Travel Challenge, Day 8

I was nominated by my friend Judy Dykstra-Brown to post one favourite travel picture a day for ten days without explanation, then to nominate someone else to participate. That’s 10 days, 10 travel pictures, and 10 nominations. Now I nominate Anna of . Please link to me so I know you have participated. I understand you can’t take it up immediately. Nowhere in the rules does it say you can’t guess where the photo was taken and that I can’t agree if you are right. Derrick


  1. Somehow, I sense a tourist destination — and some cash flowing, if that construction is any indication. I have no idea why Mallorca came to mind (maybe the roofline), but I’ll suggest it, just for fun.

  2. I’m guessing its one of the B’s – Bermuda, the Bahamas or Barbados. If it isn’t a huge distance from Florida then I’ll pin point it to the Bahamas.

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