“Where’s Elizabeth?” (1)

This was a day of intermittent steady rain and occasional sunshine.

Jackie began, in the rain, by photographing her new planting in the Pond Bed. She plans to do this periodically to record its development.

Shortly before lunchtime, Elizabeth arrived with her gardening kit, brought the sun with her, and set about

weeding the Head Gardener’s Walk.

There were plenty of plants, like these sweet woodruffs, spilling over for her to transplant to her own garden.

In the first London Marathon of the modern era, this photograph by Mark Shearman shows the winners crossing the line hand in hand. Inevitably, fierce competition for kudos and for prizes has superseded this sporting gesture which Jackie and I were to emulate in our contest over reaching

the Ace Reclaim Bench in our weeding of the Shady Path.

Fork and trowel met to share the final removal. Jackie produced this selfie from beside the bench, which I photographed from beside the nearest

rhododendron in the Palm Bed opposite.

Serious rain set in after lunch, so my sister donned her hooded raincoat and continued her task. The third picture, “Where’s Elizabeth?” (1), contains the scented clematis Montana Mayleen making its way up the lopped cypress.

During a later sunshine break I was able to photograph Elizabeth’s work on both the Head Gardener’s Walk

and the Heligan Path. She gathered up her piles before departing.

Meanwhile Jackie photographed raindrops on

the rhododendron on the corner of the Lawn;

the red Japanese maple;

the grey Cinereria Angel’s Wings;

Pheasant’s Eye narcissi;

and aquilegia buds.

This evening we repeated yesterday’s dinner menu with roast parsnips replacing the green beans. Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Recital.


  1. Wonderful rainy-day photos, especially the ones with water droplets on leaves! The garden is looking really nice these days — how wonderful that you have Elizabeth’s help (especially weeding in front of the two hanging pots!).

  2. These are wonderful photos of the gardens and gardeners at work, Derrick and Jackie. The Pheasant’s Eye narcissi are particularly beautiful. I found Elizabeth left of the hanging plant. 🙂

    I also love that photo of the marathoners from 1981. Wish there was more of that sort of camaraderie in the world.

    1. Thanks very much from us both, Lavinia. Well spotted. That picture really should be a symbol for the world – but, as some have said, they would probably be disqualified today.

  3. All the hard work in your garden! Elizabeth is kind and dedicated to come work there through the rain. Great shot of those runners in 1981.

  4. Exquisite photo of the aquilegia buds. The Knights really know how to garden, and Elizabeth looks like she’s having a good time. You guys could sell tickets!

  5. So – I’m confused about your and Jackie’s dash for the bench. Were you the supportive runners of 1981 (Great photo!) or were you the competitive types of today? LOL So good to see Elizabeth. She looks wonderful. I hope she loves her sweet woodruffs as much as I do. Beautiful garden shots – your flowers and beds and paths constantly overwhelm me. Please don’t tell Elizabeth, but when I first saw her, I thought she was a gas grill with a cover on it. : )

    1. Elizabeth will probably read this, Jodie – but she’ll appreciate the joke. Definitely supportive. 🙂 That 1981 finish is what got me into marathon running. I was never that competitive, although I did once engage in a sprint race to the end 🙂

      1. Oh – that’s fascinating about the photo being your inspiration. I can surely see the appeal. I’ve often sprinted at the end of my little races. Several times I’ve run so hard I was afraid I would revisit my banana.

  6. Wasn’t Elizabeth a trooper to help you and Jackie with the weeding! The garden is coming together very nicely after its winter’s rest. I love the photo of the fork and trowel meeting in triumph. A winning day all around!

  7. It was a pity that that original spirit of shared fellowship disappeared under a mountain of commercial interest in later runnings. You may get disqualified for holding hands over the line these days.

  8. I think we had fewer showers today but none of your sunshine. The photo of the runners from 1981 is such a moving one. I don’t believe that anyone would do that today. How good to see all three of you working away in the garden. I love weeding but such quantities of paths and beds to clear must be challenging.

  9. What a tie! You have produced befitting photographs of the contestants and the marathon winners in tandem. Elizabeth is the next level gardener! She is of course crouching in the upper right portion of the frame.

  10. Our Comrades Marathon used to be so moving to watch as runners helped each other to reach the end before the final cut-off. I remember watching my son and his friend doing just that, forfeiting a good time on their first marathon to help a much older runner towards the finish line. They would be disqualified now. I am SO glad you and Jackie have reached the end of that particular stretch of marathon weeding. Hooray for Elizabeth too for being prepared to soldier on in the rain!

    1. Thank you very much Anne. I once ran a 20 mile race on very undulating terrain during which I was accompanied by an older man. He dropped back on the last steep stretch. I finished the race and ran back to him to keep him going. There was no physical aid involved. He made it.

  11. YAY! Elizabeth brought the sun! ☀️ And her smile is beautiful and warm and sunny, too! 🙂 How kind of her to help in the garden! 🙂
    Wonderful photos, Jackie and Derrick! I especially like the ones that captured the jewel-raindrops on the flowers! 🙂
    The photo of the bench is great…it has such character. I love benches. Oh, if they could talk! 🙂
    My adult kiddos have participate in many walks and runs to raise money for charitable causes. They are all good runners. 🙂
    (((HUGS))) 🙂

  12. The garden is looking absolutely beautiful. I always find the rain brings about such vivid colours.
    How kind it was of Elizabeth to pop in and help. She looks so much like your mum.

  13. How nice of your sister coming by to help out with the weeding. Despite the showers it looks as though you all had a good day!!

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