A Hot Curry On A Hot Day

On the morning of another very hot day I published

Jackie and I then brunched at the Lake View Café.

This afternoon I finished reading Culloden and, after a dinner of Red Chilli take away, published

My choice of curry was king prawn naga. There is nothing better, in my view, on a hot day than a hot curry.


    1. Yes. Although I was in my mid twenties before I encountered curry which doesn’t actually make me sweat. Thank you very much, Pat

  1. Can’t beat a good curry, but I can’t take ones too heavy on the heat. I like the subtle blend of aromatic spices. Some places seem to want to mask the flavour of the food behind a huge dose of chilli!

  2. I must be one of the few English people who does not like curry. For me, it produces the same overwhelming flavour for every ingredient of the meal.

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