks very much.
You’re welcome, Derrick.
I think I meant is 🙂
I read Point Counterpoint in Russian (Soviet times) translation years ago. Of course, it was lacking magnificent illustrations. I have spend time enjoying precise characterization, in many cases satirical, biggifying your images, Derrick. Based on your review, I think it’s time for me to re-read it in original, as the Russian version seems sadly inadequate.
Thank you very much, Dolly. Good translation is so important
I have a feeling that the Russian translation was seriously biased. I’ll report after reading the original.
I look forward to it, Dolly. Thanks very much.
My pleasure, Derrick.
Interesting to see so many watering cans. They made quite an interesting composition! I was glad to see you had enough of the left-over spicy lamb Jalfrezi and pilau rice to have another meal. It sounds delicious!
All that watering is indeed a labour of love! I love reading Huxley, he is such a witty writer!
I’m pleased you appreciate Huxley, Clare. thanks very much.
HI Derrick – I remember reading Point Counterpoint in college and hadn’t thought of it since until I saw your post. I remember liking it very much. So I have a question about your watering station: what is the red watering can for, a special plant or flower? My family and I are curious!
Thanks very much, Barbara. The red can was once used for something nasty to kill off stubborn roots. 🙂
We were thinking it was something like that. Good color choice – no mistaking which is which.