Adjusting The Chimes

For one reason or another the patio has been somewhat neglected this year, until the las couple of weeks when Jackie has been able to tackle it. Today has been the hottest so far this year, but she stuck with the task while she could find some shade.

As a work in progress, her implements will be in evidence until the job is completed. Mind you, the next two days are predicted to be even hotter.

Plants are being potted up;

the green one in this image was a Christmas present from Flo, Dillon, and Ellie and has spent 7 months indoors until now.

Troughs have been cleared and refilled;

a collapsed wooden table top leans against the wall beside its pedestal made from a newel post which now holds a lantern that lights up at night, beneath more potted plants.

This trug will collect green refuse.

As she said herself, I made the mistake of letting the Head Gardener out to Otter Nurseries on her own. Among other items she returned with a tray of scented cyclamen.

While we enjoyed our pre-dinner drinks Jackie decided to adjust the broken wind chimes which she had restrung, hung from an old lantern hooked beneath the parasol, and supplemented with two shells. She realised that the wind-catching shell needed to be lowered to help the clapper do its work.

We then dined on pork spare ribs in chipotle sauce, and the Culinary Queen’s colourful vegetable rice, with which I drank more of the Tempranillo.


  1. Jackie continues to impress and amaze me. She can almost keep up with Martin in the outdoor work accomplished in the heat. Everything is looking very colorful.

  2. Especially love the patio photo with Jackie and her scented cyclamen 🙂 What a beautiful spot to have a late breakfast outdoors before the day heats up! I thought of Pauline when I read the title of your post. Do you still have the chimes she made? She was a wonderful lady and artist <3

    1. Yes we do still have Pauline’s light catcher. Before she died she had really liked a book I had featured. Although she seemed to have recovered well, I wanted to send it to her but didn’t want to wait for her birthday, so sent it early. She died soon after reading it. I was so pleased she got it in time X

  3. It looks very nice out there. Great work despite the heat. Hang in there for future hot days. We just got through a hot spell and are looking forward to some magically temperate midday highs. I might actually get a lot done outside. I do as Jackie does, and follow the shade for my garden work.

  4. I love trugs. We use them or everything in the garden from collecting clean rain water to filling with refuge, slop and compost. 🙂 Great job, Jackie. Don’t get overheated or sunburn.

    1. Thanks very much from each of us Chrissy. Jackie always seeks shade, even when just sitting

  5. A scented cyclamen? I shall have to look for one of those!

    The repaired wind chimes are lovely! We have a set on our porch too. The wind has been playing beautiful music in them.

    Stay cool! As it gets hotter in your area, it is cooling off in ours, as least that is what the forecast says. 🙂

    1. Thank you very much, Lavinia. Jackie always sniffs them until she finds one with scent

  6. Love the wind chimes!
    Jackie’s wonderful tender loving care is evident in the garden! 🙂
    Hope you both keep safe and cool! Our weather is finally cooling down.
    (((HUGS))) ❤️❤️

  7. Well done, Jackie! My patio is going to need a through going over once the weather is warm enough for us to sit outdoors in the early evenings 🙂

  8. Excellent job on the patio, Jackie. We’ve not had your heat. Yesterday was a hot day, perfect for drying laundry. Today, there have been a few showers with occasional sunshine.

  9. Don’t melt in that heat! God bless Jackie for getting out in it and fixing those wind chimes. I need her to come and fix the clapper on ours! Your pork spare ribs in chipotle sauce, and vegetable rice sounds like something I need to fix for our dinner tonight. Thanks for the menu idea!

  10. What a lovely work! Of course the Head Gardener cannot come empty handed from a nursery 🙂

    1. Yes. That must be why you’ve left it to your Mum and sister. Thanks very much, Sheree

  11. Jackie braving the heat is close to heroic if you ask me. I have a hard time staying even 20 minutes on the balcony now. It is just too hot these days

      1. I cannot compare but I daresay it seems very much stifling here. I am glad to be on holidays with my boys during this terrible heat wave

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