On a dank, overcast, yet warmer, morning, Jackie drove us to Ferndene Farm shop where her shopping ran so smoothly that it was only a four-page read in the car for me.
We took a slight diversion on our way home, passing Sammy Miller Motorcycle Musem further along Bashley Cross Road, where

work went on attending to donkeys in a field and pigeons perched on a rooftop.

Historic transport, like this plane on display needed no feeding during lockdown. The motorcycle weather vane was in a constant wheel spin generated by the stiff breeze.

Like any other ungulates in our fields there are always some of these alpacas seen on the Sway road inquisitively spotting me spotting them.

Shortly after lunch deceptive clouds scudded across rapidly changing skies over Downton allowing cerulean patches and brief sunlight. This was all too fleeting. Soon we were back in the gloom.
This evening we dined on Jackie’s succulent sausages in red wine; creamy mashed potatoes; crunchy carrots and cauliflower; and firm Brussels sprouts with which she drank Peroni and I drank The Second Fleet Limestone Coast Shiraz 2019.
Those are some moody skies. Been the same here.
Thanks a lot, Gary
I always appreciate seeing the animals keenly observing you as you observe them. Seems as if most “advanced life forms” have a decent sense of awareness of their surroundings. Lovely sky shots, Derrick!
Thank you very much, Maj
Moddy photos of cloudy skies. I wonder whether you have evert visited the motorcycle museum, Derrick. I would, if I were there.
We have, but we didn’t go inside, Dolly: https://derrickjknight.com/2016/08/26/a-cock-fight/ Thanks very much
Thank you for the link, Derrick, and I apologize for the typo.
Our overcast skies are helping to keep the temperature down – so I sure don’t mind.
Overcast here brings the temperature up a little. Thanks very much, GP
I love the winter scenes……so moody!
Thanks very much, CadyLuck
Your evening meal sounded just up my street Derrick.. And happy Jackie’s shopping trip ran smoothly… lovely photos as usual.. And Saturday was a better day here for walking… Sunny and frosty… Refreshing..
Have a wonderful week Derrick… Hubby said wine a good choice… 😉 as I was showing him your photos as he loves Lama’s
Love and Hugs to you both.. <3
Thanks very much, Sue X
Menacing skies and I so love that weather vane
I thought you would, Sheree 🙂 Thanks very much
I always enjoy your photos of alpacas. We haven’t seen them in quite a while. I hope your gray skies turn blue this week. Enough of the dreariness!!
It is due to brighten next week, Jan. Thank you very much
Very wintery and atmospheric.
Thanks very much, Sherry
I see what you did there with your title and your wine choice.
Australia salutes you for picking up the slack after China banned our wine. You’re a good lad. 🙂
🙂 I’m pleased you spotted that, Yvonne. Thanks very much
I love the cloud photos. You’re right that the header photo is deceptive, making the day seem sunny and bright. I like the alpacas spotting you. 😀
Thank you so much, Merril
Ahh Derrick, I did curiously enjoy the curiosity by the alpacas, when “seen on the Sway road inquisitively spotting me spotting them.”
🙂 Thanks very much, Ivor.
We saw Sammy Miller in Fort William at the Scottish six day trial in either the late sixties or early seventies. He was a legend then.
Ah. Thanks a lot, Tootlepedal
Always something to see even on a cloudy day. Always enjoy the pictures of those donkeys.
Thanks very much, Laurie
Your sky looks like ours today. Love the donkeys!
Thanks a lot, Jill
The trees are silhouetting themselves very nicely against the cloudy skies. Alpacas have such funny little faces, don’t they?
They do – they always make me want to smile, Liz. Thanks very much
You’re most welcome, Derrick!
Those are beautiful photos of a mixed weather day, and I am always partial to dark forms of trees against the sky. Donkeys and alpacas are always a treat!
Thank you very much, Lavinia
That alpacas granted you a photo shoot ☺️
Thanks very much, Ribana
wonderful images of trees and the skies and lovely to see the alpacas!
Thanks very much, Lola
That bunch of sepia-colored grasses is really attractive. At first glance, I thought they were what we call bushy bluestem, but they’re different. No matter. The color is wonderful, especially with gray so predominant in your skies.
