Read Along With Me Part 4

With today’s weather mirroring yesterday’s we stayed indoors and I made further progress with Germinal.

Here are the sample pages from Part IV. Again, clicking on any image will access the gallery enabling enlargement.

This evening we all dined on Red Chilli’s excellent home delivery which always arrives on time. My main course was Naga Chilli chicken, with which I drank more of the Shiraz.


  1. Thanks for letting us read along with you! And for sharing more amazing illustrations by Mr. Mahn! His artwork captivates me!
    (((HUGS))) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  2. Even though I read the book almost 50 years ago, I remember the scene where the bread was carefully cut into thin slices so that everyone in the family got a fair share.

  3. I agree, a good activity for the weather you are having. The illustrations are well done. I like the soft character to some of them. Looks like charcoal drawings.

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