This was a mostly dismal, overcast, day which brightened up towards the end of our afternoon forest drive.

Wheatfields are maturing along Lodge Lane, near Beaulieu; blackberries are burgeoning in the hedgerows; wildflowers such as cream and yellow linaria vulgaris, young ferns, and creeping ivies, mingle with exposed tree roots; log piles line the drive into Ashenden; a dead tree clutches at the air.

An adolescent foal, its mother foraging nearby, crossed the lane into

Cripplegate Lane, where its dam soon followed.

Other ponies emerged from Church Lane, East Boldre.

Donkeys and foals congregated at the corner of Norleywood Road, where two of the youngsters were clearly assessing each other.
Note the reflective collar, rejected by a pony, hanging on the road sign.
This evening we dined on Jackie’s spicy pasta arrabbiata with which she drank Mendoza Malbec 2020 and I drank more of the Shiraz.
Love the horses and donkeys. For a brief minute, I thought it was a herd of politicians. ;
Good one! 👍🏻
🙂 The animals do not deceive. Thanks very much, Pat
Far more trustworthy, Pat. Thank you very much
An important distinction!
haha, leave it to you!!
Every New Forest pony you photograph seems unbelievably beautiful, Derrick!
Your header image is lovely – the two tinies look as though they have some time before their height will fit the size of their ears 🙂
A fine observation, Emma. Thank you very much.
So many cute animals running around, Derrick! We have wild donkeys in the desert outside of Las Vegas.
Thanks very much, John
I love those little donkey faces in your header photo! I also really like the horse and foal in motion through the shadowed path.
Thank you so much, Merril
You’re welcome, Derrick.
They all look so healthy! Absolutely assessing each other in that top photo. I wonder if the final review was like mine…beautiful!!
Thank you so much, Pamela
Just loving that old road sign.
They are wonderful, Andrew. Thanks very much.
I was struck by the old road sign as well.
Forests have a beauty like no other place! The greens, the trees, the moss, the trees in all stages of their lives, the wildflowers, the berries, ETC! A joy to breathe in! 🙂
You know the donkeys are my faves to see! Those faces! 🙂
(((HUGS))) 🙂
PS…“I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees.” – Henry David Thoreau
Thanks very much, Carolyn. I didn’t know that very apt quotation. X
The foals are growing up! I spotted the rejected collar. Ponies are pretty good at removing things like that. 🙂
Thanks very much, Lavinia. They are, but the collars are literally life-saving in our unlighted roads. Thanks very much
Yes, I can imagine some of the nighttime accidents. I’ve known horse, back when I was a trail guide, that would take a rider right up to a tree, rub the bridle off, and leave them stranded. They wouldn’t return on schedule, and the guide would make the circuit looking for them. One horse in particular, Junior, would be found happily standing around while the rider sat helplessly on top.
Stunningly beautiful photos. Those ponies are simply adorable!
Thank you very much, Sofia
Is it really that time of year already? Where does the time go?
Quicker and quicker, Quercus. Thanks a lot
Oh my! These would make great puzzles, Derrick. I adore the header photo!
Thank you so much, Jill
The dead tree clutching at the air caught my attention. It seemed to be crying out to the heavens to be rescued from the heartless Earthian.
I’m pleased you got that, Rosaliene. Thank you very much
Great play with “perception”
Thanks very much, Bridget
What a lovely country scenery.
Thank you very much, Arlene
I always enjoy your donkey photos Derrick, I am not sure what my fascination is, but I suppose their care-free ways make me smile …
So quiet and gentle, Ivor. Thank you very much.
A faculty colleague of mine has a small farm, where she keeps donkeys. Whenever she’s feeling stressed, she goes off to visit her donkeys. Apparently, a fellow named Floyd is a favorite.
I understand her sentiments.. they have a special relaxing quality 😊💛
Nice pictures! Also, that second paragraph was beautifully written.
Thank you so much, Laurie
I think the pony attached its collar to the road sign to mark its territory. I like the close up, Derrick; it looks almost like the pony is posing for the photo.
It does, indeed, Dolly. Thanks very much
You are very welcome, Derrick.
So nice to pop in on your world again. I enjoyed the donkeys–especially the big and little ones facing opposite directions by the road signs. 🙂
I am delighted to see you back, Cynthia. Thank you very much.
The animals bring so much joy.
Thank you so much, Gary.
These places seem so peaceful – the where donkeys and ponies roam free along the roads and in the forests.
They really are, JoAnna. Thank you very much.
The ponies are wonderful this time — I love the idea of the ponies and the donkeys “assessing each other!”
Thanks very much, Janet
Such bucolic sweetness Derrick. Makes me happy to see. We had ‘dry lightening’ last night. I didn’t even know what this was. I was the only in our house to wake and see it. There was no thunder, no rain, only fire in the sky. Stay safe and well my friend.
Thank you so much, Cindy
Those baby donkeys are too cute
🙂 Thanks a lot, Sheree
Such a pleasure to see the donkeys.
Thanks very much, Sue
Those young donkeys are adorable! The horses look well-fed and healthy. Thank you!
And thank you, GP
I am amazed that all these darling animals are wandering around the lanes as if they are on a sunday stroll. The miniature horses are so very cute!
Many thanks, Amanda. As you can see, they have the right of way 🙂
I like that line of thinking!
I love the photos of the donkeys and ponies, and the lovely scenery, as well.
Thank you very much, Eugi
My pleasure, Derrick.
delightful photos of peonies and donkeys!
Thanks very much, Lola
Poetic prose is matched by very fluid and harmonious photos. The title image is hilarious and endearing.
Thank you so much, Uma
Beautiful animals.
Thank you very much, Melanie
I liked your shot of the dam in particular today.
Thanks a lot, Tootlepedal
‘High Noon’, at the Norleywood Road Corral! 😀
🙂 Thanks a lot Widders.
Another beautiful day 😉
Thanks very much, Ribana
Last week, in the middle of the day, the neighbour’s dog began barking. I heard the owner calling it to come back, and very shortly our dogs, in the bedroom, at the other end of our house, began barking. Checking out the study window, I saw a young bear running across another neighbour’s yard. 😀 The ear proceeded to keep going down the street, provoking the interest of people & dogs as it sought a less notable location. 😀
Alas, no pictures – things happened a bit too fast. I am now in the midst of adjusting to a new camera. The old one is getting temperamental.
Thanks a lot, Joseph. A bear is a bit more than our equines. I am sure you will manage the new camera.
Is it normal to have ponies and donkeys just wandering around the roads by themselves? Do they belong to somebody? 🤔. We would never see that here.
Unique to the New Forest, going back millennia the animals have right of way on the roads. They are all owned by commoners who have pasturage rights. They roam all year round, but generally stick to their own areas. You might find this post interesting:
Thanks very much, AnneMarie
Thank you, Derrick. It might be the same here. We get an occasional herd of cattle or pigs on a highway but the rancher(s) is with them and obviously moving them from one pasteur land to another.
I love all your horse and donkey photos!