Running Round The Haystack

After lunch Jackie and I took a drive out to Pilley and back.

We took the route where we knew there was a sheep field, hoping there might be lambs, and were rewarded by the usual inquisitive sheep bringing their offspring up to the wire beside my usual vantage point.

Around the corner into Burnt House Lane the creatures were far enough away for them not to be interested in me, the youngsters being far more engaged in chasing each other around the haystack and playing king of the castle; the dams getting on with the business of renewing their strength by cropping the grass.

While I was doing my best to photograph frolics, Jackie was studying a log with a peephole, and its accompanying daffodils.

Afterwards I watched BBC’s transmission of the Women’s Six Nations rugby match between England and Italy.

This evening we all dined on Hordle Chinese Take Away’s excellent fare with which Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Fleurie.


  1. What a fun ride — I love the tiny little lambs, frolicking in the field and running off some of their energy! The log is also fascinating — a great find!

  2. AW! Oh, my gosh! Cuteness overload on the cheerful, playful lambs enjoying life!
    I hope we all follow their example and frolic today!!! 🙂
    OH! So lovely! Jackie’s photos are so artistic! The 3rd one and the 5th one are spectacular!
    All of these photos today say “Spring!”
    Q: What does the lamb want to do?
    A: Wool the world.

  3. Is Pilley north of your home village? I was curious when I read the title. Trying to image you chasing Jackie around the haystack.

    I like natures “peepholes” Jackie. 🙂

    1. Thank you very much from us both, Chrissy. Now that is fond image. Pilley is just a few miles east.

  4. Lambs and logs made a fine photo selection, Derrick and Jackie! Some of those black and white lambs are colored like little Holstein cows! Would you happen to know what breed they are?

    1. Thanks very much from us both, Lavinia. I don’t know the breed, especially as they all seem to look different than the ewes

  5. Interesting that all of the lambs seem to be black but none of the moms are. What’s up with that? What fun they are having..Wish there was a video of them.

  6. How lovely to see the lambs, gorgeous colouring too.

    I noticed Judy’s comment about a video; that’s exactly what I attempted last evening as I watched ours running around in little gangs, but the light was fading and it was too dim to capture anything decent.
    I like Jackie’s image of the log too.

  7. The only thing more adorable than a little lamb is a group of them playing together! Thank you for this.
    I love Jackie’s log with the peephole and daffodils, too.

  8. I do love lambs and your photos are lovely, Derrick. A friend of ours keeps sheep and last year I got to hold a day-old lamb. It was so soft and warm!

  9. After reading the title I immediately had a vision of you and Jackie running around a haystack. I was a little disappointed to see the lambs ????

  10. Ooooh my goodness, what a delightful collection of photographs! You and Jackie are masters behind those lenses! I giggled just looking at those little lams… and I marveled at that peephole stump with those seasonal daffodil. Made my day! So glad you had such a lovely day. Thank you for shaing it, (((Derrick))) and {{{Jackie}}}. I wish Bob and I could have been there to enjoy that Chinese take-out with you. We miss good Chinese food. Used to have such a restaurant here in Ennis, but it closed about 8 or 10 years ago and nothing good has replaced it :o( Cheers, dear friends! Have a wonderful springtime!!

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