I recently received a delightful surprise in the post. Our friend Barrie Haynes does not rate himself as a poet, but in 2021 he published a small selection entitled When I Was Of This Earth, in aid of Wessex Cancer trust in memory of his son who died in 2006. Under the imprint of Hat Gate Books this self-published little volume is marketed by Amazon.
Barrie’s simple, well crafted, poems use rhythm and rhyme to describe nature and places in an intelligible manner. They are evidence of close observation, his rounded vocabulary, and his knowledge of the country. Straightforward language includes some profound thoughts on life and death. I think he underplays himself.

I have chosen to reproduce this spare, elegantly simple, example. Unfortunately, this piece on Mevagissey bears a typo in the title. Nevertheless the poem is one of my favourites. It is one of two such titular misprints that mar the production – the other being Stanger for Stranger.

Several readers pointed out the similarity in yesterday’s header picture between my brother Joseph and me and our father.

Some will recognise this one of me with Chris and Jacqueline from 1947.

None will have seen this one of Dad probably taken in 1925 when he was 8.
We are continuing with rehanging our pictures.

Becky’s “Troll in a Storm”, produced aged 6, now hangs above my sitting room chair.
This evening we dined on Jackie’s Ferndene Farm Shop Lincolnshire sausages in red wine; creamy mashed potatoes; crunchy carrots and cauliflower; firm Brussels sprouts and peas, with which I drank Barossa Valley Shiraz 2017.
You remind me that I have pictures I want to hang that are on my husband’s honey do list ! Drawings from when our children were young.
That is a very comfy looking chair.
Howdy, we see you in the mirror
Thanks a lot, Rose. Howdy, back.
Well spotted – I hadn’t noticed the mirror image.
I have added Mr. Haynes’ book to my Amazon cart
Thanks a lot, Rose. He will be pleased.
Lovely blog! A pity the first sentence has a missing word!
Thanks a lot, Ian. I inserted that pretty well immediately, but the FB pages don’t take any notice of subsequent changes.
Wonderful photos and family history, Derrick, your home looks very cozy! 🇬🇧❤️
Thank you very much, John
A loving history in photos. Thanks for sharing. (We especially enjoyed the glimpse of Derrick in the mirror!) “Troll In A Storm” is delightful, and in a position of honor above your chair.
Thank you so much Maj and Sher
That’s such a sweet photo of your dad. I love “Troll in a Storm,” both the imaginative subject and its execution.
Thank you so much, Liz
You’re welcome, Derrick.
I love seeing old family pictures. Of course, at this point, I recognize you, even as a small child. It’s so interesting to see the child in the adult and the way resemblances follow through your children. I did have a chuckle at your reflection in the mirror, but I didn’t see it at first!
Thanks very much, Lisa. I didn’t notice the reflection until later, either 🙂
A really precious photo of your father.
What a lovely picture from Becky.
And I love the picture of the picture – showing, in your intriguing way, the photographer taking the former…!
What an artistic family you have 🙂
Thank you so very much, Emma
Artistic ability definitely runs in the family, as do the family resemblances. Genetics is so interesting, isn’t it.
It sure is, Gwen. Thanks very much
Becky’s ‘Troll in a Storm’ painting, marvelously depicts the force of the storm Derrick ..
Doesn’t it just? Ivor. Thanks very much
What sweet photos! Definitely a family resemblance! All handsome boys! 🙂
Becky’s painting is so wonderful! She captured the movement and scariness of a storm! It deserves that special place of honor! (Did you plan to have yourself in the mirror? Great addition to the photo! A picture within a picture! Where’s Derrick?!? 🙂 )
Mr. Haynes’ poem creates such a perfect image….ignites the senses!
(((HUGS))) 😉
Thank you so much, Carolyn. No – the mirror was an accident 🙂 X
You do look the childhood photo of your father. I love Becky’s painting. So much motion.
Thank you so much, Judy. I thought that was amazing for a 6 year old
I love seeing these old photos, Derrick. The one of your father is so sweet. I love that you have Becky’s artwork displayed so close to you. xo
Thank you so much, Jill X
I like the simplicity of the poem and Becky’s art, priceless !
Thank you very much, Sylvie
Excellent title and a fine painting. The mirror photo is a great shot too. I get a lot of fun from seeing people reflected on eBay when they photograph shiny objects.
