Birth Announcement Card

The fairly regular substantial showers of heavy rain that we are experiencing this week has really freshened the garden and perked up flagging flowers such as

Japanese anemones which are somewhat stunted;

solanums both blue and white like this one that cascades over a tall dead elm;

various dahlias had been dried up and hanging limp;

several of these lilies had bowed low and lost their bloom;

Absolutely Fabulous continues to live up to her name;

Flower Power has risen like the Phoenix;

For Your Eyes Only still draws insects on the wing;

Rosa Glaucas’ blooms may be over, but their hips shine with health.

This afternoon Becky helped me make a birth announcement card for Ian’s concerned stepmother. This involved printing and resizing

this photograph produced by Flo when Ellie was 6 days old, for the front page,

and this one at 14 hours taken by Dillon for the inside.

During this process, when Becky was using the mouse and I was wanting to add my input to the screen, I absent-mindedly tried to do it with my glasses case. Several times. Later, in the sitting room, Becky, who had been the last to leave the computer, casually mentioned to her mother that she wanted to wait until her Dad had shut down the iMac. Even when Jackie became impatient for me to do so, I didn’t twig what was going on. I decided to comply.

Lined up in place of the confiscated mouse were my mobile and landline phones, two specs cases, and two TV remote controls. The two ladies stood leaning in the doorway quivering with silent glee.

Ian, who had paid for yesterday’s takeaway, went back home to Southbourne late that night and so was not with us to partake of the leftovers this evening.

The rest of us grazed when we had motive and opportunity. Jackie and I enjoyed the first sitting entertained by lightning strikes momentarily illuminating the tails of cats and dogs swept along in blustering gusts lashing the windows to the sound of manic drum rolls that was another electric storm. Mrs Knight drank Peroni, and I drank ChĆ¢teau La Mauberte Bordeaux 2020.

When I returned to write this last paragraph my white mouse had transmogrified into a bar of soap.


  1. I love Ellie’s announcement portrait. I would say she’s smiling (and it’s not gas!). Your blooms do look perky after the rain. I got a big kick out of the ladies’ shenanigans (my son-in-law’s favorite word).

  2. Such a fun post with everyone in great spirits, it seems, and the flowers revived by steady drinking in the garden pub.

    I agree with Liz. Ellie is smiling! (And what a beautiful photo!)

  3. The flowers are so beautiful!
    Sweet Ellie is even more beautiful! šŸ™‚
    The flowers are smiling for Ellie and out of gratitude for the drink of rain!
    (((HUGS))) šŸ™‚ ā¤ļø

  4. Rain is everywhere, I’m sure. We’re had constant rain since before my surgery on August 5th. I have had rare opportunities to be outside. It’s cold too. Not normal for this far north.

    Ellie had a great smile. That’s not wind. Even her eyes aye smiling.

    Mmmm… maybe they thinks you are getting OLD. It’s nice to have sum healthy fun.

  5. I love the jokes.
    When I use my laptop instead of my workhorse computer I sometimes get confused and attempt to touch the screen as I do with my iPad. Alice did the exact same thing today.
    but she’s only four; as for me I think I need the age excuse! !

  6. Gorgeous garden photos, and how is Ellie smiling at 6 days old? Wonderful pictures of that little sweetie and her Grandad, I’m guessing.

    So, do I get the rest of the story right? You (like we all do) grabbed the wrong thing as a mouse. Then – Becky and Jackie shenanigans began. You came back to the mouse being gone and lots of silly things lined up in its place. And THEN – after that silliness – you came back to a bar of soap as a mouse? This is just hilarious. Bravo girls.

    1. Your comment itself caused shared hilarity – with speculation about possible alternatives, e.g. a sliced potato. The favourite was a perfectly sculpted mound of mayonnaise (which I don’t like)

  7. Ahh … the joke is on you Derrick … absent-mindedness is rife my friend … I’ve lost/misplaced a file that is ‘always’ beside my computer … and Frankie is no help at all …

  8. At least you’re using your glasses case for something. I’m trying to get into the habit of putting my glasses in them. Beautiful photos of the flowers, especially Ellie. The light show sounds like fantastic. What a wonderful life!

  9. What? Your white mouse had transmogrified into a bar of soap? You have outdone yourself with your vocabulary lessons on this blog, Derrick. Thank God my iPhone has a Websterā€™s app! btw, your garden photos are magnificent, as usual.

  10. I really enjoyed reading about the jokes played on you Derrick. I have (more than once) stood on the doorstep and clicked my car remote key at the front door. For a fleeting second it all seemed perfectly normalā€¦but then it dawned on me and I quickly pulled house keys from pocket or bag. ā˜ŗļø

  11. The flowers are beautiful, Derrick and Jackie. A testament to good gardening and a refreshing rain.

    Little Elowen is adorable, and it sounds like the ladies had some good fun, though at your expense. šŸ™‚

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