Relentless rain pelted runners racing today’s bespoke peripatetic London Marathons. This was the event like no other in living memory. Covid-19 had caused the normal spring date to be postponed until now. Only elite runners were able to compete in the capital city, on a revised route tailored just for them. All other competitors were invited to measure out their own routes which to follow in their home areas.

Our nephew-in-law, Andy ran from his home in Shirley, a suburb of Southampton, to the green outside the historic Chequers Inn on the outskirts of Lymington. Various friends and relatives tracked him and applauded along the way. His cycling escort, friend Jonathon, would have been in the elite race, but has injured a foot. Elizabeth e-mailed me these images of the start.

We gathered first at Lyndhurst’s Bolton’s Bench.

Bedraggled ponies and their attendant crows trotted or foraged. Ella said “I like horses”; Elizabeth tracked progress on an app thingy; rain pelted the puddles.

and was cheered on by friends and daughter standing in rainy puddles.

The next meeting point was Denny Wood where the hero of the day, after 13 miles was looking fresh and relaxed as he waved to his supporters, before trotting off through the forest. Have I mentioned the rain?
The route continued along Beaulieu Heath. We gathered at

the Norleywood car park, as wet as everywhere else,
then waited on the main road. Take note of the two leading friends,

who happily gatecrashed this stage of the journey.

By Boldre Lane runner and escort had been joined by Andy’s brother, Richard, offering encouragement for the last few miles.

We all gathered at the finish. Elizabeth sent me the last of these pictures.

