Window Shopping

This morning I posted

After lunch on this gloomy, yet warm, day we drove to Lyndhurst for some Christmas shopping. The High Street was so unpopulated that it was only

when I wished to include visitors in photographs that I could do so,

leaving shop windows to my lens.

The Stag’s electronic Santa was not a real person.

Jackie was real, but I also focussed on her. In the second picture she is aiming for the Camping shop, where we made a purchase; and who did we see when we emerged into the street but

Danni and Ella – and “Where’s Jackie” (11) – and Jack in their car.

Alongside Rodlease Lane on our return home stood a pair of inquisitive field horses.

This evening we dined on more of Jackie’s jalfrezi and pilau rice with which she drank Hoegaarden and I finished the Malbec.


  1. What a nice outing you and Jackie had. The header shot is very sweet! And what fun to see Dani, Ella and Jack (along with Jackie 11 reflected on the side posts).

  2. If I were strolling along your high street, I would wander into Down to the Wood. What a nice surprise to see Danni, Ella, and Jack! My favorite photo out of today’s group is the one of the horse beside the lane. There is something about how the scene is composed that I find very appealing.

  3. Everything looks in the holiday spirit with 10 days to go. I think I see a double reflection of Jackie in the panels between the front and rear windows. πŸ™‚

    It is always good to see the ponies.

  4. So many horses in your posts always. Are there so many riders? (I can’t think there would so many riders in France. Or maybe in retired parts of the country?) Merry Christmas. (How’s your shoulder?)

    1. Thanks a lot, Brian, especially for asking about the shoulder, with which I have slow progress. We do see riders in the lanes and occasionally on the moors. Merry Christmas to you, too

  5. The names of the shops are as dazzling as their fronts. What business are the folks in Onomatopoeia into? I could see Jackie sneaking her way into one of those bot nowhere in the Quiz picture (except in reflection between the two windows of the car). The two woodland images towards the end images are beautiful.

  6. The shops have entered into the spirit of decorations that lend a festive air to this time of the year. Ours decorate inside – mainly with gaudy tinsel and a few baubles – as anything outside is unlikely to last for very long. Your final picture is beautiful: the horses look peaceful.

  7. What a joyous surprise to see Dani, Ella and Jack! And a great Where’s Jackie? capture! πŸ˜€ Jackie is like a double-rainbow…beautiful, shining brightly, lovely, bring us smiles! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚
    I love this time of year when all of the already cool shops get festive…all the greens, reds, and Christmasy decorations and beauty! πŸ™‚
    The horses look so calm, so peaceful! and your photos of them are frame-worthy!
    (((HUGS))) πŸ™‚

  8. The shops that have gone to so much effort no doubt wish there were more shoppers out. Onomatopoeia as a shop name made me wonder why they chose that. It may be that the word somehow brings along a meaning it doesn’t have in the dictionary – onom somehow giving a hint of omni? Did you help yourself to one of the free treats?

  9. Lovely contrast between the beautiful and festive photos and the peaceful photos of the horses. Wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday season, Derrick.

  10. Some very interesting shops on the High Street.
    How lovely to see Danny and the little ones. Ella looks delighted to see you both.

  11. What a sweet looking village (town?). I’d stop in all those stores just because of their names – I’ve just been teaching my writing class about “Onomatopoeia,” and there’s a storefront with that name. Clever. As is “Down to the Wood.” Hope you had success in your shopping. Wonderful photo with friends…including the horses!

  12. Where’s Jackie? I love that, Derrick. Your shops are so inviting, and I’m tickled with the shop name Onomatopoeia. I remember learning that term in an English class many years ago.

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