On the morning of a very dull day we cleared much more of the wisteria arbour. We have now realised that the plant itself held the posts in check, thus protecting the greenhouse and the potted plants. Jackie carefully extricated the beams from the clutches of the heavily pruned wisteria, and, apart from a couple returning the security service,

we transported them to the stack we have at the far end of the garden beside the orange shed. The very long one required two of us to carry it. On the way along the Gazebo Path I lost my balance and fell to the ground. My unharmed right elbow landed on the border stone and sent a shock up my arm to my shoulder. After lying on my back for a while I managed to get to my feet with the aid of a chair Jackie brought me. I shifted another couple of beams then called it a day. My shoulder hurts so I am looking after it.
After lunch we drove to Streets ironmongers in Brockenhurst where Jackie bought firelighters and a few other items. We continued further into the forest.

Despite the pewter dome placed over the autumn colours of the woodland, they were not to be dimmed.

Evidence of the very recent breaking of a splendid beech tree was presented in the form of recently sawn logs and their dust around the roots.
Ponies at East Boldre were on

hedge clipping,

grass cutting, and traffic control duties.

The waterlogged corner at St Leonards Road still provides cold soup for the animals.
This evening we dined on pork spare ribs, hot and spicy prawns, and Jackie’s flavoursome omelette-topped savoury rice with which she finished the Chardonnay and I finished the Douro.
I hope your shoulder is going to be all right!
I can still cross my fingers, Liz. Thank you very much
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Fabulous featured photos
Thanks very much, Sheree
Lovely forest photos, I’m glad that your shoulder and arm were not seriously injured, Derrick. ππͺπ»π¬π§
Thanks very much, John
Oh, no! π So sorry to hear about your fall. π I hope your shoulder will heal with just some rest and care. Keep us updated. Will include you in my meditations, prayers, and bestest wishes for healing. <3
The the pewter dome needs to realize Autumn colours are impossible to dim! π The colours are so vibrant and bright in contrast to the rest of nature's November colours. π
YAY! The ponies are on the job! Working hard! I hope the cold soup is a nice reward…Hmm…Should we call it Gazpacho for the Gallant-Ponies. ???
An excellent name for the soup, Carolyn. The shoulder is making me rest today. Thanks very much X
Hope your shoulder is better today.
A little
It is terrifically easy to fall over! I am glad that your photographic skills were not damaged by the catastrophe.
Thanks very much, Tootlepedal. Your comments are appreciated all the more because I couldn’t really hold the camera up with my right hand.
I hope that things get better soon.
I do hope that your shoulder stops hurting soon. It sounds as though you did great work today, closing the garden’s season – as well as capturing the beautiful sights and colours of Autumn so wonderfully.
That pony seems to be drinking deep… perhaps concerned that the water will freeze over next week in the cold snap that is promised. All together, today’s post seems to focus on ‘fall’, as well as the gentle traffic calming indicated in the title…
A nice fall link, Emma. Thanks very much.
Your photos of the autumn colours of the woodland, were definitely vividly stunning Derrick …
Thank you very much, Ivor
I do like the shed picture.
A convenient injury is always a good excuse for getting out of manual labour.
Thanks a lot, John. Actually we are having the floor done on Monday so somehow I have got to move stuff before then – definitely not today.
Lovely photos today.
Oh, dear I am so sorry about your shoulder, I sympathise with your pain. Supper sounds delicious.
Thanks very much, Sue
I am sorry you got hurt, watch your shoulder carefully.
Thanks very much, Bridget. It will make sure I do.
Oh no! Iβm sorry to hear about your fall, Derrick. I hope your shoulder is okay. Maybe icing it now and then might help. Take care of yourself.
Many thanks, Jill. I’m being very careful. π
You have my sympathy. I’ve had a few of those falls, and it always surprises me how quickly they happen. That bit of time between the moment we realize we’re falling and when we actually hit the deck isn’t very long. I ought not laugh, but “My shoulder hurts so I am looking after it” is just so “you” — understated, reasonable, and filled with the sort of wisdom that comes with our age!
Thank you so much, Linda. An insightful laugh is welcome.
Your poor shoulder! I do hope it feels better soon. I smiled when I read about your wisteria and the posts you extricated today. It was only after I had finished cutting away all the twisted dead clematis stems recently that I realised that the clematis montana (severely damaged in the ice and snow in the late winter) had been holding up the trellis and not the other way around.
We think it saved our greenhouse, Clare. Thanks very much.
Amazing good luck π
I hope you’re feeling better and glad you rested on your back for a while after the fall. Lovely autumn colors and ponies. Maybe the beech tree will make it back.
Thanks very much, JoAnna. It has certainly been carefully trimmed
My blood ran cold when I read about your fall. I hope there’s no damage, you poor old chook!
Thank you very much, Yvonne. It is reminiscent of a rugby injury I have carried for 60 years, so I do hope It will improve – anyway it didn’t keep me awake
