While we sat round the patio table before dinner yesterday Flo took
these photographs of Jackie and Ellie which she e-mailed to me.
This morning my lady attended a coven meeting with her two sisters,
and dropped me at Milford-on-Sea on her way there, collecting me three and a half hours later after I had taken a rather more than a few photographs and caught a touch of the sun.
Most of the time I sat on the same bench seat although I did walk up and down a bit for changes in perspective.
This first gallery contains a woman sporting shorts seemingly plugged into soothing music; another dressed in a striped tent; another carrying co-ordinated bundles; another, green-clad, clasping car keys; and a gentleman opening his boot.
Car drivers were in and out of the parking spots throughout the morning; cycling was another popular form of transport. The individual gentleman in this group was just setting off having uncoupled his steed from the rack in the first image which later accommodated two others locked together. Interestingly it was only the child in the family group who wore a crash helmet.
Other children, such as this one passing the Charity shop, enjoyed other forms of transport, like the buggy contrasting poignantly with the approaching elderly gentleman’s walking trolley.
The Bridge on the Hill is quite a focal point – notice the wall-mounted defibrillator. The woman crouching down outside went on to visit the outlet, the proceeds of which support the village Community Centre.
Anyone using this crossing, as did this infant crocodile, could not miss the shop.
People also gather outside The Village News, described as a traditional newsagent. This group conversed long enough to test the patience of the dog which was quite happy to sit and watch the world go by.
Dogs are in abundance wherever one goes in this area. The one in the van didn’t have to wait long for its owner to return from the Co-op.
Other shop windows speak for themselves. Note the hat held by the bollard outside Timeless Fabrics which had not opened when I first arrived. I wonder whether the cap will be retrieved.
I spent an enjoyably engaging hour talking with friendly David Heath and his equally amenable wife Janet from Colorado. Janet joined us between periods of visiting the local shops.
The couple walked on past the telephone box book exchange.
A number of men were occupied making deliveries; one in this set used a sack barrow; the postman pushed a cart and entered the shops with armfuls.
The most impressive handling of delivery transport was by Ben who I may not have spoken with had it not been for a near miss we both witnessed. One driver came down the hill alongside which we were sitting, drove across the the double lines evident in the picture above, and suddenly turned right without seeming to see a car approaching from Sea Road opposite. Had the driver of that vehicle not made a screeching emergency stop there would have been a collision.
Ben said that this was a very dangerous corner and such situations occurred all the time. He then revealed that he drove the Co-op van. He had started at 4.30 a.m. carrying out a string of deliveries. Although the vehicle was loaded when he collected it, he unloaded alone at each store he visited.

The manoeuvre that he needed, so skilfully, to employ had to be seen to be believed. He turned left past the Co-op; reversed down Sea Road; came forward into the high street and swung round up the hill; with the aplomb to wave as he passed me on his way.
After photographing one of the ubiquitous feral pigeons pecking up scraps
I noticed a relaxed conversation opposite which was completed with a farewell hug.
This evening we dined on chicken marinaded in Nando’s medium piri-piri sauce and Jackie’s flavoursome vegetable rice, with which she drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Borodino.
Pictures of village life look idyllic. Hope the coven was white magic only. (Is Coven your word or that of Jackie and her sisters?)
I may have been the first to use it, but we all do now. Thanks very much, Pat
An interesting day of photography.
Thanks very much, Chrissy
Lots of good people watchiing in this group! I loved the last photo of Jackie and Ellie. I’d say there was giggling involved.
There certainly was, Liz. I like the movement in that hand. Thanks very much
You’re welcome, Derrick. 🙂
You have so many interesting village photos today, Derrick, I love this! It’s fun to see what people are doing, and its very much like here. Do you find our American English hard to understand? Colorado isn’t too far from Las Vegas.
With some accents I do struggle. We really like and understand Dillon’s from N. Carolina. David Heath’s was more like Canadian.
South C
That makes more sense – but I keep getting them muddled
Yes, there is a slight difference in the dialect between the US with it’s own regional dilaects and Canadians. Interesting to me! Being from Michigan, once in a while I am asked where I am from.
Lovely pictures of Jackie and Ellie. I so enjoyed your description of an afternoon in the village. So much going on! It made me think that all around the world there are villages of similar size with similar goings-on. A cheering thought on a sunny May day.
Thank you very much, Laurie. David Heath grew up in Vermont
Tent dresses are very fashionable at the moment!
