The overnight gales offered us a brief respite this morning, during which the

sun was permitted an appearance and the rain lessened. This was not to last, but we were fortunate for a time during which we ventured into the forest.

A dip in the landscape as we head towards Burley from Holmsley Passage, dry until recently has filled with water the surface of which ripples with reflections while fat, pendulous, raindrops slip from the branches above, sending ever increasing circular patterns into play.
Clay Hill is closed to traffic when small birds are nesting among the undergrowth. Today its own pond was fuller than it has been so far this year.

It, too, reflected the surrounding woodland,

containing dripping rose hips.

On the moorland to our left as we drove back down Holmsley Passage, several damp ponies enjoyed a small spot of sunshine, while

a fire on the opposite side of the lane seemed to be a bout of controlled burning of gorse.
This evening we dined on more of Jackie’s pasta Bolognese, this time with stir fried vegetables al dente. I drank more of the Malbec while the Culinary Queen, Flo, and Ellie, all abstained.
Wonderful pictures, especially those with circular rippling dimples on the water surface.
Thank you very much, Eunice
You are welcome.
Great pictures. I’m glad that if Ellie is on the bottle, it’s probably still milk. 😉
Thanks very much, Pat 🙂
Lovely images Derrick, one and all.
Thank you very much, Cindy
The ponies seem to own the landscape.
They do, GP. And the roads 🙂 Thanks very much
Wonderful images of the expanding rings on the water surfaces from the drops hitting. And the image of the single drop hanging onto the rose hips has a sense of anticipation for the drip! Well captured Derrick!
Thank you very much, Maj. Nice observation
I was wondering what was making those perfect circles in the water. To think, they were simple raindrops! The Clay Hill pond water looks perfectly still in a way I’ve seldom seen before.
Thank you very much, Liz
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Such lovely photos. I could comment on each one, but I particularly like the third one down with the one circle, lines, and reflected sky.
Thank you very much, Merril. Your photos also invite individual comments.
You’re welcome–and thank you, Derrick. 🙂
So many things to observe in the forest and around, Derrick
In riendship
Thank you very much, Michel, my friend
SPECTACULAR photos. The circles of life … or of the fairies. Or both? I’m reading a new book by Geraldine Brooks called “Horse,” and I have such a new understanding of the magnificence of that animal.
Thank you very much, Pam
I think that these are your best photographs for quite a while, Derrick, and tonight’s winner is………”dripping rose hips” !
Thank you very much, John
I loved the reflective water shots
Thank you very much, Sheree
I’m back … computer seems to be going ok … The surface water ripple photos are intriguing Derrick …
Thank you very much, Ivor. I’m glad you dusted off your computer
I’m so pleased that Ellie abstained!
Those little ripples in the pool make for lovely images.
I’m sorry you are still suffering from those wretched gales. Hopefully the weather will calm for you before long.
Oh, and the image of the standing pony is stunning.
Thank you so much, Sue. I got that one from the car. A better day today, but it rained all afternoon and night.
No gales here just plenty of rain.
Seems those Gales have been hitting your region hard Derrick… Here just Fog, then rain all week…
Love the photo’s I am surprised the Gorse would burn given all the rain… Our ground now absolutely soaked and soggy..
I was surprised about the burning, too, Sue. Thank you very much
🙂 <3
They are beautiful images, Derrick. Your raindrops in the pond remind me of that old song “Windmills of your Mind”
Thank you very much, Lavinia. A fine song
I love how the pond reflects the tree trunks. The pony photos have an intriguing contrast and definition. I think it’s the light.
Yes, JoAnna. It was a good hour for light which went off rapidly after lunch. Thanks very much
Glad you had a respite. The wet weather certainly provided you with plenty of opportunities to take lovely pictures.
Thank you so much, Laurie
What a beautiful collection of impressions after the wind and rain! I enjoy the ripples in the water as well as the clear reflections 🙂
Thank you very much, Anne
Some of the most pleasant visuals are the simple things available for all to enjoy. I especially enjoyed the fat drops of water falling on the water and their ever increasing circles.
“Clay Hill is closed to traffic when small birds are nesting among the undergrowth.”. That’s wonderful! whose responsibility is to watch out for the nesting birds?
It must be the forestry commission. There are many such areas in the forest. Thanks very much, Yvonne.
Ellie is a smart girl to abstain! 😉
Brilliant photos! Love the water droplet…and love the ripples in the water!
(((HUGS))) 🙂
💧❤️ 💧❤️
PS… Even the smallest act of caring for another person is like a drop of water – it will make ripples throughout the entire pond.” – Bryan Matteo
Thank you very much, Carolyn. An apt quotation X
I love water pictures. Great song choice!
Thanks very much, Bridget
As always I like the reflections.
Thank you very much, Andrew. One of your own favourite subjects
What a lovely grouping of photos. I love them all.
Thank you very much, Eugi
A beautiful set of photos.
Thank you very much, Andy
You’re welcome.
The reflection is stunning!
Thank you very much, Aletta
Your reflection photos are superb, Derrick.
Thank you very much, Dolly
My pleasure, Derrick.
Such hardy ponies! I can appreciate all that stormy rain–you know we can get it here, as well. Glad you got out with your trusty camera.
Thank you very much, Cynthia
You two are such rovers, but in contrast, also follow Candide’s advice to “Tend thy own garden!”
Thanks. very much, Judy
Luckily it stopped for a while, allowing you to take beautiful photos!
Thank you very much, Ribana
Beautiful evocative photos Derrick. Those concentric circles capture the mood.
Thank you very much, Lindsey