This morning I enjoyed another eminently endurable chiropractic session with Eloise.
Storm Henk was beginning to calm today. There was less rain and quieter gusts of wind as Martin was able to work throughout.

He sawed up the trunk of the overgrown pittosporum, lopped the branches which he carried to the Back Drive, cut them into pieces with which he filled more of the spent compost bags and carried all to the front end of the garden nearest our parked car, whence we will be able to transport them in several trips to the Efford Recycling Centre. A crushed chair which had borne potted plants joined other scrap metal – also destined for the dump – behind the shed.

We have kept a close eye on the Weeping Birch which remains standing – at least for the time being.
This evening we all dined on Ferndene Farm Shop’s succulent sausages; creamy mashed sweet and white potatoes; crunchy carrots; firm cauliflower, broccoli, and Brussel’s sprouts; and meaty gravy, with which Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I drank Valle Central Chilean Cabernet Sauvignon 2022.
“This morning I enjoyed another eminently endurable chiropractic session with Eloise.” Is this classic British understatement or is what I’m guessing might be some pain, worth the gain? You do seem to be deriving a lot of benefits from he sessions. Great to see the esteemed Martin again. You and Jackie do know how to dine well whether Jackie’s prep, take-out, or dining out.
Just another alliteration opportunity, but the pain really is lessening and the company delightful. Thanks very much, Pat
Happy new year, Derrick and Jacqui
You too, Catherine. May you settle in very comfortably. Thanks very much
I know from experience how much mess those storms leave behind, even when there is no serious damage. Right before Christmas we had a doozy of a storm that left us without power for four days. No fun!
At least we have kept our power. Thanks very much, Laurie
Yes! We can put up with a lot as long as we have power.
Oh no!!!
You’ve had your share of storms this year! It’s good you have Martin to help with cleanup.
Thanks very much, Merril
Storm damage is always a hassle to clean up, I did that many times back in Michigan. Dinner sounds delightful!
Thanks very much, John
You’re welcome, Derrick. I hope it dries up some.
The Main street of Brockenhurst, a large village just a view miles away, was awash yesterday with cars floating. Thanks very much, John
Wow, that’s terrible.
Oh my!!!! That was some storm. Happy New Year, Derrick.
You, too, Luanne. Thanks very much
You’re welcome!
You have had more than your fair share of rough weather. It is not often that we can look south and feel sympathy for those suffering more than us.
🙂 Thanks very much, Tootlepedal. It’s all topsy turvy
I love your “eminently endurable” descriptor.
Thanks very much, Liz
You’re welcome, Derrick.
After the wild storm
Nature wears her nurses uniform
Stalking the ward’s lawns
Thanks very much, Ivor
I’ve made it into a Tank and I’ll select one of your photos Derrick, and post it on the weekend
Cheers. I look forward to it.
At last, the cleanup after the storm! The Weeping Birch seems to be defying the odds.
Thank you very m much, Rosaliene
I hope the chiropractic sessions are helping. Sometimes we hit a plateau and then the healing continues. Three cheers for your perseverance, three for Martin and three more for the weeping birch!
Cheers, JoAnna
So glad that you now have less rain and wind and had help for the storm cleanup. You have had more than your share of rough weather!
Thanks very much, Donna
I am glad the storm has passed and you have Martin to help you.
Thank you very much, Lavinia
Have Gerrit and Henk been named by the Netherlands by any chance? I do not envy the kind of weather you have been experiencing of late and am glad Martin is able to do the main clearing up for you and Jackie.
Thank you very much, Anne. It is difficult to keep up with all the names. Could be Netherlands, but I heard Gerrit was Scandinavian
What a great job Martin is doing. Sorry about the damage that the storms bring.
Thanks very much, Aletta
And the work never ends 🙂 but is so worth it 🙂 Here is raining daily too, luckily no storms.
Thank you very much, Riba
Mother Nature’s last fling…for now!
Incidentally where do they get these names from ? Were these two a long forgotten currency in medieval Europe? Twelve Gerrits make one Henk in the Lands of the Teutonic Order?
Thanks very much, John
So much work involved! Glad you have someone to help.
Thank you very much, Judy
“…eminently endurable…” Excellent! 🙂
So glad Martin is such a great helper! Just reading about all he does to help makes me tired. Ha! I think I’ll go take a nap! (wink, wink)
(((HUGS))) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thank you very much, Carolyn
Whoa! Martine has his hands full!!
Indeed. Thanks very much, GP
Your title refers to the “G” storm, but Martin’s working in the “H” storm. I think you deserve a break in this new year. If I’d been through so much wind and rain, I think I’d curse the one after “H” as the Idiot Storm.
You are so right, Linda. Thanks very much
Do you think there are more storms than usual?
Yes. We have always had wet winters but not so many raging storms. Thank you very much, Sherry
Such a lot of damage done by the storm Derrick… we escaped lightly except for the rain and flooding in parts… xx
Thanks very much, Sue X
Looks like work…take care and don’t overdo it!
Thank you so much, Lenore
Oh my! Sorry about the damage, but glad you had a nice dinner. ✴.·´¯`·.·★ ꔠʌƿƿႸ Ꞑᶒພ ????ᶒʌ໗ ★·.·`¯´·.✴
Thanks very much, Cindy
So many storms and so much clearing up to do! I am pleased you have Martin to help you both but it must be heart-breaking to see so much damage in your beautiful garden.
Thank you very much, Clare.
Boy, that storm sure did leave its mark! Good thing you have such a wonderful gardener.
Thank you very much, Dale
Luckily, Henk blew itself out before reaching us. More to come I suspect.
Thanks very much, Andrew
Glad to see you & Martin are keeping things beautifully trimmed in your garden. Happy New Year, Derrick!
And you and all your family, Jan. Thanks very much
Martin’s done a splendid job and I hope Henk has spared you
It seems to have done, Sheree, although flood waters came very close
There is rarely a dull moment in your world, Derrick. Those storms are powerful and relentless.
Thank you so much, Alys