With the windspeed having reduced somewhat today, I ventured out in full sunshine to examine the damage.
Becky’s having laid flat the garden furniture; Jackie’s having taken down several hanging baskets and loosely tied back some plants, like

these towering lilies, bowed but unbroken, saved them from snapping.

Not so the arch spanning the path from the concrete patio to the Oval Bed.
A new one was clearly required, so the Head Gardener and I spent much of the afternoon touring garden centres seeking a rustproof replacement, and eventually found a wooden one at Otter, which is the nearest to home.
Without, Ian, who had returned to Southbourne this afternoon , the rest of us dined on Jackie’s tricolour penne pasta Bolognese, with which she drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Malbec.
I’m glad you haven’t had too much wind damage. Thankfully it’s not been too bad here.
Thanks very much, Nikki
I’m glad you didn’t have more wind damage, and that you were able to replace the arch.
Thanks very much, Merril
That pesky wind! Las Vegas has many windstorms during the cooler months, some can push gusts to 60mph! Stay safe, guys.
Thanks a lot, John
The ounce of prevention provided by Becky and Jackie clearly reduced the pounds of cure necessary post-wind! I’m glad the damage wasn’t more serious.
Thank you very much, Linda
Well done to Jackie and Becky. I’m glad the damage was held off this time
We had a wet morning followed by a sunny afternoon. Total opposites of the spectrum.
Thanks very much, Sue
PS. Hockey’s Farm shop and cafe on track for Wednesday. Thank you again.
That’s good, Sue. Thanks very much
Sorry, I meant to say FURTHER damage was held off!
I’m glad you were able to do some preparations ahead of the winds. I’m sorry to see the arch go, but good for you for finding a replacement so quickly. It’s hot and windy here today, so it’s a good day to be indoors. I hope the worst of these wind events have passed.
Thank you very much, Alys. Our wind has dropped. I hope yours does, too.
That’s good to here, Derrick. It’s calm now, but the winds kick up around 4, so we’ll see what the day holds.
I’m glad to hear that your garden emerged from the high winds relatively unscathed.
Thanks very much, Liz.
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Isn’t it summer there now Derrick? Our climate is really changing????
Yes. Thanks very much, Arlene
I’m happy to hear the garden is okay.
Thanks very much, Jill
So glad that there wasn’t more damage.
Thanks very much, Rosaliene
The wild winds wounded your wounderland
But the garden warden will whisk away the wreckage
And wheedle her wizardry to wrestle her world
Back to its winsome best
Wow -wonderful wordplay, Ivor
Thanks Derrick … I was having a play with some “w” words to see what I could come up with … I hope Jackie approves
I’m glad the flowers mostly did well, and the arch at least stayed in its general vicinity and didn’t go flying. I’ll remember that about tying tall plants loosely.
Thanks very much, JoAnna
I spoke too soon on an an earlier post – sorry
No problem. You weren’t to know. Thanks very much, Sheree
Will the cleaning keep you and Jackie busy for a couple of days?
Yes. We will have help from Martin. Thanks very much, Rupali
Oh, that wind! (We had some today that blew in a nice little rain shower.)
YAY for a new arch and finding it quickly!
Did all the owls survive upright during the recent winds?
(((HUGS))) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
PS…This quote always makes me smile… “Despite a gardener’s best intentions, nature will always improvise” – Michael Garofalo.
Thanks very much, Carolyn. The owls were OK. Some laid down beforehand X
Good to hear. ❤️
A litle bit of tidying up, a replacement arch and you won’t be able to tell that there was a windy spell a couple of weeks ago.
Thanks a lot, John
A gardener’s work is never done!
Thanks very much, GP
Happy to see the damage was minimal. I always appreciate the garden tours, and can’t wait to see the new pergola.
Thank you very much, msw
Oh dear! I do love your titles. They make great teasers once you are used to them. The lilies are spectacular.
Thank you very much, Susan. I do appreciate this
Excellent title! I didn’t know what to expect. We get some heavy wind gusts here during these fiesty storms. Our apartment complex in situated in a heavily wooded area, which can be worrisome when the gusts come through.
Thank you so much, Eugi
You’re welcome, Derrick.
So you will post a pic of new arch when it’s up?
Will do, Luanne. Thanks very much
That was prompt action to get the replacement.
Thanks a lot, Tootlepedal
It’s a good thing Jackie was pro active and saved the plants.
Thanks very much, Robbie
I’m sure the new arch will look beautiful in the garden!
Thank you very much, Ribana
So sorry about that terrible wind. Glad that most things escaped damage. Looking forward to seeing the new arch.
Thanks very much, Laurie
I am sorry about your arch, but I hope the new one will be a welcome addition to your marvelous garden.
Thank you very much, Dolly
You are very welcome, Derrick.
We had so many branches and plants down after this storm
More than us, I think
I am sorry the arch broke in that storm, Derrick and Jackie. The wooden replacement sounds like it will be beautiful. Martin will install it for you?
Yes, Martin will do it probably next week, Lavinia. Thank you very much