This afternoon I finally managed to post completed forms to Mum’s Bank and to the Premium Bonds Centre in order to release funds for distribution to the legatees.

I popped them into the normally decorated box on Pilley Hill. No doubt the anonymous knitter is between tribute designs.

Buttercups and daisies carpet the bank behind the letter box.

Apple blossom blooms beside the lake,

which bears water buttercups and reflections.

Ponies, including a pair mutually grooming, occupied Bull Hill. Note that flies, on this heavily overcast, warmer, day have begun to descend on these creatures.

One cow alongside Beaulieu Road admired its reflection while across the road another undertook its own lonely grooming.

A group of ponies disturbing the traffic at East Boldre included one animal clearly too short to keep out of mud when entering a pool.
This evening Jackie produced a superb roast pork meal including crunchy crackling; crisp Yorkshire pudding and roast potatoes; tasty sage and onion stuffing; firm cauliflower, broccoli and carrots; tender cauliflower leaves; meaty gravy, and Bramley apple sauce, with which she drank Hoegaarden, I drank Calvet Prestige Bordeaux 2020, and Flo drank water. Creamy rice pudding was to follow.
Beautiful photos.
Thanks very much, Mrs W
You’re welcome.
A very atmospheric series of pictures. I have never had cauliflower leaves, or not that I remember, but I like eating the raw ‘stump’. We used to clamour for the rights to it as children. The postbox and your good self make a very striking pairing.
Thanks very much, Susan. The raw stumps are good. The leaves, chopped up are just like cabbage.
I’ll have to try them. I’ve been throwing them away all these years
So did I, until Jackie put me right
You’re looking pretty sharp posting your letter, Derrick.
The ponies look beautiful in their summer coats, but the cow looked a bit lost.
Thanks very much, GP
I’d never heard of water buttercups before. Your supper sounds like a veritable feast!
Thanks very much, Liz. I’d never seen them either until we moved here
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Beautiful pictures!
Thanks very much, Anna.
A feast to celebrate what is hopefully the end of an arduous task. Although we still have bright red post boxes in town, I doubt if anything posted therein would move from within … such is the sad state of our bankrupt postal system.
So sorry about your system, Anne. Thank you very much
Flowers, cattle and horse photos are great. However, the first image of grinning Derrick completing the last step in the process of probate is the most gratifying shot of today’s gallery. Congratulations, Derrick, to you and your family.
Thank you very much, Maj 🙂
Thanks very much, Luisa
Your expression at the mailbox is priceless. And the first pony seems to be giving you quite a look.
So many beautiful photos of flowers and animals. I can’t choose a favorite.
Thank you so much, Merril 🙂
Sorry about the lack of mailbox decorations. Lovely afternoon’s picture safari. Another gourmet meal. You poor man. 😉🤣
Thanks very much, Pat 🙂
Sorry about the lack of mailbox decorations. Lovely afternoon’s picture safari. Another gourmet meal. You poor man. 😉🤣
Apple blossom is always so pretty, isn’t it?
Yes. Thanks a lot, John
All beautiful photos! Ponies, cows, grooming cow, buttercups, reflections, daisies, apple blossoms, etc…but I must say the photo of you stole the show, Derrick! 🙂 Did you and the mailbox coordinate your clothing today?! Ha! 😉 A great photo by Jackie! 🙂
(((HUGS))) to you and Jackie! 🙂 ❤️
Thank you very much from us both, Carolyn
Never has posting a letter been more elegantly done.
Thank you so much, Gary 🙂
It’s nice that you took time to notice and photograph the cheering daisies and buttercups at the letterbox during such a momentous occasion. The water buttercups and reflections are magical.
Thank you so much, JoAnna
You looked skeptical. No trust in the Royal Mail? 🙂
More in the Royal Mail than in the process – what could go wrong next? Thanks very much, Bridget
Derrick, you always refer to them as ponies which to me denotes a small or young horse. Some of the look pretty grown up. Educate me, if a pony is a young horse, what is an adult horse called?
For us it is a horse of small breed – below 15 hands. Thanks very much, Steve
Your wonderful collection of pony photos reminded me of this fantastic song and poem by Leonard Cohen ..
Thanks very much, Ivor
My pleasure Derrick
Your photograph at the mailbox would make a fun puzzle! Beautiful photos today. Thanks for sharing!
Much appreciated, as always, Jill
Your communication to the bank will carry the added charm of the celebrated post box. The abundance of apple blossoms makes for beautiful pictures. The ponies are meandering unhindered, bothered only by their sworn enemies, the flies.
Thank you so much, Uma
Beautiful field of flowers. You are a good month ahead of us. In Maine, daisies bloom in June.
Thank you very much, Laurie
I do believe you need another hair cut but I love the colour.
I love seeing the ponies. Any new ones this year?
Quite right, Chrissy. Thank you very much
Yay! Congratulations on the hard job 😉 Gorgeous photos as always!
Thank you very much, Ribana
I love how you match the letterbox. ❤️
Thanks very much, Sheree. Pure serendipity 🙂
Loved the cow and reflection and lots of ponies and daisies.. Jackie’s evening meal, just up my street .. 🙂 oooh and creamy rice pud…. What a treat <3
Thanks very much, Sue
Wonderful photos of the ponies and I love the expression on your face at the mailbox. Perhaps, a sigh of relief was there too?
Absolutely, mixed with a fear that something else could go wrong. Thanks very much, Eugi
Spring in the forest is a beautiful time of year! What is the temperature like in your area now? I am sorry to hear the flies are descending on the ponies already. The littlest ponies are adorable.
About 15C. Thanks very much, Lavinia
That is about what we here saw yesterday.
Apple blossom time! Lovely
I must admit, red is your colour
Thank you very much, Rose
I love that photo of you at the postal box. M guess is that your Calvet Prestige Bordeaux 2020 went really well with that roast pork. We have a neighbor coming with a shrimp quiche for our dinner tonight. Very hard to cook (and to type) with one hand!!
I’m sure, Jan. But you seem cheerful enough. Thank you very much
Attitude determines altitude. I choose to 🐝 up! 👌🏽🤗
Yes, indeed
Just curious: did you wear this jacket to match the mailbox, Derrick? It made for a well staged photo.
Thanks very much, Dolly. I hadn’t even known I would pop the letters into that one 🙂
You are most welcome, Derrick. Serendipity works, doesn’t it?
Beautiful ponies! You are looking quite dapper yourself! :>)
Thanks very much, Dwight 🙂
You are welcome!