You have clearly taken the fall in your stride. I hope your shoulder heals fast. The wisteria arbour wears a revolutionised look. The autumnal photos are exquisite.
Thank you very much, Uma
Beautiful photos.
Thanks very much, Mrs. W
Your welcome.
The bright autumnal colours are very pretty, as are the horses and ponies. They are a fine reward for hard work (and a fall – ouch) in the garden. I look forward to seeing the fruition of Jackie’s plans for that demolished arbour come spring.
Thanks very much, Anne
Take care of that shoulder, and try not to fall over again…..easier said than done as I’ve found out the hard way! Just look at that sports car. 4 LDC. Who’d have thought it. Leonardo di Caprio in the New Forest.
Well seen, John. Thanks very much
Are you sure you didn’t have the Douro earlier in the day? Look after that shoulder.
Thanks a lot, Chrissy π
I hope your shoulder is feeling better today, Derrick. I’m also glad you didn’t break any bones in your fall.
You still managed to take some lovely shots–I like the autumnal woodland (under the pewter sky) and the ponies, of course. π
Thank you so much, Merril. Movement still restricted but the shoulder didn’t keep me awake
That’s a good thing. π
Most people have to pay for landscapers, but you and Jackie do it at home and the pretty ponies do it out on the streets! Such a good deal.
Thanks a lot, GP
Gravity does catch up with us, and emphasizes that getting old is a pain, then another pain, etc. We’re grateful no serious injury resulted from your fall. Your description of the “pewter dome placed over the autumn colours” is magnificent, as are your photos of same. Take care and take rest.
Thank you very much, Maj and Sher. I’m doing my best to rest.
Sorry about that fall. A funny coincidence…I fell yesterday, flat faced on the pavement. Luckily, I didn’t break a tooth or anything else. For some reason I thought of you. And then I read that you fell. Weird! Glad you didn’t break anything.
Synchronicity. Thanks very much, Laurie
I love the forest scenes. Your white hedge clipping pony seems to be sporting a slight smile and twinkling eye in one of those photos. π
Thanks very much, Lavinia. That is the one that set off to undertake traffic control π
I was too quick reading this morning. Do take care of that injury, Derrick!
I’m doing my best, thanks
I hope your shoulder gets better soon.
Your photos always take us on a nice adventure
Thank you so much, More
You’re welcome Derrick
I’m sorry to hear about your tumble, Derrick, and wish you a speedy recovery. Thank you for sharing your lovely pictures of the forest and the ponies.
Thank you so much, Eugi
You’re welcome, Derrick.
It’s never good to fall, particularly onto concrete! Do take care and stay upright, Derrick — trips to Urgent Care (a half-way spot that is for non-life-threatening urgencies) are no fun at all! And nor are the results of most falls!
Much appreciated, Janet
Sorry about your fall Derrick, I hope there is no serious damage. I enjoyed your scenic photos as always.
Thank you very much, AnneMarie
Lovely colorful photos of the forest, but how is your shoulder, Derrick?
Thanks very much, Dolly. A little better this morning
My pleasure, Derrick. Glad to hear that.
Ouch nasty, take care of it.
Thanks a lot, Lindsey
I love the little blue shop building in one of your photographs, Derrick! And reading about your fall hurt my elbow and shoulder a little. I’m glad you weren’t injured badly. Have a wonderful week! π
Thanks very much, Cherie
You’re most welcome, Derrick. π
Derrick, I’m so sorry to hear of your fall. I’m surprised that you had the gumption to go out photographing after that. But so glad you did. Wonderful photos (and captions!). I hope you’re feeling well.
I am well, Jodie, thanks very much, The shoulder is slow but a little better each day.
I hope your shoulder is getting better!
Slowly. Thanks very much, Ribana
I had missed this post somehow, {{{Derrick}}} – so I had to go back and find out how you hurt your shoulder. Sorry about your fall!! Did you go have a doctor look at it to see if you have dislocated something? If not, you should. Do not suffer in silence! Continued prayers for your comfort and no permanent damage there!! <3
Thank you very much, Jan. It’s not that easy to see a doctor at the moment, but I will if it stops improving. X
Thanks very much, mobster
Sorry to hear you hurt yourself falling. I hope you are going to be fine. Lovely pictures of the woodlands and the ponies
Much appreciated, Geetha
most welcome Derrick
All right. (If I may say so). Nothing broken then? Pain should subside soon. No swelling? No – major – difficulty in lifting or turning the arm? (Just sound like my MD daughter now) π Though as you know, if pain goes on a little while an X-ray should put your mind at ease.
Sorry for that inconvenience. It’s when one hurts something that one realizes how often we use that something…
Prompt healing. ππ»
Thanks very much, Brian. Raising and stretching forward are problems, otherwise use is not bad. Very reminiscent of a similar rugby injury 60 years ago. (Less trouble typing now)
Rugby now? Never played, though I had many friends on the rugby team, and we went to games often. If you take it easy you should probably be fine in a couple of weeks… All the best.
I think so, Brian. I have more sense than when I carried on playing the match
You were young, stronger, and also hot from the game. Pain doesn’t set in so fast then.