Thanks a lot, Quercus. I’m pleased you noticed the reflection
PS – I liied the poem and didn’t even notice the title, I just knew it was that Cornish village Mega . . .sey. Never bother with the middle bit.
I am pleased, Quercus. Thanks a lot
I liked to see your face in the mirror, taking a picture of your daughters “Troll in the Storm.” Great shot.
Thanks very much, Bridget. I wondered if the would be noticed 🙂
It was noticed. 🙂
I love the old photos and Becky’s “Troll in a Storm,” with the wind whipping around the troll. Typos happen. It’s good that you can overlook them to enjoy the beauty of the poems.
Thank you so much, JoAnna. The wind was the amazing element in that picture
I love this bit of family history.
Thank you very much, Gary
Hi Derrick – I like that Mevagissey poem. I can picture the birds rising and falling on the water. I also like the Troll in a Storm picture – you’re lucky to have that!
Thank you so much, Barbara
I see the resemblance.
Thank you very much, Mrs W
Your welcome.
The simplicity of the poem is a window to the raw power of the grief inundating the poet’s heart. Those photos and paintings are indelible memorabilia of the times that were once here.
Thank you very much, Uma
Family resemblances are interesting to see. One of my sons and his daughter clearly resemble my father. Only now, in my seventies, are my children beginning to comment that I am starting to look like my mother in certain poses. I clearly see vestiges of the other grandparents in my youngest grandchildren too.
Indeed, Anne. This is a theme on which I have occasionally focussed. Thanks very much
That poem is lovely, and the only good thing about typos is that they can be corrected. “Troll in a Storm” is filled with such wonderful movement. Quite an accomplishment for a six year old.
Thanks very much, Laurie. That is exactly why I’ve always kept the picture
Really, really good!
I bet that chair has a great view of your wonderful garden.
It looks onto the front – not quite so wonderful 🙂 Thanks a lot, Sheree
Still, handy for keeping an eye on things.
Yes – the front is not too bad, either.
I enjoyed seeing these old photographs and the Troll in the Storm is a winner.
Thank you so much, Sherry
Is the little boy without the baby you, Derrick? I think he looks quite a bit like Gazza, if you remember him.
I’m the one with the baby. The other boy is my late brother, Chris. Like Gazza in tears, perhaps 🙂
Memories we carry with us, eh, Derrick?
Indeed. Thanks a lot, GP
I love seeing the old photographs.
Thanks very much, Sue
I can see the resemblance between you, Joseph and your father in the photos. Old family photos are like time time travel, aren’t they?
I love “Becky’s Troll in a Storm”. She had quite the imagination!
Thank you very much, Lavinia. They really are like time travel. That certainly is a treasured painting
I love ‘Troll in a Storm’.
Thank you so much, Helen
Becky’s painting is amazing and titled appropriately. I love the cozy look of your home and family photos hung on the wall are the perfect touch. Thank you for correctly guessing ‘Miss Piggy’ in my post – The Interview. I posted a sequel; giving you credit for the correct guess. Take care.
Thank you so much, Eugi
Poetry, portraits, and paintings–a lovely post. I like the poem, but it’s a shame about the typos. There’s definitely a family resemblance in the portraits. I love all the movement in “Troll in a Storm”–and what a great title!
Your image in the mirror like a ghost, makes the photo perfect. 😀
Thank you so much for all these observations, Merril. Your appreciation of the poem is particularly encouraging.
The family resemblance is remarkable, Derrick. So is Troll in Storm, by a six-year-old.
Thank you so much, Dolly
You are very welcome,Derrick.
Definitely a strong family resemblance! Very much like myself, my daughter, and her daughter. We have photos as tots where the only way to tell who is who, is by the clothes we were wearing.
Genes will out, AnneMarie. Thanks a lot.
Wonderful pictures to have of your father. I only have pictures of my father as an adult. Becky’s picture is lovely. I have a lot of my boys art work still.
Thank you very much, Robbie
Ooooh … That one of one of your dad taken in 1925 when he was 8 is a knockout! I see such a resemblance between him and photos I’ve seen of you around that age! I love where you chose to hang it. Perfect!!
Thank you so much, Jan X
Beautiful poem! You three really look alike!
Troll in a Storm is so beautiful! You’ve found a perfect location!