Ellie’s First Birthday Blog Post

Grandpa got a bit carried away with his camera today. Well, it was my birthday. Apparently I am somewhat advanced. I can even crawl and stand up when balanced against something. But I can’t speak distinctly so he is going to interpret my utterances for my readers.

Suddenly for no apparent reason I got encouraged this morning to crawl across the room to approach an attractive bag which would normally elicit a “No”.

I was even allowed to delve into it.

Was I really allowed to open the contents? Apparently so.

Apart from the carroty chewy things this bag contained a spoon, fork, and a tag with a tiger picture on it. I am pretty good at saying tiger, so naturally I preferred the tag to the cutlery clearly designed to stop me from turning savagely feral with my Mum when she tries to feed me and I want to do it myself.

Mind you, there are times when it is politic to let Gram Gram feed me because eventually the grown ups will think it is cute for me to help myself and get cleaned up afterwards. This was a scrumptious cake made by Mum, who had also made Dad’s cup cakes yesterday.

I was pleased to get a Quacky Bird which I recognise from Twirly Woos. I received a few cards as well. I can’t quite read them yet, although I can put inky fingers on those I send to other people.

Now, if Mum sticks her arm up this parrot’s bottom she can work her fingers so I get bitten if I’m not careful. How excitingly scary is that? She told us all a story about this. Because she had one just like it when she was little she wanted to buy me one. She found one on line – a process with which I will soon overtake The Grannies – that is Great Grandpa and Great Grannie. Unfortunately none would be available until Christmas, which is all very well, but a lifetime away. And then – serendipity – I know long words because I watch Kiri and Lou – Mum saw this colourful bird in a Charity Shop, and bought it. All the older people say mine is just like Mum’s.

All that excitement meant I had to have my nappy changed, which, as usual required a nap and a change of clothing, after which I was given a Hey Duggie mystery parcel. I could see we were supposed to press buttons or something, but there was obviously a missing ingredient. Mum put a little pot into a required space and we turned to go into the garden. But it had started raining. Grandpa said “Don’t worry. Do it in here”. “Do what?” I thought.

Then a wonderful stream of bubbles descended from above. Wowee.

This evening I was a bit tired, but I still enjoyed roast pork; roast potatoes, including sweet ones; Yorkshire pudding; cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, and Brussels sprouts. Mine was, of course, mashed, but I am told everything else was of perfect texture, including the crackling.


  1. Happy 1st Birthday, Beautiful Ellie! Your big smiles say it all! I’m so glad you had such a fun, exciting day with your family! Looks like Quacky Bird is a hit! 🙂 Ooh, and bubbles! 🙂
    You are a great blogger! I hope you will blog again.
    And, yes, you are advanced, indeed! ❤️
    (((HUGS))) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
    PS…Beautiful photos to capture GREAT memories! 🙂

  2. What a wonderful first birthday party! I think everyone there had a great time. Such wonderful photos, and Ellie’s delight at the bubbles comes through!

  3. This brought tears to my eyes. Your photographs are absolutely lovely. You have created memories for a little girl who wouldn’t know any of this without your help. Just perfect. Thank you, for allowing us to share this day. 🙂 xx

  4. Oh, my goodness, This post in Ellie’s voice is amazing. Isn’t it lovely that her great grandparents know her so well. xo

    The photos go from wonderful to incredible. The bubbles!

    Happy birthday to Ellie and her parents, who I am sure are thinking back on the big day.

  5. This was a lovely post to read. I used to write just like this for my grandsons when they had their first birthdays. Beautiful pictures of a happy baby and bubbles.

  6. I greatly enjoyed watching Ellie’s delight with her birthday gifts, especially the bubbles! These beautiful photos are family treasures. Happy Birthday, Ellie!

  7. Oh my. It’s been a year? Thank you for letting me share in your special day and all the wonderful things you did and enjoyed. I just love those bubbles. Happy Birthday Ellie.

  8. Derrick, you did a beautiful job of speaking for Ellie, and the photos are delightful! Happy birthday, sweet Ellie.????

  9. Ellie is delightful, such a pretty girl. You have taken some amazing photos of her particularly with the bubbles and your dialogue was so accurate. Happy Birthday little princess …you must be having a “proud Grandad moment” 🙂

  10. How delightful! I can’t believe it’s Ellie’s birthday already! She is a charming photographic model and clearly destined to be a wordsmith like her dear great-grandpa! Happy birthday Ellie 🙂

  11. Absolutely delightful! Happy First Birthday Ellie!
    Grandpa did a wonderful job with the photography. I love the bubbles, too!

  12. Congratulations on your first blog post, Ellie. Thank you for sharing your grandpa’s photographs. He did a nice job capturing your peaches and cream collection and your wonderful smile. Clearly you are loved and cherished. I especially enjoyed the bubble surprise, and the thoughtfulness behind all of your gifts.

  13. Congratulations on your first blog post, Ellie, and Happy Birthday! Beautiful photos, Derrick. You captured her spirit well, Such a lovely, happy little child!

  14. I was officially on break when this piece was posted, but I couldn’t resist going back a bit to read this charming post. A very happy birthday to adorable Ellie!

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