Miscanthus Sinensis Zebrinus or Gold banded zebra grass, Linda. Thanks very much.
The alpacas seem content yet alert. I love the weeping birch and feathery grasses. We had cauliflower tonight, too. I roast it with a tangy sauce.
That is an interesting method, JoAnna. Thanks very much
That motorcycle vane is cool
And we do not see many of weather vanes around any more
We have quite a few around our countryside, Yvette. Thank you very much.
Your photographs illustrate the adage about light at the end of the tunnel. Right now we are welcoming the gloomy sky that leaks 1mm rain at a time. At least this dampness freshens the air! I smiled both at the comment about your choice of wine and the fact that Jackie is able to cook sausages in wine: South Africans have been unable to purchase alcohol products for weeks now and have over a month to go still before that aspect of the lockdown is reviewed. So, enjoy drinking and cooking with wine 🙂
Thanks very much, Anne. I hope things do ease for both our countries.
Fleet seems to be the word of the day… 😉
I did not fleet-er through your photos…they are so lovely I lingered leisurely. 🙂
That be a lot of pigeons!
Always love seeing the donkeys and the alpacas both have such sweet faces!
Oh my gosh on the wonderful trees with the sky and cloud backgrounds!
HUGS!!! 🙂
Thanks for these lovely comments, Carolyn X
Shopping is essential but I am beginning to feel guilty about going out. I had to take the car for a good run yesterday because every now and again the emissions system needs a clear out but I felt like a criminal on the run waiting constantly for the rear window to be illuminated with blue lights.
We won’t go on a non-essential trip until all is over, but we do feel like you when we divert a little on or way home. Thanks a lot, Andrew.
I’m always surprised to see alpacas in our fields. They are such peculiar looking animals. Even stranger was the “Push-me-pull-you” of Dr Dolittle. That would be something to see!
Have another look at this one, John: https://derrickjknight.com/2017/04/03/raising-the-roof/ Thanks very much 🙂
You’ve made the best of the dark sky by capturing its drama. Last week’s snow obviously wasn’t good for everyone, such as my older neighbours, but it did brighten it up.
Thank you very much, Libre
It’s always fun to watch your photos but that motorcycle on weather vane is an amazing catch. I have never seen such before. Also I wonder what they do with donkeys on a farm these days.
A good question about the donkeys. I guess they just take a rest and get fed 🙂
Thanks a lot, Rupali
Lovely llamas. But tell me about that motorcycle museum. Is it worth a visit?
I’m sure you would find it so, Leslie. We’ve never been tempted 🙂
One day I’m touring England. I’ll add the museum to my must see list.
In that case you know where you can get a bed, don’t you?
That would be lovely! Thank you!
It would
Ever since I wrote the Violet Speedwell and Harry Bittercress stories in which they landed in a llama farm on Vancouver Island back in 2015, I have maintained a fondness for llamas as well as alpacas. Such odd and endearing animals, like Harry and Vee. Of this group of photos, my favourite is the 12th – the bare branches against the sky feels so airy and free.
Thank you very much, Sue. I’m pleased
Checked up the Australian wine story after reading the comments – keep drinking Derrick, you are doing it for democracy! 🙂
It’s still nice to get out and about on a gloomy day isn’t it? Make our own sunshine, so to speak. Any drive that includes Alpacas ‘inquisitively spotting you spotting them’ is a delight. You gave me a chuckle with that line 😀 When we lived in the country, our daily commute included whizzing by an alpaca farm. Ten times a week, past their cute faces looking back at me. It never got old. Cheers xK
Thanks a lot, Kelly X
Gloom here too. 🙁
Love the cloud pictures.
Thanks very much, Mrs W
Your welcome.
Clouds, trees and alpacas–a few of my many favorite things. 🙂
🙂 I’m pleased, Cynthia. Thanks very much
Love the pigeons on the roof and the chimney pots. You give us such intimate views of your surroundings.
Thank you so much, Judy
You have used a reliable timer in measuring Jackie’s trip to Ferndene Farm. The motorcyclist is having the ride of his life under the moody skies.