My Carrots!

Despite the amount of Christmas preparation still to be done, the clear skies bright sunshine this morning following last night’s steady overnight rain demanded a forest outing, so we complied.

The rain left its mark on the lanes like Lower Sandy Down, and on much of the

terrain, like this on the reflecting green at Pilley, where somnolent ponies basked, casting long shadows, even on the approach to midday.

Mallards are quite at home on the filled lake alongside Jordans Lane.

Donkeys, as gentle as ever, snoozed along the verges of Bull Hill.

It was therefore something of a shock to see a vicious bully dominating a patch of green at Norley Wood by kicking and butting the rest of a group attempting to partake of carrots laid out for them all. Note the raised heels and the flattened ears signifying harmful intent. The stabbing feet were raised too suddenly and quickly for me to catch the legs at full right-angled stretch. The forlorn creature in the last image had me regretting I didn’t have one to give it, and I certainly wasn’t about to snaffle one of the bully’s who made it very clear that they were its sole property.

This evening we dined on Hordle Chinese Take Away’s excellent fare with which Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Recital.


  1. It is good to have something to prepare for Christmas – ours will be a very, very quiet one! Nonetheless, this looks like an excellent break from it all. My son and I went for a long drive this afternoon and were pleased to see cows, horses, wildebeest, blesbok and springbok on some of the farms and game farms we passed. It made up for the unusual lack of bustle this Christmas. I hope you will have a joyful day.

  2. Great photo of Donald the Donkey. But what was also great was the photo of the trees upside down in a pool of water. Have a great Christmas and thanks for the voyage each day.

  3. Looks like you had a beautiful, sunny day for a forest drive, Derrick and Jackie. So sorry about the donkey hoarding all the carrots. I guess there is always one in the crowd. That last donkey has such a sweet face.
    It was kind of sunny day here, more or less, but very cold. Rick and I got in a little cleanup work outside before coming in to warm up.

  4. Some dine on carrots. Some dine on turkey. Bullies dine on their own bile.
    Merry Christmas to you and Jackie and all the Knights of the realm. Thank you for your distracting and uplifting posts.

  5. Plenty of girls hope for one karat diamonds for Christmas, but your donkey got twenty carrots or more — who’s to say the donkey didn’t get the better end of the deal? Merry Christmas to you and Jackie!

  6. Yup, I agree, “Even donkeys have Scrooges it seems.” But there are more sweet ones than not. Thanks for sharing your adventures with us today, {{{Derrick}}}. Merry Christmas! <3

  7. Merry Donkeymas!
    Bummer that the donkeys have a Grinchy-Scrooge among them 🙁
    Eek…Er…I meant…Merry Christmas!!! and Happy Holidays!!!
    🎅 🎁 🌟 🐶 ⛄️ 🎄

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