Today was forecast to be another of sunshine and showers, so we drove out early for a brunch at Hockey’s Farm Shop. In the event, although rain threatened on the way out
through Walkford,
along Ringwood Road,
along flooded and reflecting Gorley Road where skies were blue, and maple leaves sunlit;
and on our post prandial return along Roger Penny Way,
Lyndhurst Road,
and from sun-tipped clouds above Lyndhurst we felt none, although leaves swirled about like golden showers and acorns and other mast clattered upon the car roof.
The clear water at Ibsley Ford sped under and over the bridge,
offering vehicle drivers the opportunity for a free car wash, while
a sunny interval dappled the nearby woodland.
Gleeful Gloucester Old Spots at North Gorley, joined on the road by a friendly equestrienne, rejoiced in collecting much of the earlier mentioned mast in the continuing pannage season.
After enjoying her Laura’s favourite meal Jackie satisfied herself with photographing the cakes and hollyhocks at Hockeys, before visiting the aviary and focussing on some of the residents, namely

a zebra finch, a cockatiel, several diamond doves, and three cuddly budgerigars.
Needless to say, I didn’t manage to finish reading Priestley, but I did cover a lot more.
This evening we all dined on Jackie’s succulent, well filled beef and onion pie beneath firm short crust pastry; crisp roast potatoes; carrots, cauliflower, broccoli and Brussels sprouts, well timed to arrive al dente together, and meaty gravy with which the Culinary Queen drank Peroni and I drank Chilean Reserva Privada Malbec 2022.
Wow! What a wonderful post, Derrick. I wonder how many cars might have gotten stalled trying to get through that flooded way. Beautiful photos of, well, everything!
Thank you so much, Dale. We did see on stalled car last week sometime
I would not have been surprised. ????
Gleeful Gloucester Old Spots! Thank you, Derrick! I was hoping to see more of them before they go back to their individual farms for the winter.
The forest scenes are beautiful. Still a lot of high water where you are. The ponies will have plenty of seaweed soup to graze on. I hope you do not get any more severe storms this season.
Thank you very much, Lavinia.
The sun gave you some lovely autumn scenes. I particulary like the one with the barbed wire. Were the doves as plump as they looked, or are they fluffing their feathers?
We think they were plumping up, Liz. Thank you very much
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Lovely landscape images.
Thank you very much, Rupali
We had a similar water challenge here, so many cars failed the test.
Thanks very much, Gary
Such a variety of photos with your trademark witty prose. It’s hard to pick a favorite. I’m glad none of the cars got stuck at the carwash. I hear warnings here all the time not to drive through flooded areas. I’m glad the weather held for your outing.
Thank you so much, Merril
You’re welcome, Derrick.
I don’t think I need to go for a walk today. Your photos gave me such a variety, I feel like I went on the outing with you. I love the Spring photos where trees lined lanes and roads ways. I love bird photo too.
Thank you so much, Chrissy
The animal life that you have all around you continues to amaze me!
Thank you very much, Donna
Coincidently, my brother-in-law breeds Cockatiels Derrick …
Thanks very much, Ivor.
Some of the pics are not showing in my app. Nevertheless beautiful pics. Lots of pigs and ponies. No dogs? I loved the rain filled sky and the twirling path way going where? Inside the woods? Countryside is so beautiful.
I’m sorry you didn’t get all the pics, Geeta. Thanks very much
Lots to see on this outing, Derrick. Watch out for those acorns!
Thanks very much, Barbara
We have a stretch on my walking path where, at certain times of the year, we need to watch out!
Wow, so much to cover in this potpourri of a drive. Who was Roger Penny? We are regularly warned during heavy rains about the potential problems of driving through deep standing water, but free ‘car washes’ are always a good reason to ignore the nervous nellies. First, free roaming ponies, now, hogs. How quaint (and funny). You are such a lucky man to have Jackie and her fab meals. Thanks for the tour, Derrick.
Thank you very much, Steve. You’ll find the answer in this post:,official%20sensitive%20to%20the%20forest.
I think you should have a roadway named after you for all the beautiful drives you share. Whom should I contact?????
What a good idea? Much appreciated
A wet and wonderful post today, Derrick! ????????????????
Thanks very much, John
You’re welcome. ☺️☺️
A stunning set of photos. Especially the top one.
Thank you very much, Andy. I was pleased with that one
You’re welcome.
Glad you got to see some blue patches of sky with the beautiful autumn leaves and happy pigs. No matter what the weather, you know how to make the most of every day.
Thank you very much, JoAnna
That looks like a lot of rain Derrick!
It is, but in fact not as much as when we first came to the New Forest a dozen years ago. Thanks very much, Arlene
It looks as if the drying up process may have begun in one or two places.
Thanks very much, John
Lovely autumn photography
Thank you very much, Geetha
I like those views down an empty, wooded lane. They could be used as prompts for many a story!
Thank you so much, GP
Beautiful photos. The opening shot is especially lovely. I enjoyed seeing all of the birds. Thanks for sharing.
Much appreciated Jill. Your choice was my favourite, too
What a lovely assortment of photos, accompanied by your delightful prose, Derrick. It seems you enjoyed your day despite the rain.
Thank you so much, Eugi
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Your images are amazing, as usual, dear Derrick!
Thank you very much, Luisa
You’re sincerely welcome!
A splendidly illustrated day. Many great pictures today.
Thanks very much, Tootlepedal
Hollyhocks? Surely out of season? but then I have foxgloves in full bloom.
Yes – out of season. Ours have only just finished, too. Thanks a lot, Andrew
Hi Derrick – the weather is so cold here and now and Ijust might need to make a beef pie – mmmmm – Jackie’s sounds so good
also, Roger Penny Way is a wonderful drive and that water seemed like a good car wash – haha
Thanks very much, Yvette
It certainly looks damp, given the rain held off! There have been drought conditions in Mississippi this year and that car wash would come in very handy here. Your meal sounds so delicious today. I can’t work out how much is due to the Culinary Queen, how much to your description and how much to me feeling hungry!
Thank you so much, Susan
Great pictures. You also gave me info and gorgeous photos of my favorite Pannage Piggies.
Thanks very much, Pat
Splendid photos! All!
Especially love love love the birds!
(((HUGS))) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thanks very much from each of us, Carolyn XX
A bit of sunshine makes everything look better, doesn’t it?
Yes, indeed. Thanks very much Sheree
What a beautiful day! And delicious looking cakes 🙂
Thanks very much, Ribana