I Have Given Up

I have ignored recent Jetpack communication from WP because I don’t understand it and am afraid to get involved with it. Until now, this seems to have been a good decision judging by the number of problems other bloggers seem to be having with it.

When I attempted to recover the pictures for

I came across a new problem. The block of photographs I had used successfully in this original post were inaccessible. After wrestling for an hour or so with this mystery I somehow discovered that Jetpack was now demanding that I sign up to Stripe – whatever that may be – and pay for the use of images from the pub’s promotional material, which had been part of my effort to publicise the excellent, innovative, venue. Fortunately we had visited again a few weeks later when Jackie had taken several pictures. I substituted some of these.

In doing so, I found all but one of the pictures missing from

I was able to recover these photographs from my iMac Photos, but even that presented its own difficulty. Try as I might I could not discover how to include what is now the last owl thatch image without it being cropped by WP – in fact I almost left it off altogether, which should tell you something. It only worked when I made it a separate tiled gallery of its own.

In the meantime my stints in nature’s gym incorporated two separate periods of weeding and dead heading, and only after finishing my rounds with the above problems, did I wander around with my camera.

Now I have given up. I cannot select the tiled gallery without the images being cropped. So the following pictures can only be seen in full when the gallery is accessed. Maybe they will sort this out, but I have had enough for one day.

The first of these two images of the Pond Bed is the view from our dining room window.

Some of our later blooming daily lilies are now flourishing.

Wedding Day rose, cropped in the second image can be seen on its are along the brick path.

Further along the brick path, on either side of the arch, can be seen more Cordyline Australis trees which, until recent clearances, have not been easily visible.

Here are two shots of the red climber along the Shady Path.

This rose coming into its own in the Dragon Bed was another of Jackie’s very cheap buys.

This veilchenblau rambler was bought very cheaply from an open day at Ferns Lodge in Cottagers Lane.

As entitled in the gallery Absolutely Fabulous, and Mamma Mia all enhance the Rose Garden.

This evening we dined on tender roast lamb; crisp croquette potatoes; firm Brussels sprouts, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, soft green beans, and meaty gravy with which Jackie finished the Bangla and I drank Trivento Reserve Malbec 2021.


  1. So many beautiful photos, Derrick! I’m sorry that you are having so many issues with your site. I am having zero problems with mine, perhaps this is because I use a plugin to continue using the classic editor.

    1. Thank you so much, John. Maybe so. If only I had learned about computers years ago

  2. I know people use Jetpack, but I’m not clear what it is. I hope the situation improves for you. It’s so frustrating to have those issues. Beautiful photos here. Your roses are stunning!

  3. I hve seldom encountered a company who attract more negative feedback than WordPress. I’ve never seen anything like it, and I’m sorry to see your good intentions abused in this way, Derrick.

  4. I can’t see any of the photographs. As you may recall, I had to return to a classic editor because I couldn’t work with the new block editor. There are so many problems with WP. I don’t understand why they need to keep messing with it. I hope you manage to sort yours out. 🙁

  5. The coral roses! My favorite color. And the pretty peach daylilies. I’m sorry Jetpack is such a problem. I have to do a lot of WordPress reading on my iPad and WordPress would no longer let me operate The way I used to, thus forcing me to use Jetpack.

  6. You seem to have found more ways of being annoyed by WP than most of us. You have my sympathy. I just keep my head down and plug on hopefully.

    1. That’s what I was doing until I ran out of space and could not have any more. Thanks very much, Tootlepedal

  7. Oh Boy! So many changes and assumptions about what we bloggers appreciate.
    I let go of the classic editor a while ago. It just seeemed too much to try and manipulate. Jetpack suffices now.
    I see that commenter John uses a plug in to manage the classic editor.
    I have chosen to let it go and just use the current photos and the occasional re-blog.
    A part of me says, what is past is past and I try to honor that.

    1. Thanks very much, Val. My take on the past is that it informs our present and should be remembered without dominating us

  8. I have ignored jetpack for the same reasons and have no idea what stripe is. Don’t let them push you around. It’s okay to take your time, rest, and enjoy life. The flowers are beautiful!

  9. Nothing can beat ‘the English Man and his Garden!” Just beautiful.
    I don’t know what the jetpack is, and I am not interested in ever wanting to know more about it.

  10. I switched to Jetpack and it has reduced my headaches when responding to comments with my phone. I have no complaints thus far.
    Bummer on having so many issues with that certain post.

    1. Thanks very much, Dale. Your success is interesting. Of course, most of WP’s recent changes have been for the benefit of phone users

      1. I am not a phone user, really. I mostly use it to respond to comments when I’m far from my computer. I am in awe of those who actually write posts and insert all sorts of stuff using solely their phone!

