Jean Knight 2nd October 1922 – 15th September 2021

This afternoon we buried our mother.

Jackie photographed

the 11th century Norman church interior with its 14th century wall painting,

and its weathered gravestones outside. Becky can be seen in the first image.

Mum and Dad are united in the newer Catherington cemetery, where

Jackie photographed the floral tributes.

As always at funerals we met and reminisced with friends and relatives some of whom we had not seen for years, over such a finger food buffet at The Farmer Home as to dismiss any need for further sustenance this evening.


  1. May your Mother rest in peace – and may you all find solace in memories of her as they come to you over time. She is gone, but not forgotten.

  2. I am so glad the weather was so unseasonably good today
    What a beautiful order of service, and a very lovely service itself – and music – too.
    It ts a wonderful header image, and the flowers are so very pretty.
    Very best wishes to you both, and your family

  3. Your parents were smiling down on you today, as they’ve always done. A beautiful place to see your mum off.
    Thank you, Jackie, for taking these pictures for us.

  4. Ohhhh Derrick. My heart goes out to you and your family during this emotional time. Blessings to you all! ❤️❤️❤️

  5. My heart is with you, too. I am happy the weather cooperated and you were able to have a memorable service. Your mum was a very special lady!

  6. May her memory be a blessing, Derrick. 💙 Such a beautiful, ancient church, and a fitting tribute to your mother.
    You are right that such moments are often special times to reminisce with family and friends.

  7. What a beautiful place for a service! Glad the weather was good. And such a pretty floral/bird design on the handout. Would love to read your tribute to her, if you are so inclined to share it. If not, then perfectly understandable. Again, so sorry for your loss. No matter how old we are or how old our parents are when they pass, it leaves such a hole in the family. How they are missed! So many things I would like to ask my mother, but she is not here to answer my questions.

    1. Thank you very much, Laurie. I didn’t write anything – all from the heart addressing family and friends I knew well enough to be totally relaxed. I was able to link my memories to members of the congregation, beginning with Little Jean Hunter, not much older than little Ella, taking a lighted candle up to bed in her home with no artificial light; and one month before she died, once again little, Jean Knight, conversing with her great granddaughter on an IT thingy. Thereafter you will have been familiar with other examples from the blog. And, of course, when I sat down, I thought of what I hadn’t included.

  8. A perfect autumn day and a beautiful setting. The opportunity to celebrate a long life well lived. Thinking of you and your lovely family, Derrick. Many memories to share x

  9. Thoughts and prayers to you and Jackie, as well as all of your family. I am sure you Mum would have appreciated the lovely setting for her service – as well as seeing you all gather afterward, visiting and reminiscing. As always, Jackie did a wonderful job in taking these photos as a keepsake for you. 💞

  10. It is extremely sad. She left behind her fine descendants. She is your mother and proof that life is eternal. The Church and the cemetery are beautiful. My sincere condolences.

    1. That is how it was. The priest, an ex Royal Navy man was so very sensitive and thorough – the only one I have ever experienced who really absorbed the information given and spoke so well about someone he did not know. Thank you very much, Sylvie

  11. The flowers are beautiful. I imagine with your extended family together there were many, many fond memories shared. I was glad to read that she is reunited with your father – it was lovely to see their pictures together on the order of service.

  12. RIP beautiful Jean Knight! I’m so glad I got to know you through your son’s WP blog. You brought joy into my life. 🙂

    What a beautiful day and place to celebrate your Mum’s life, Derrick.
    My continued condolences, prayers, and love to you, Jackie, and all of your family and friends. <3

  13. The order of service is beautiful and the music uplifting. A lot of thought and love has gone into the planning. I imagine you did the artwork on the front cover. It must have been an emotional day for you all but comforting to know that she passed peacefully and is now at rest with your father.

  14. Oh, hugs to you all. I am sure you are just exhausted. You did a beautiful job – such a lovely tribute to a wonderful, beloved woman. Drink plenty of water. Take a few quiet days to relax and reflect. I am sure your mum will rest easy with the knowledge of all the love that surrounds her. xo

  15. What a beautiful service, and thank you for sharing the order of service with us. After seeing the beautiful Norman church I closed my eyes and visualised the Lord’s Prayer being said, the vicar’s address, the poem She is gone, the music and the hymn Amazing Grace.

    Thank you for allowing us to take part in the celebration of your mother’s life.
    Rest well, Mrs Knight.

  16. Such a beautiful photo of your Mum. Her spirit shined through to the end, and it’s wonderful that you were able to enjoy a farewell day of beauty. The church is gorgeous, and I smiled to see the Lord’s Prayer printed in Roman form. Tradition can be quite a support in such times.

  17. Thank you for sharing this beautiful, yet sad goodbye with us. I like the wreath with the bird on the cover of the service bulletin and “You Raise Me Up.” Sending peace and comfort to you and your family.

  18. I join you in your sorrow as you say goodbye to your mother, Derrick. I am honored to come to know Jean through your blog. I miss her, too. She was an amazing person. Thoughts and prayers are with you and Jackie, and your family.

  19. Thinking of you today – on Tuesday next we will be burying the last of the last generation here – my aunt who was One hundred last year.

  20. That beautiful, serene resting place could have been from centuries ago, lending a timeless aura to the parting of your Mum who herself was a timeless persona. May she rest in peace.

  21. My condolences for the loss of your mother. She seemed a very nice lady. And what a lovelychurch and graveyard. She could not have had her funeral at a more beautiful place.

  22. A beautiful setting, surrounded by friends and loved ones, must have helped to ease sadness. Thinking of you and your family, Derrick.

  23. A beautiful order of service. The church reminds me of a church in Maitland City, west of Newcastle NSW. Gorgeous inside and out.

    How long ago did your Father died? It’s always sad yet comforting knowing that our parents are finally together again. My Dad died 10 years to the month after my mum past.

  24. May your mother rest in peace. Funerals are such an appropriate time for sharing memories. I hope you found solace in sharing those memories

  25. Sorry to hear about your mother, Derrick. So nice that you were able to have a funeral. My sisters and I waited close to a year before we could have a celebration of my Dad’s life. Funerals really help to bring closure and be able to share stories with family and friends.

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