Andy and Jonathon, accompanied by Richard, hove into view

and the hero was given a warm welcome.
Elizabeth came home with us afterwards where, for a late lunch, we all enjoyed Jackie’s chicken stoup followed by her apple pie and ice cream.
Later in the evening Jackie and I dined on egg mayonnaise sandwiches with which she drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Shiraz.
Oh, bravo to Andy!! I cannot even imagine running a marathon,( although I know you can). have had a few of my runs turn virtual, and it’s way harder to run without all the fun and hullaballoo of a real race. SO COOL that you al showed up and made it fun for him. That is awesome. Danni and Ella are beautiful as always. I hope you’re both warm and dry and toasty now.
We are well warmed now, Jodie. Thanks very much. One of the benefits of the normal London marathon is that people line both sides of the route cheering all the way – jazz bands and all – Andy couldn’t have that, but he enjoyed the cheers he got.
I bet he did!
Congratulations to Andy for going the distance in those conditions.
Thanks very much, Sheree. You would know, I’m sure.
Some memories never fade!
Not the best kind of weather for a marathon, but Andy and his supporters don’t seem to mind at all 🙂
We didn’t mind at all – although it was worse for spectators 🙂 Thanks very much, Rosaliene.
Well done Andy!
Thanks very much, Chrissy
What a delightful and fun story, accompanied by marvelous images that have captured the essence of the day. Well done, Derrick. Congrats on your beautiful and loving family and friends.
Thank you very much, Maj. I appreciate “the essence of the day”, which is what I tried to do.
A soggy but triumphant run. Ella, I think, looked especially adorable.
Thank you so much, Laurie
Jonathan looks like he’s having an awfully good time, while little Ella looks as if she’s realized that she’s too short to see the action properly.
A cute acute observation about Ella, Liz. Thanks very much.
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Well down all round, for the runner and for the spectators who braved the elements to cheer him on.
Thanks a lot, Tootlepedal
Looks like a wonderful day.
It was, Mrs W. Thanks very much.
Your welcome.
Congratulations to Andy! Thanks for sharing the race with us, Derrick. Ella is so sweet! xo
And thank you very much, too, Jill X
That’s a wonderful pictorial, Derrick. Thanks for sharing and congratulations to Andy – and you all for Coping with the rain!
And thank you very much, too, Dina for reading and commenting.
what a run! And what cheering fans to accompany! Goodness how Ella has grown…And I love that dappled gray, giving the crow the side-eye.
thanks very much, Lisa 🙂
I can’t imagine running a marathon in the pouring-down rain! Wonderful photos of the participants, and of the runners! Ella is really growing fast!
Thank you very much, Janet. I don’t have to imagine it – I ran a few in such conditions 🙂
40441 looks like a he is having a blast … the wet onlookers not so much. It’s so good that you were there Derrick. Hope you had something warm and comforting later 💛
We did enjoy our comfort food, Val. It was so good that so many came out. Some with a five hour journey.
What awful weather! But they smiled throughout. Loved seeing photos of everyone.
Thanks so much, Leslie. Worse for the spectators than the runner 🙂
He did well.
He did indeed. What a way to run your first. Thanks very much, Gary.
That is an interesting way of having the marathon, and still allowing all to compete! The rain must have been a help in the sense no one is likely to overheat during the run. Ella looks so sweet! Is this the first marathon she has watched?
Yes, this is Ella’s, and her Dad’s, first. You are right about the rain, Lavinia – as I well remember. Thanks very much.
I thank you for the gloomy, moody black and white, Derrick.
What a dynamic pictorial reportage! The hero of the day, splashing through the rain, and the star of the day – adorable Ella.
Thank you very much, too, Dolly. I’m pleased you liked your B/W 🙂
The pleasure is mine, Derrick.
Not even rain can stop beautiful people 😍 What a wonderful day!
Thank you very much, Ribana
Glad they found a way to make the races work and love the smiles
Thanks very much, Yvette.
Wow…..that was quite a challenge in the rain, but Andy’s spirits were obviously not dampened. An impressive achievement. How wonderful that he had so much support out there in the soggy weather.
Thank you so very much, Sylvia.
Great job, Andy and friends! Ella is growing up fast! I like horses, too! 🙂
Thanks very much, JoAnna.
People seem to be eager to break free! It must be an exciting experience to Ella who seems to be wanting to give her legs a taste of the marathon!
Thank you very much for this astute comment, Uma.
Congratulations to your nephew-in-law. What a feat, even in good weather!
Indeed. Thank you very much, Nicki
Did you yearn for your younger days when you seemed to run a different Marathon every weekend, and would proudly bring into the office on Monday the medal you received at the finish?
Funnily enough I had no so yearning, Geoff. Thanks very much.
Heartiest congratulations! Anybody who runs a marathon thoroughly deserves them !
Thanks very much, John
Congrats to Andy! (He didn’t let the rain put a damper on his enthusiasm or his running ability! YAY!!! 🙂 ) But Ella steals the show! 😉 🙂 What a cutie! 🙂
Love your raindrops meet the puddles photos!
And the ponies look like they take everything in stride! 🙂
HUGS!!! 🙂
Thank you so much, as always, Carolyn X
It’s interesting that this marathon seems an apt metaphor for life these days. The conditions aren’t always perfect, but we keep on running! Kudos to Andy, and smiles for Ella, who surprised me by saying she liked horses. I’m not surprised she likes them, but when we watch a child grow online, realizing that they’re beginning to talk can be pleasantly startling.
Thank you for these perceptive comments, Linda
Congratulations to Andy! It looks like everyone enjoyed the day, despite the rain. (I think you may have mentioned it.) I agree with all the comments above about Ella. She’s adorable, and I had the same reaction about her talking. I liked the crow attendants to the horses. 🙂
I’ve heard advertisements for several marathons where people register, run their own course, and then log in their info.
A good way of doing it this year. Thanks very much, Merril – especially for hearing my mention of the rain.
You’re welcome. 😀
Yes Derrick. You did mention the rain – once or twice!
🙂 Thanks a lot, John
Looks like it was really chucking it down. Brave people to run through that. Congratulations to Andy.
Thank you so much, LL/PS
On dear, so you also a very wet weekend. Well done for braving the weather and supporting Andy. And Very Well Done to Andy!
Fabulous photos of the event.
Thank you so much, Sue
Was dat uw zoon? Wat een Bikkel! Uw schoonzoon? Wat een Kanjer!!! Kleinzoon …? “Aaaach, met zijn laarsjes in de plassen: zó dapper …
Ik moet het allemaal nog even goed bestuderen in twee talen … Elfriede Heinzel * * Amsterdam * maandagmiddag, 5 oktober 2020, 17.00 uur … Hollandse “Zomertijd” … Héél véél liefs uit Holland!
Neef in de wet, Frieda. Heel erg bedankt
congratulations to Andy! he did very well despite the inclement weather! what a brave guy! 🙂 🙂
Indeed. Thanks very much, Lola
In spite of the deluge that must’ve been fun. : D
Very much, so, Widders. Thanks a lot
Great pictures. I love your ponies. After all that rain, I would think that stiff upper lip might have gotten a bit soggy. 🙂
Thanks very much, Pat
Chicken soup sounds like a wonderful way to end set a wet energetic day 🙂
Thanks very much, msw