Lingering Or Precocious

The weather was kind to us today, with no rain and the sun shining most of the shirt-sleeves warm day.

I hadn’t slept well so was feeling rather tired. I therefore spent several hours in the company of J.B.Priestley’s “Literature and Western Man”, before wandering round the garden with my camera.

Having battened down the hatches in our normal manner over the last week, I was pleased to note that most of our pots and garden furniture were not blown over and the weeping birch still stands.

Nasturtiums are a good temperature barometer. The first frost renders the tendrils limp and the blooms and leaves jelly-like. We have had no sign of that this year.

The hebes and roses like yellow Laura Ford seem to have emerged very early for next spring;

hot lips remain sun-kissed, as do various clematises; roses such as Peach Abundance and Gloriana continue to flourish, while Hawkshead is just one of our thriving fuchsias, and the starlike gaura is the only one that has ever survived for us.

Clerodendrum and iris foetidissima seeds promise a good crop next summer.

This evening we all dined on tender roast lamb; crisp roast potatoes and Yorkshire pudding; firm sage and onion stuffing; crunchy carrots; soft broccoli stems; and meaty gravy, with which I drank Mighty Murray Shiraz.


  1. Well, well, well who knew there was a wine actually called the “Mighty Murray”? We’ll be on it ourselves in December, but about five hours drive from Swan Hill, the home of this winemaker.

  2. Magnificent photos! I think your plants and flowers feel so well-loved, and receive such tender loving care, they don’t want to go anywhere…they just keep growin’ and smilin’! 🙂
    Laura Ford and Gloriana are so beautiful! 🙂
    (((HUGS))) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  3. I’m thankful the weeping birch is standing strong and love the header photo. May you sleep well tonight with gentle thoughts of your beautiful blossoms.

  4. Wow! I always enjoy your garden and forest photos, but what a treat to have them during the coldest part of Autumn here! I like nasturtiums for the way they fill a bed, but how tasty they are on salads.

  5. Wow! Your garden still has lots of colour, and the flowers have survived the storms.

    My pots at the back of the house, which were still looking good a week ago with blooms hanging on for dear life despite the storms, have finally given in to the heavy rain, and the petals are now in heaps on the ground. The ones at the front, however, are still looking good.

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