Posting A Pivotal Week, Part Two

23rd t0 30th April 2024

Having had a left eye cataract surgery 30 years ago, and still never needed specs for reading, it was quite a blow to learn that I would need reading glasses after my current right eye’s procedure; the new lens is naturally age appropriate. This means that I have to wait until the end of May for a suitable prescription. During this week I have become adjusted to the extra brightness and my right eye vision is very good, meaning that long sighted views are better than ever.

I can now watch TV without specs, although the clarity could be improved; what I can’t do is read or see a computer screen properly. With Jackie’s helpful expertise and a pair of her cheap stall-bought reading glasses we have improvised to the extent that I have managed to return to WordPress: the left lens has been removed and I can read with the right one.

We have therefore managed a few trips in the car, with The Assistant Photographer stepping into the breach:

on 27th April we visited St Leonard’s barn where she pictured a couple of cows accompanying our usual troop of ponies;

water buttercups peeping up from their now shallow pool;

donkeys and gulls sharing a spit on Beaulieu Pond;

and louring clouds over Hatchet Lane threatening the rain which was to follow us home.


  1. A lovely assortment of photos today! of course, you always have interesting photos. I especially like the horse photos.

    Your vision situation is one of the joys of age, eh? We get smart about how to get around these vicissitudes.

  2. It’s too bad you have to wait so long for your new glasses, but I’m glad you have a workaround. The Assistant Photographer has filled in admirably!

    1. It has to be a month post op for the next test. Thanks very much, Kim

  3. Well done to you both for finding a solution which enables you to return, Derrick. Hopefully it won’t be long before you have your new specs and have adjusted to all the changes.

  4. Wonderful news, even if you have to wait for your glasses.
    Lovely photos, too.
    I had never heard of water buttercups!

  5. Jackie did a wonderful job capturing the beautiful views, Derrick. You’ve got competition! I’m glad that you have improvised and can now use WP!

  6. Glad you got out and about! Continued prayers and bestest wishes for your eyes and your new soon to come glasses, Derrick! Keep taking good care of your eyes. Keep resting them and yourself.

    Thank you, Jackie, for the gorgeous photos! Love the donkeys sharing space with the gulls. 🙂
    (((HUGS))) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  7. I hope the long wait will be worth it, and Your new glasses will feel comfortable when they arrive.
    My compliments to the Assistant Photographer for excellent photos. I especially liked the cloudy last one.

  8. I am glad to hear things went well, and you are adapting to the changes, Derrick. Good to see you and Jackie taking trips out into the countryside again. Those are beautiful photos from Jackie. The donkeys, cows and ponies look like they are enjoying spring’s return.

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