After an early start when Jackie concentrated on watering and I dug out a couple of brambles, we called a halt on gardening and drove to Rosie Lea for a very enjoyable full English brunch which, even under the open shelter had us oozing in the heat.
We then set off for the Rhinefield Ornamental Drive, but didn’t get very far. Our first encounter with

desperately sheltering sun-dappled ponies clustered together for protection against insufferable flies came immediately after leaving Brockenhurst on the Rhinefield Road.
A little further along, beside Whitemoor Pond Car Park where Jackie waited in the Modus, I walked around a pool inhaling the stable yard aroma sucked from the panting, pulsating, hides of ponies, including Shetlands, and Highland cattle, by the unrelenting 29C heat.

As usual, the larger Highlanders hogged the water while the poor native ponies patiently waited their turn on the banks. Sometimes, even those paddling, seemed unable to hold up their heads, or to be bothered to drink.
The still water scarcely summoned the energy to raise a ripple.
I went off the idea of a walk in the woods and we returned home. While I drafted this, Jackie watched TV Garden Rescue programmes, pausing them every 45 minutes to move the garden sprinkler hose.
As usual, after a hearty brunch, a light salad sufficed for our evening meal.
The longhorns are beautiful. Majestic creatures.
Thanks very much, Bridget
You are a champion at photographing reflections 🙂
So true!
Thanks a lot to you both
If this heat keeps up, we’ll have to chip in and get some air conditioned barns!!
I was wondering about the cost of air conditioning yesterday, GP. Thanks very much.
As usual, magnificent photography! I particularly like the reflections of the ponies in the ponds/puddles, and of the lazy cattle resting or standing in water trying to stay cool! Would that I had a back yard pond in which to sit or stand for the hot afternoons!
Thank you very much, Janet
Interesting that the Highlander cattle rule the roost. I was never able to run cattle and horses together. The horses liked to chase the cattle. Hot weather coupled with flies are always a tremendous stress on livestock. Glad that you and Jackie have the ability to water your gardens.
Thank you so much, Maj. You would know
Wonderful photos today, Derrick! 29C is only 84F, not too bad!
When younger I would have enjoyed it. My tolerance is not so good now. Thanks very much, John
Sounds too hot to deal with. Hope Jackie didn’t melt in the car while you walked around taking pictures.
Jackie was certainly pleased to head for home, Pat. Thanks very much
Masterful understatement, I surmise.
Those are wonderful images and deserve to be watched, specially horses
Thank you very much, Mina
Most welcome
WooWee! I can smell the stable yard aroma from here! 😀
I’m convinced the bovine, equine, porcine, cervine, elaphine canine, donkey-ine, and all the -ines gather and wait for you to show up and take their beautiful photos! 🙂
LOVE your reflection photos AND your B&W photos today! Amazing and gorgeous!
OH, that hair on the highland cattle! I’d think they’d need haircuts to survive the hot days. 😮
(((HUGS))) 🙂
PS…Stay safe. Stay cool. Don’t melt. Don’t drool. (Cooper added the don’t drool part! 😉 😛 )
Thank you and Coops both very much 🙂 X
Good to see Jackie had some down time. She usually keeps on the go! Even though 29’c doesn’t sound much to us, I was in England once when it was low 30s and it definitely was hard to take. Of course I hadn’t packed for that either.
When we arrived in Perth on Christmas morning 2007, at 2 a.m. it was 42 – and we’d left cold and soggy Heathrow
I don’t envy you that experience. When I lived in Adelaide pre air conditioning I used to put a tray of ice in front of an oscillating fan to try to cool the air across the bed.
Splendid photos with the animals and reflections. I hope the heat breaks a bit for you.
Respite on the way, Merril. Thanks very much
I love the reflections, Derrick. I hope you get a respite from the heat. I think it’s almost time for takeaway!
Thanks a lot, Jill. We are due rain at the weekend
A grand selection of Highland cattle images today, even if having a dip didn’t seem to make them very happy.
Thanks a lot, Tootlepedal. They were far more uncomfortable than the ponies.
The Highland cattle have the right idea Derrick, with the water pond, “drink it, and sink in it” …
Thanks very much, Ivor. Rhyming still 🙂
It happens that way for me ..
And we get the benefit
Oh, I do hate to see animals plagued by flies. I thought the header photo was my favorite–until I espied the last black-and-white.
Thank you very much, Liz. Your appreciation of the header and its companion is so welcome, because, until I converted them I almost didn’t use them.
You’re welcome, Derrick. I never would have guessed that they almost didn’t make the cut.
🙂 Jackie agrees with you, by the way
They do look hot and you and Jackie “oozing in the heat” is a great description!
Thanks very much, Barbara
Everyone enjoys some shades 😅
Indeed. Thanks very much, Ribana
Wonderfully clear reflections! Thank God for shade trees and wading pools.
Thanks very much, JoAnna
Beautiful photos especially the ponies with reflections are wonderful.
Thank you very much, Chrissy
Those sanguine four-hoofed consciences don’t give a hoot to the biped-infested madness pervading the planet. Lovely photos as ever.
Thank you so much, Uma. They certainly don’t
I’ve felt so sorry for the animals in this heat, I do not know how they have coped. Even poor Woody who is a sun worshiper has been ill.
Sad, indeed, Sue. Thanks very much.
Presumably the horses haven’t thought of going in the water, even though they watch the Highland Cattle doing it.
On other occasions I have seen them wait for the cattle to leave. Ponies do often go in the water. I think they let the big girls have their way 🙂 Thanks a lot, John
Everyone grows accustomed to their ‘normal’ temperatures, but when I read 29C, I had to do the calculations, just to see. That would be about 84F — which often is close to our low nighttime temps in summer. I’d kill for a few days of 29C just now — in fact, our current temp at 6 a.m. is 28C, and its going to trend up for the next few days. Of course, this is standard operating procedure here, and at least I’m not wearing coats like the Highlanders!
Thanks very much, Linda. The Highlanders were not made for this heat. I feel it more now than when I ran a marathon in 88F in the 1980s
delightful photos of these beautiful animals, Derrick! love the reflections 🙂
Thank you so much, Lola
Beautiful pictures from your day.
Thanks very much, Mrs W
Your welcome.
I enjoyed all your photos, Derrick and Jackie. A beautiful collection of ponies and cattle! The heat is hard on the larger animals, and the heat and humidity do accentuate the barnyard fragrance, and the flies. Those shaggy Highland cattle in the water trying to cool off make an interesting set of photos.
I think I may have seen the highland cattle in the very same pool some years ago. Their fur is ill-suited for this weather.
It is indeed. But they have obviously survived. Thanks very much, Susan
Are you not using Aaron the gardener, this year?
We would if we could. His domestic circumstances have changed and he has employed a couple of new men who work as hard as he does, but weekly visits are no longer possible. He is always willing to be called, but we prefer to wait to be fitted in. However we will be asking him to take a truckload to the dump. Thanks for asking, Andrew.
“domestic circumstances have changed” – what a lovely discreet observation.
Bossy Scots get their way 😉 Great bedraggled captures Derrick!
🙂 Thanks very much, Val
Marvelous reflection photos, Derrick, especially the black and white ones.
Thanks very much, Dolly. I’m pleased you liked them
You are very welcome, Derrick.