    1. Thank you so much, Andrew. I have followed your advice, but am deferring the try again bit

  11. I’m sorry to hear about all these troubles. I hope it all gets sorted out.
    I often wonder if they just make changes to make changes…and most of it is not really necessary.
    I am still using the Classic Editor (on a desktop computer) and I’m leery to try anything else. I admire anyone who does and who figures it all out.
    Gorgeous photos! The Red Climber is showing off! (wink!)
    (((HUGS))) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  12. This might sound like a daft question, Derrick, but are you sure you used the ‘Tiled Gallery’ on those cropped images and not the ‘Gallery’ by mistake? The ’Gallery usually shows cropped images until they are clicked, whereas the Tiled gallery doesn’t usually crop them.

    The old mobile WP App already used many of the JetPack features, now Jetpack itself has replaced the old App that was very limiting. Bloggers still have a choice over whether to install it.

    I’m like you, I prefer to work on a computer, I just use the mobile to pick up notifications.

    The only problems I’ve had with WordPress have been when I was foolish enough to use email instead of a live chat. During email support I find that too many agents become involved and that’s when it becomes unhelpful.

    I’ve never had problems with WP live chats. they usually explain where I’m going wrong, send me a screenshot and I rectify it.

    Too many bloggers blame WP for everything that goes wrong, but mostly our issues are due to updates in our browsers and our own mistakes. Working Problems that stem from WP are far fewer.:)

    1. Thank you so much, Sue. I am quite ready to accept that the mistake is mine, but I don’t even know how to discover it. Whenever I click on the tiled gallery option the pictures are replaced by the dreaded question mark and I am forced to change to Gallery to get any pictures at all. I have tried clicking on settings and get the message saying that other setting have been move to tab. What comes up when I click on Tiled Gallery as usual is: ‘Display multiple images in an elegantly organised tile layout. Serves images using Jetpack’s fast global network of servers’.The DEFAULT box is black.

      1. Oh, I didn’t mean to imply you were making lots of mistakes. You solve so many problems yourself.

        I was referring to the mistakes of other bloggers who are not as savvy as you.

        Do you remember back in autumn I think it was, when you had some problems with images (before we discovered the missing ones). I can’t remember the exact details – but I believe that turned out to be because Owen or James was working on the site at the same time as you. I wonder if that’s what they’re doing this time.

        I don’t know what is happening to your site at the moment, but could it be that they are doing more work or updates?

        Either way I would pass this problem onto James, because something doesn’t sound right.
        On the other hand, it could be the fault of WordPress! ????. That was a laughing face!

    1. Thank you very much, Sherry. This link looks helpful – I only wish I understood more. My main problem is that I am trying to leave WP behind. Because of the continuing problems since transferring to other management of my site I am still paying WP business rates in order to post the amount of my pictures and feel very insecure about adding to my dependence on them – and I don’t want yet another mass of stuff to learn. (I will be 81 in a couple of weeks)

      1. Derrick, you don’t need to understand or do anything with the link from Sherry.

        It’s back room stuff, that James already uses, these Jetpack plugins help to run your self hosted site. Without them you wouldn’t be able to continue blogging.

        1. Thank you so much, Sherry. That is very encouraging. I have too many friends, like you, to give up completely.

  13. MMmmm.. your roast lamb sounds wonderful! Sorry you are experiencing trouble with JetPack, Derrick. I was told if I use it I need to uninstall WordPress… that the two may conflict. I am afraid to uninstall WP. So for now I have both… we’ll see what happens. Meantime, I love your “red climber along the Shady Path.” Red roses are my favorite! Happy Father’s Day to you, dear friend. Have a happy one!

  14. I’m sorry to hear about your WP woes, Derrick. I use a laptop and I have WordPress. com, which Jetpack is built in. I’ve noticed that anytime there is an update things go wonky. A day in the life of a blogger.

  15. In my book you are not listed as someone who gives up, but I do share your feeling about the Jet Pack.
    Your roses are just as fabulous; the photos have made my day.

  16. I deeply feel your pain. Between WP and Google we all seem to be a flock in need of fleecing. Pictures look good and I admire your perseverance.

  17. I have a terrible time uploading photos well but haven’t figured out yet if it is a problem with Windows on my Dell PC or WP or both…ugh. But I always am happy to see your garden and the lilies are gorgeous.

  18. Your roses are just luscious, Derrick. And I love the flowers in the foreground of the first picture. Is that campion?

    What a frustration it is to have technology that won’t work. My mother gets especially frustrated. I get pretty frustrated, and my kids just run around fixing things for us.

    I tried looking up WordPress support, and even that is confusing. You might have to have a premium account to be able to access it. Hoping it sorts itself out soon, Derrick.

    1. Thanks very much, Jodie. I can’t remember what those flowers are, but they are not campion

    2. Further research establishes that the flowers are lychnis, which is in fact rose campion. My apologies

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