Oh dear. Thanks very much, Kim
Your photos of the village shops and people living life are always wonderful! You capture some interesting happenings! And some birds and dogs got in on the photographying-fun, too!
Love the sweet photos of Ellie and Jackie! ❤️
“Coven meetings…” my sisters and I often had/have those. HA! And our hubbies are happy to be elsewhere. (wink, wink)
(((HUGS))) ❤️
Lots to see while you waited. Time well spent.
Thanks very much, Tootlepedal
What fabulous pictures of Jackie and Ellie. I don’t know any great grandmothers who have such a rich relationship with their great granddaughters. Such a blessing to have them with you. xo
Thank you so much, Jodie X
It really is wonderful to have them here, never to be forgotten days.
So good to hear from you, Becky! She’s just precious.
Aw, I love to hear it, Jackie. <3
Most enjoyable!
Thank you very much, Doug
Didn’t I laugh at ‘coven meeting.’ I laughed more at that ‘tent dress.’ I see from the comments those are considered fashionable these days. Too bad!
Thanks very much, Linda
I enjoyed your whimsically descriptive ” the infant crocodile”
Thanks very much, Ivor
Lots of takes and stories! It gives a real taste of what life is like around you. Thanks Derrick ????
Thank you very much, Val
Precious, precious photos of Jackie and Ellie. Your travelogue covering Milford-on-Sea was most entertaining.
Thank you very much, Maj and Sher
What a fun post! The pictures of the village are almost as delightful as those of Jackie and Ellie which take the cake. I love the book exchange and that there are so many dogs in the village. The pink rolled up bundle in the gallery looks like a yoga mat.
People watching is always an interesting way to spend your time waiting.
Thanks very much, Aletta
At school, a few years ago, we were visited by a surgeon from the Children’s A & E in the Queen’s Medical Centre in Nottingham. He said that the vast majority of the more serious accidents could be avoided easily if (1) children wore helmets while cycling and (2) they always wore seatbelts in the back of the car.
So the little boy in the photograph is doing very well!
Indeed, John. Thank you very much
There is magic in the ordinary. Beautifully captured, Derrick. And my goodness, hasn’t Ellie grown!
She has, indeed, Sandra. At less than 9 months she is wearing clothes for twice her age. Thank you very much, Sandra
The photos of Jackie and Ellie are a joy. Definitely photos to hang on to.
Your photos of the village and people are like parts of a story. It does make me wonder how many times I might have shown up in someone’s photos.
Quite so and quite so, Merril. Thanks very much
You’re welcome, Derrick. ????
It was a lovely and relaxing morning, wasn’t it?
(っ °Д °;)っ
A small but busy village. Glad to see two Americans took in the sights.
LOVED this post. Excellent ‘a day in the life of Milford’ vibes.
Thanks very much, Becky X
I have a series of photos, taken by me, of Mum with Flo in Nan’s garden, in 1997. They are very similar. I’ve been trying to share them on here, with no luck…
What is the problem? XX
Trying to paste image into text box. Nuffink happens.
I’m sorry about that, but we all got it on chat. If you e-mail it to me I will be able to post it.
What a.wonderful little village, loved all you pictures Derrick!
Thank you very much, Diane
An interesting day. I wouldn’t have the patience it. That is as long as a round of golf.
I would never have had the patience for a round of golf 🙂 Thanks a lot, Andrew
Wonderful photos that portray every day life in the village. The photos of Jackie and Ellie take the prize!
Thanks very much, Eugi
Most welcome, Derrick.
Chronicles of village life
Thanks very much, Sheree
Little Ellie has such a beautiful smile!
I love the old red telephone box book exchange. I think of Dr. Who every time I see one of those old phone booths. 🙂
Thanks very much, Lavinia
I love people watching and “catching” a chat or something else – that makes no sense. I was out today, first to deliver something to a thrift shop but before that I bumped in a pal (not seen in person for some time) he thought I would enjoy the SUN (yes we have all day sun at the moment) and “mooch” about town…
That is good, Catherine. Thanks very much
Nice day in the village
Thanks very much, Bridget
Your camera was quite busy capturing life lived with gusto in your bustling place in this world! Quite a lot to absorb today. Jackie must have left you there a couple of hours, huh? Delightful!!
3 hours, because she was held up by road works and a long diversion on the way back. Thanks very much, Jan