Generally Gloomy

On the last two evenings before bed I watched the highlights of the third, then fourth days of the test match between England and Sri Lanka.

The generally gloomy overcast rainy day kept us indoors after a Tesco shopping trip during which the precipitation subsided temporarily to dreary drizzle. Later the slate grey canopy deprived us of a sight of the thunderous overhead aircraft departing from the Bournemouth air show’s final exhibitions.

Having begun reading a new book, I published

This evening we dined on stuffed crust pepperoni pizza and plentiful fresh salad with which I drank more of the Malbec.


  1. I’m sorry that you didn’t get to see the aircraft, Derrick, but there is something very nice about staying inside while the weather outside gets gloomy. A warm blanket and something hot to drink, perfect!

  2. Our youngest son took his Dad to third day of the Test. I stayed home and did some landscape painting while listening to Test Match Special. Is was a good day!

  3. Our youngest son took his Dad to the third day of the Test- while I stayed at home and listened on the radio ( I was finishing a landscape painting)

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