No Protection But Each Other

On an increasingly warm late morning we took Jessie for a forest drive and brunched at The Potting Shed at Hyde.

The heather-filled landscape off Holmsley Passage reminded our friend of her childhood home in Scotland.

Ponies crowded along the road outside Burley.

We tracked a veteran vehicle until entered The Elm Tree car park.

At South Gorley the usual donkeys played with the traffic.

Ponies on the green at North Gorley enjoyed no protection from marauding flies but themselves;

others found shade at Frogham Hill;

a further group forced traffic onto the green on our way back through North Gorley.

After another afternoon’s pleasant conversation we dined on tender roast lamb; crispy roast potatoes and Yorkshire pudding; crunchy carrots; firm cauliflower and Brussels sprouts with meaty gravy. I finished the merlot. Later we reminisced more.


  1. What a lovely day you shared. I’m guessing the lunch at the Potting Shed was more substantial than the one I shared.

  2. Warm weather, a forest drive, a lovely brunch, a heather-field landscape, ponies on the roadside, a wonderful dinner, a great merlot and pleasant conversation. That sounds like a most perfect day to me!

  3. Beautiful photos of the ponies. Thank you taking us along with you on your lovely forest drive and dinner sounds delicious.

  4. It sounds like a beautiful outing and good time reminiscing with Jessie followed by another 5 star dinner by Jackie.

    I loved seeing the ponies! It is the season of sleek shiny coats and unfortunately, flies.

  5. Very nice collection of photos. With your ponies running free range, do you have a problem of them wondering into people’s yards and gardens, etc.?

    1. Cattle grids keep them inside the National Park area; the people on the fringes have their own grids, but that doesn’t stop cattle, donkeys, and ponies reaching over fences and cropping shrubbery. Thanks very much, Dwight

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