Warm Rain

I began my day by watching the ITV recording of last night’s rugby World Cup match between England and Argentina.

Although the air remained humid, the temperature hot, the breeze absent, we did at last receive rain, albeit warm.

It continued to require an effort to catch raindrops with my camera; the resultant images bearing titles in the gallery.

This afternoon I dozed through the rugby match between Japan and Chile, then gave my undivided attention to the game between Scotland and South Africa.

For dinner this evening Jackie produced her classic cottage pie; tasty ratatouille; crunchy carrots; and firm broccoli, with which she finished the Zesty and I drank François Dubessy GSM.

By this time the skies had darkened, the temperature dropped by several degrees, and a cool, light, breeze blew.


    1. Yes, indeed. We never thought we would ever welcome it as we did. Thanks you very much, Rosaliene

  1. I have just a touch of rain envy. We’ve had a bit — a very little bit — but everyone’s still longing for a day or two or four of steady, non-destructive rain. One day! In the meantime, I’ll keep enjoying your rainy flowers. They’re beautiful.

  2. We watched the South Africa vs Scotland game last night too – as did one son in Norway, the other in Glasgow and my daughter in Hout Bay. Naturally I am pleased that the Springboks won, but could not help feeling the Scots deserved more points.

    1. A fair observation, Anne. South Africa will take some beating. I was sad to see Etzebeth leave the field and hope he will be OK (the position in which I used to play)

  3. YAY for rain! And your amazing and beautiful photos highlighted the rain so well!
    Mrs. Popple didn’t seem to mind getting rained on. 🙂
    (((HUGS))) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  4. You make the most of those wet days, capturing lovely photos. I especially love the Raindrops on Delt’s Sarah. We had those in our San Mateo, CA yard. Ah, sweet memories!

  5. Gorgeous after rain photos! Glad you enjoyed it! It might rain here today but I am sure I will be too busy with work to take a look at flowers and whatnot. I definitely did not value my weekend enough and wasted it watching Netflix.

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